MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Should I watch this show from beginning ...

Should I watch this show from beginning to end?

Or just random episodes fine?


I would recommend watching from start to finish.


Depends. Season 1 is pretty weak humor wise, and the show doesnt hit its stride until season 2. Seasons 2-6 are the best. Id only do it if you have never seen the whole thing, otherwise just watch random episodes.


2-4 for me


I agree somewhat, 6 has some classic episodes though.


Those are the best years, yes.


The Chandler/Joey dynamic was the show’s ace card, once they abandoned it for a relationship plot which started as a one-off gag (but was egged on by ‘shippers’) it was playing with a weaker, but still impressive, hand.


I think seasons 1-5 were the best. After 5, the show started to lose some of its quality.


Yes, I think I'd probably go with 2 - 6.


Definitely from the start. In fact I personally think season one is the best, my personal favoured is S01E18 "The One with All the Poker".

All in all the first 3 seasons are all pretty solid. From season 4 it became more of a drama, I think you have to be invested in the characters to enjoy them.


Interesting choice. I love poker but I didn't think that episode was that great.


It wasn't about poker. Season one is all about the love story of Rachael and Ross, that one I felt was the most interesting one.


That's true, I guess that's another reason why I don't care for season one, its too focused on the Rachel and Ross love story, and not so much on the humor.


Yes, the season one was more "rom" than "com".


There are multiple overlapping story arcs, so if you watch randomly, you'll miss some jokes and you'll be puzzled by some things that happen. As a general rule I'd advise watching in order.


For me, there's only 2 episodes even worth going out of your way to watch: The 1st one is where Ross is pissed off someone keeps eating his sandwich at work and the 2nd is when Ross goes to one of those spray on tan places and clearly over does it.. LOL!! SEINFELD is better


Ross in the spray booth is still one of the funniest things I've seen on TV!


Start to finish.
