MovieChat Forums > Falling Down (1993) Discussion > Don't understand why everyone tries to j...

Don't understand why everyone tries to justify D-Fens as a good guy. He is a part of the sick society

Sure he wasn't trying to be deliberately evil, but everyone is treating him as some hero who's in the right, yet he does petty things even before the peak of his breakdown such as smashing the store simply because he couldn't get change for a phone call, picking up weapons and objects that aren't his property, and shot that guy in the leg when he was already injured. One of the people he was complaining about being "sick" was himself. He was just as bad, if not even worse than all the people of the sick society who were annoying him, and he doesn't seem to be able to comprehend that. I'm not sure why so many sympathize with someone who expects to get a free pass at being respected when he barely able to show much respect for others.


I think it's more a statement on how it is difficult to keep one's sanity in an insane world.


But that was the problem. Foster was the only one who was actually insane. Society was just annoying and irritating at best. Even most people under a lot of pressure from society, like Robert Duvall for example, would not pull out a gun just because you want breakfast instead of lunch, and not take out their anger over wrecking a bunch of crap in a store simply because a manager won't give you a lower price (especially because you want to tell your ex-wife you want to see her), which he is well within his right to do. Foster just thinks that others have fewer rights than he believes he himself deserves.


It's all part of the human condition. So is judging others. Most that watch the movie can understand that I think. I disagree that he was the only crazy one however. The world was crazy to him in the film, and it is to me also. I have no intentions on repeating his actions but I can understand them. The world has moved so far from God- what else can we expect?


Because he's anti woke and doesn't take any shit. He's the hero we need.


It's not that he is a hero. It's just all of us occasionally want to start shooting assholes.


It seems a lot of people (maybe myself included, the first time I watched it 30 yrs ago) completely miss that the story establishes him as an unstable nut job right off the bat. He's stuck in a traffic jam and his reaction is to literally abandon his own car and walk across Los Angeles. A normal healthy person would never do that. Hundreds of people were stuck in the same jam right there along with him, but he was the only one who flipped out and lost his shit over it. HE was the fragile one. HE was the one who couldn't take it. And then toward the end of the movie, they reveal that he's always been unstable and had anger issues, in the old video tapes of him with his family. It wasn't losing his family that turned him into a nut... he lost them BECAUSE he was a nut.

It was never meant to be a story about a hero. It was meant to be a story about an angry little psycho who couldn't cope with the world around him.


I think the scene on the golf course is laugh out loud funny. "Now you're going to die wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?"🤣


I loved the movie and have it on DVD.. The Golf Course scene was classic
