MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) Discussion > Why is Anakin growing up while Padmé is ...

Why is Anakin growing up while Padmé is not?

It puzzles me and certainly many others that the character of Anakin grew up, grew taller naturally while the character of Padmé did not. Padmé was already at least 5 years older than Anakin when they first met. In this film Padmé appears not much older than in the previous film. Either one must have taken any kind of magical drink. Did I oversee something?


It puzzles me and certainly many others that the character of Anakin grew up, grew taller naturally while the character of Padmé did not.

Why would she get taller? The Padme character was 14 in TPM, and in reality, nearly all girls have reached their adult height by that age. The Anakin character was only 9 years old in TPM, so obviously he wasn't at his adult height yet, not even close. Most boys reach their adult height (or very close to it) by the age of 16 or so.

In general, girls reach their adult height at an earlier age than boys do, due to typically going through puberty at an earlier age. For example, when I was in 8th grade (13 and 14 years old) I was 5' 2" tall, and my girlfriend (who was also in 8th grade, about 6 months younger than me) was 5' 1" tall, and quite busty (meaning she had already gone through puberty, as had most other girls in 8th grade). Today, I'm 6' 2", and she's still 5' 1". I reached my adult height when I was 16 or 17. She reached hers when she was about 12, which is very common for girls. By the age of 14, probably ~99% of girls have reached their adult height.


Dear Dummies,

For those of you who didn't study Star Wars Lore enough to actually find out, here's the math for you:

In episode I, Anakin was 9 years old, and Padme was 14. Episode II takes place 10 years later, meaning by that time, Anakin was 19, and Padme was 24. So by then, Anakin was [physically] an adult, while Padme had already been an adult for several years (I'm actually wondering if she even had a childhood, considering she was already in politics by the time she was 12). I would like to point out that there isn't much of a changeover in appearance for a most people when they pass from their teens into their 20s. This is especially true for young-looking people. The only things that change really, are hair and clothes fashions. Aging doesn't really become noticeable until they're in their late 30s/eary 40s. In Padme's case, she just got a tiny bit taller and had a more mature look about her, as well as a slightly lower voice. That's it.

She is technically 5 years older than Anakin. It made things awkward for them as kids. However, once he was 19, it was okay to pursue her as a love interest because he was old enough.

For those of you who are curious, in Episode III, Anakin was 22, and Padme was 27.


an annoyed fan that had to answer that dumb question twice now.


I'd say because the younger you are, the more you show the difference in years.

Ie, you change between 10 and 15 more than between 20 and 25


eh, it's Hollywood magic.

I personally always explain it wuth that she is a high born senator with all the moisturizers and plastic surgery in the word. While he is a lowly Jedi Padawan fighting all day, no time to take care of deaging and cosmetics.


Its because a different actor was used as Anakin in episode 2. Same person played Padme in the 3 prequels. How can you not of figured this out?


You’re wrong, 2 actresses played Padme in The Phantom Menace, Natalie Portman and Kiera Knightly. We literally see Padme talk to herself, she even tells herself “we are brave your highness”. You seriously need to pay better attention.


Nobody pays more attention than me. Natalie Portman was still in all 3 prequels, and Jake Lloyd was only in episode 1. That explains why Padme looked more of the same than Anakin did. You should have been able to figure this out


Wrong, Padme’s appearance changed multiple times in The Phantom Menace. She went from looking like Natalie Portman to looking like Kiera Knightly to looking like Natalie Portman to looking like Kiera Knightly then back to looking like Natalie Portman.


keira was the decoy padme...she wasnt the real Padme


She had to be the real Padme, she was referred to ask "Queen Amidala" and Padme is Queen Amidala.


it was all pretend though. there is only one Padme.


The movie begs to differ but I respect your opinion.


That’s the whole point of being a decoy…


Who is to say people from Naboo have the same lifespans and age the same rate as people from Tatooine
