MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) Discussion > Its so weird that I initially hated the ...

Its so weird that I initially hated the ferengi characters!

Having only watched Voyager and a bit of TNG, I never saw DS9 and decided to check it out on Netflix. I remember avoiding it since it seemed bland and I found quark and Rom to be annoying. Now, here I am in season 6 and those two plus Nog are my favorites.


They were never my favourite characters but they fit well in the overall ensemble.


The Ferengi episodes are some of my favorites.

In TNG the Ferengi were one note baddies, crude and greedy. It wasn't until DS9 that they were fleshed out. Quark and Nog had a great relationship as brothers. Little Green Men is a classic.


The Ferengi were intended to be major bad guys on TNG but they had an unexpected side effect. Test audiences kept laughing at them so the producers decided to go with it.

BTW: Have to admit one of my favorite episodes was House of Quark.


Rodenberry wanted them as the main badguys in TNG, and they supposed to gave huge genitalia.


Quark was my fave from DS9 (until Worf strolled in). Quark was like a jaded alien Bogart in the Star Trek Universe!

Along with Worf I'd love to see a Quark spin-off!


Just been rewatching DS9 on the BBC America channel. Without a doubt, Quark had some of best lines on that show. I saw "The House of Quark" last night.
I love whenever he cites one of the rules of acquisition.


Quark, and Klingons, what's not to love! :)


One of the finest(and funniest) of the Ferengi episodes in my estimation is "Little Green Men."

And Worf in "Take Me Out to the Holosuite", didn't he yell, "Kill the batter!"?? lol

Even funnier is "Trials and Tribble-ations" when Odo needles Worf about the human looking Klingons on the space station. Worf is clearly embarrassed and mutters something about it being a "failed experiment."


House of Quark was one of my favorites


I'm glad you now understand the superiority of this series.


I was similar for me. When the show originally aired I gave up on it pretty quick, because I found the characters boring, and there was way too much of Quark. But watching it on Netflix I realize that Quark is probably the most interesting character, and I really don’t mind that they shoehorn him into everything.


Years ago the Ferengi as a main character was the toughest reason for me to get into DS9, it was too different from TNG's ensemble. That all changed over time and on top of that, the Ferengi episodes, which I also considered the most annoying back then, are actually some of the best episodes on the show.

Today and for many years now, Deep Space Nine is my favorite of all the Star Trek's, as it contains a bit of every bit of Star Trek ever produced, and has an amazing storyline that starts in the very first episode and goes all the way to the final episode.
