how can people say this worse than episode 1, or any of the disney movies?

this movie at least has a plot. it at least has an intriguing mystery. it at least has that cool space bomb scene and the final fights on geonosis. the movie still isnt good, yeah, but TPM did not have any of this. one line about sand does not make the movie automatically bad. 2 minutes of cheesy romance does not subtract from the rest of the film. nitpicking film nerds are the worst. the same fucks who 1/10 spiderman 3 for that one emo peter dance scene. and i feel like dumbass for defending this movie because it is mediocre at best, but it's way better than episodes 1, 8, 9.



To me this is freaking Casablanca compared to the crap Disney put out.


It runs circles around Episodes 7, 8, and 9.

Episodes 7 wasn't just a retread of Episode 4, it was a retread that had NOTHING to say and nothing memorable about it. Character motivations made no sense and they never bothered to explain why Han and Leia failed so miserably as parents that their foreign-looking son came out to be emo trash? At least with Anakin and Luke you saw how their upbringing and life decisions helped shape who they eventually became.

But anyway, I'm not going to go into the whole crappiness of the sequel trilogy because it's so awful that I could write all day about its awfulness.

Instead, I will agree with you about Episode 2 not being that bad. There are some really cool moments in the film, from the fight scene with Jango Fett on the space port, to the coliseum battle, to the fight with Count Dooku versus Anakin and Obi-Wan, there were some pretty cool moments throughout. The biggest problem was the story's disjointed pacing, but once it got moving it moved well and it was quite exciting. Also the Clone battle sequences in Episode 2 and Episode 3 were pretty visually spectacular. There were NONE of those kind of moments in the sequel trilogy with all its boring and garish CGI.


"foreign-looking son"

That made me lol.

I must admit, it's something I often notice in films, when the parents look nothing like their offspring. The Jurassic Park film with Jeff Goldblum's black daughter and the son in the film hereditary are prime examples of this.


Good call on the Jurassic Park 2 err! I like that film but when they had someone that dark playing his daughter with ZERO explanation, it just left me scratching my head for the rest of the film. It was like... "How? Just... how?!"

All of that could have easily been remedied by casting a mixed-race girl who at least looked black and Jewish. Then everyone's confusion would have been left stuffed and buried in the closet.


You'd have preferred it if in the actual movie he had specifically pointed her out as his adopted daughter?!!

For what purpose, to clarify it for YOU in the audience? I'm guessing we're meant to be able to assume that the other characters within the film were capable of working that out...


You'd have preferred it if in the actual movie he had specifically pointed her out as his adopted daughter?!!

Yeah.... because it leads to two questions:

1) Why?

2) And with whom?

He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would have kids based on his character from the first film, and he certainly didn't seem like the kind of guy who adopt an African kid out of the kindness of his heart. It was antithetical to his character's portrayal.


No the Force Awakens is rated higher than any of the prequels both by critics and by users. You are in the minority on that bud.


All I got to say about this movie is this. You either get the Pulp serials from back in the day or you don't. This wasn't made for modern audiences. This is a tribute to a bygone era. Grab a random comic, hear a random radio broadcast, tune in for adventure, see you next week! It's incredible. Was it too artsy, in its way, for Star Wars? Yeah. It was.


I think some of the fanboys are turned off by the romantic stuff. Which is admittedly horrible, all the romantic scenes are so cheesy that you want to laugh or throw stuff at the screen... yet I kind of like the idea of the doomed romance even as I snigger at the execution.

I'd rank this film as #2 in the prequels, all of which are flawed, but I hate "Phantom Menace" and not this cheesefest. I like the developing relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan, I like the creepy stillness of the scenes on Kamino, I like the chase through the Corsuscant high-rent district, the fight between Yoda and Dooku, etc., there's plenty to enjoy if you're willing to.

But I still think that Anakin used Jedi Mind Tricks to get Padme to fall in love with him. She spent 3/4 of the film being fully aware of his flaws and was quietly horrified by his actions on Tattooine... and 20 minutes later she loves him?


Because Dooku spills the beans to Obi-Wan, who follows up with absolutely nothing for 3 long years, and is completely blown away, along with all the other surviving Jedi in Episode III that Sidious is Palpatine and in full control of the Republic Senate, top to bottom.

All Obi-Wan had to do was tell the Jedi council what he had learned from Dooku and they would immediately investigate, and it was already super obvious when Palpatine used Syfo-Dias illegal Clone Trooper order for his own purposes at the start of the clone war.


Absolutely right


What people? Names.
