MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > Add it to the list of films you just cou...

Add it to the list of films you just could not make anymore.

Not as it is anyway. Could you imagine trying to make a pro male film now? You would have to have more women in the film, they would have to be not only in the fight club but also be very small and demure yet beating the crap out of huge men who really can fight.

You would not be able to have lines like "We are a generation of men raised by women" couldn't do it. There is so much in this film you would not be able to put in a film anymore.


Yeah. You'd definitely have to have women in the fight club, beating up all the guys.


"pro male"?


Men are shown as having legitimate grievances such as consumerism being unfulfilling. I know that wouldn't have sounded pro-male, before all this social justice warrior stuff.


Putting the grievances aside (which are by no means restricted to men).....

It has a mentally disturbed guy with a split personality falling in love with his own idealised image of himself who then convinces a load of guys that the solution is beating each other up. And then they wind up following this madman in a cockamamie plan for utopia.

Oh and it depicts him being so incapable of coping with a woman having a similar outlook and contempt for the lifestyles that are expected of them that he cannot bring himself to be intimate with her except if he adopts a crude, unreconstructed persona.

Last time I checked they were still making Expendables sequels. Those films are infinitely more "pro-male" than this film is.


Women buy something like 80% of consumer goods so it's probably more of a men's issue. But feminism is just a convenient excuse to shut things down. I don't think Expendables has any real thematic content other than maybe fight die and live bravely or something. Low budget for an action movie, high budget for military recruitment ad. They don't care about that.


Ah. Just a rambling moan about feminists then I see.


Don't be silly! Bashing toxic masculinity is all the rage now!

Uh, you do realize th his film is about toxic masculinity? Dont you?


It doesn't really matter how you interpret it. Look how feminist react to American Psycho trying to have it banned. It's sort of like public education policy. Anything that can be used as a weapon is a weapon. We can't trust people to get the right message. Particular lines like the one about men raised by women are enough to blame the movie for Elliot Rodger or something.


I don't see it that way. It is about men who have been pushed too far. If this were about women behaving the same way you would not call it "Toxic Femininity" it would be celebrated.


The fact that you think this film has a "pro male" message is laughable.

Did you even watch the film? Are you familiar with the book's author?




I agree with you to some extent. Feminists and leftists would definitely attack the film for being sexist. But I always viewed it more as a anti-consumerist type of film. It was a story that tried to destroy the idea of senseless materialism, as a means of personal fulfillment.

But I do think that the film industry needs to change and steer clear of this politically correct style of filmmaking. It's ruining cinema, and creating a lot of terrible and dull movies. Hopefully this is just a phase in cinema, and at some point in the future, directors will start producing cult classics again.


Yeah, it's definitely about consumerism. And it wouldn't be made today because the corporations own everything and don't want any criticism.




I do have to agree that this movie would probably not be made nowadays, though not necessarily for being too 'pro-male' or 'anti-woman', but rather for being too anti-consumerist and in general being too challenging and difficult to digest, thematically.

In other words, all the major reasons why this is such a great, powerful, and important film are the very reasons it wouldn't be made in today's climate.

Such a terrible shame.


I am all for equality.

"Your homework is to start a fight with a complete stranger"

Now, where are feminists DEMANDING men would start fights with WOMEN? Hmm? Women are as strong (or stronger than) as men, can do anythin men can do and better, and in high heels, need men like fish need bicycle, and gender is just a social construct.

So why can't they? Hmm? This movie DOES need more equality, go beat up those women in the club!!

See now why it's a "male movie"? Not because men are stupid and violent, but because you can't make a movie where men hit women's bloody faces against pavement so they get permanent brain damage and their faces are crushed and teeth fly out of their mouths.

So this movie is STILL misandristic on many levels, it's just a bit better at hiding it because of almost-all-male-cast (it even has the woman-ársekissing 'injected romance'!) and because there's a fight club without female members.

Imagine an EQUAL version of this movie, it would raise a MUCH bigger backlash and feminist outrage and roar than this movie ever did as it is.
