How hyped was this when it came out?

Was it like the Freddy Vs. Jason of its day?


Freddy vs. Jason has grossed $82.6 million in the USA, while this movie has grossed only $15.1 million. It clearly seems that they didn't really care.


Hmm, I see. I was under the impression that people had really anticipated this movie when it first came out (and were subsequently disappointed). But then again, that's kind of what the outcome of Freddy vs. Jason was (even though it was a financial success), and if that had already happened with this movie, then maybe the fans shouldn't have have had such high hopes in Freddy vs. Jason, I guess.

Halloween H20 grossed $55 million, so it seems that one was the truly hyped movie of the two.


Not very. People had lost most interest in the franchise as 4 and 5 sucked and then it turned out this one was even worse than those.


Good point. Halloween was off the radar by 1995.




4 didn’t suck though as I think it did fairly well in theaters and is still liked by many..? I think it’s a very average Halloween sequel - really didn’t add much to the series .. oh and that mask was god awful

Halloween 5 was dogshit though


4 didn’t suck though as I think it did fairly well in theaters and is still liked by many..? I think it’s a very average Halloween sequel - really didn’t add much to the series .. oh and that mask was god awful

Halloween 5 was dogshit though

4 was something of a flop as despite the return of Michael it barely did better than Halloween 3, which was considered a flop some 6 years earlier. And yes, the mask was indeed horrible.


It was way more hyped on Pay Per View moreso than the theaters.


How come? Because of the Producer's Cut or something?
