MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Was Kim Basinger somewhat miscast as Vic...

Was Kim Basinger somewhat miscast as Vicki Vale?

Basinger seemed a bit too prim, overwrought, hyper-sensitive and high maintenance to be credible as an ambitious, gung ho, war zone photo-journalist. Plus, to no fault of her own, Kim Basinger with her blonde hair and blue eyes looks more like Silver St. Cloud than the traditionally redheaded Vicki Vale.

I’ve heard the argument that had Sean Young actually played Vicki Vale instead of Kim Basinger, Vicki would’ve had more of a presence. Kim Basinger actually made a greater impression (in a good way) in the movies that she did prior to “Batman” like “Nadine” and “Blind Date”. Like maybe Sean’s interpretation of Vicki Vale wouldn’t have been so decidedly wimpy, mousy and hysterical. And maybe Sean’s Vicki would’ve figured her way into the Batcave instead of being literally escorted in by Alfred.


I can see the argument. Maybe she is being judged unfairly for her model looks, but Kim did come off a little too damsel-in-distress-y. Could also have been the director's fault.


I think that I addressed elsewhere that Amy Yasbeck could've made a decent Vicki Vale in an alternate universe:


I could see that. She was great in Wings.


I always thought that if Kim Basinger's Vicki Vale were a real person, she would be like Deborah Norville, who hosts Inside Edition. I kind of consider Deborah Norville to be the Kim Basinger of news journalism (i.e. from Georgia, ravishingly beautiful and stylish, full lips, blonde hair, striking blue eyes, etc.) anyway.


Amy Yasbek also would prove her mettle at playing a hard nosed reporter in a comic book movie in The Mask with Jim Carrey.


I’ve noticed that in two of Kim’s most recent movies, “The Nice Guys” and “Fifty Shades Darker”, she’s in effect, playing villainous parts. Kim Basinger to the best of my knowledge, has played villainous or “not-so innocent” roles before such as “The Natural”, “Final Analysis”, and “Cool World”.

But Kim Basinger if you ask me isn’t the type of actress who should be playing villain-roles (or could be convincing in it). Kim doesn’t have the swagger, charisma, presence, or edge in her acting style to make it work. Kim is better suited at playing women for whom you want to emphasize with and protect or women for whom you desire (not somebody whom you should be repulsed at). It’s also a bit damning that in the more recent stages in her career, the best that she can do is portray not so morally upstanding people.


If you look at some of Kim Basinger's movies prior to Batman like No Mercy, she often behaves in that shrieky, over-wrought, hysterical manner during a highly intense (or to her perspective, unexpected and/or dangerous) scene or situation. So it can't just be on Tim Burton.


Too sexy to be miscast


I recently read a comment that said that Kim Basinger during her heyday (at least beginning with The Natural in 1984), was the first actress that you called when you needed a woman who could play the soft variation on the femme fatale. I don't know if this applies to her role as Vicki Vale, but Kim at the time was blonde, extremely beautiful, just over 30, and willing to take her clothes off for the right role. She was more importantly, capable of conveying both intelligence and vulnerability.

Jessica Lange was the primary actress who best filled that quotient for Hollywood before Kim Basinger and Sharon Stone followed her. Stone was in return, followed by Gwyneth Paltrow and it continues today with Margot Robbie. Basically, Kim was the perfect actress whenever Hollywood needed a blonde woman who is no longer an ingenue, but is too sexy to be driving carpool. Generally speaking, that character acts as a catalyst in another person’s journey (such as Bruce Wayne's in Batman), but they have enough lines to get second billing and their face on the poster. Lana Turner was arguably the first notable actress to fill such a need in movies.


And maybe Sean’s Vicki would’ve figured her way into the Batcave instead of being literally escorted in by Alfred.

That's just the script, doesn't have anything to do with the casting.

As good as Pfeiffer was, she would have been interesting as Catwoman was, which she of course famously lobbied for and went a bit too far.


The big problem with Kim's Vicki Vale was that she had no time to prepare. She was literally hired the night before shooting to replace Sean Young who had been injured.


While I was reading elsewhere, I stumbled upon this thread concerning Kim Basinger and her skills as an actress:


The thing with Kim Basinger is that she pretty much has a decidedly dainty, sometimes placid acting style. I said elsewhere that Liv Tyler is another actress that I'm immediately aware of that arguably specializes in that style of acting. Being dainty and easily startled by her surroundings somehow clashes with who we're told Vicki was (a 3rd world, warzone photojournalist) right at the start. You can legitimately make a drinking game over the amount of times that Kim Basinger screams or gasps in this movie. I get that Vicki Vale is supposed to be a stand-in for the audience, but I sometimes wish that Tim Burton would've reigned Kim in so that her acting wouldn't cross into self-parody.


Kim Basinger would have been perfect as Silver St Cloud, although I don't think she was terrible as Vicki Vale.

Still, I could see her more as a socialite/old friend of Bruce than the intrepid photo-journalist she was meant to be portraying in this film.


For those who don't believe me when I say that Kim Basinger more closely resembles Silver St. Cloud:,h_1112,q_70,strp/silver_st__cloud__earth_27__commission_by_phil_cho_d9tk2td-pre.jpg


Search the limited comic-book series, Batman: The Widening Gyre; mid to late 80s Kim Basinger is a dead-ringer for Silver St. Cloud in those panels:


I for the longest time felt that Rebecca Romijn could've made a good Vicki Vale (if they were going to continue with the hybrid of Vicki and Silver St. Cloud that Kim Basigner seemed to play) had say, Batman been made roughly 15-20 years later. Rebecca of course, involved herself with the superhero genre with X-Men and the 2004 Punisher movie.

This green, wrap dress looks kind of similar to the one that Kim Basinger wore in the museum scene:


Rebecca Romijn looks a lot like Basinger especially circa late 80s, but I'd have been more inclined to have cast her as an Amazonian in a Wonder Woman film, or as Lex Luthor's henchwoman, Mercy Graves, due to her height and physicality.

But you're right, that dress really does look like the one Kim Basinger wore in the Flugelheim Gallery sequence in Batman.


Likewise, I was always curious how Will Arnett would've fared as Batman...(in live-action of course, not in animated movies about Legos)? Arnett admittedly does have kind of a Michael Keaton-esque vibe to his look and acting style.


Rebecca Romijn also did this show for The WB called Pepper Dennis, in which she played a TV journalist. So it isn't like playing a reporter wasn't out of her wheel house.

Somebody else on Superhero Hype Forums even suggested Rebecca Romijn as Vicki Vale in a hypothetical Batman 1989 remake:


Nah, She was too cute to be miscasted! :)


And too much of a sexy body.


Basinger wasn't so much miscast as the role as written is not Vicki Vale.


One thing that bugged me about Basigner's performance is her introductory scene with Robert Wuhl. More specifically, the part where Vicki tells Knox that with her photos and his writing it could become "Pulitzer Prize-winning material". The problem is that Basigner often speaks in this breathy, timid, mousy tone of voice (like she's a child whispering a secret or trying to act like Marilyn Monroe). My point is that to me, it comes across as inauthentic and/or overly sincere. Or it's as if Basinger's approach to the material is inappropriate (another example is when she wakes up in her bed after Batman steals her film and she talks to Knox on the phone in this awkward, pseudo sultry tone of voice).


This is another thing that I don't entirely understand about the way that Vicki Vale was written, she doesn't seem to have much self-resolve or self-reliance. I mean, she presumably goes to Gotham with the where-withal that it was a complete and utter shit hole. I mean what did Vicki mean when she told Knox that she's in Gotham to see some of the "wild out there"? Since she previously worked in combat zones in a sovereign land like Corto Maltese, she would have a reasonable degree of toughness and fearlessness. Vicki Vale is after-all for all intents and purposes, the Lois Lane of the Batman mythos. And yet here, she shrieks and screams at the drop of the dime at the sight of some creepy dude in evil clown make-up and a purple zoot-suit.


I think Basinger would have been better suited to 'Silver St. Cloud', the socialite party-organiser, than 'Vicki Vale', the intrepid war-zone breaching photojournalist. She could have been the one who organises the charity benefit at Wayne Manor, although the problem would then be connecting her to Alexander Knox.


I've addressed this before, but Kim Basinger is an actress who sometimes comes across as unintentionally creepy. I don't know how to properly or fully explain it. I've alluded towards prior that I suspect that she is in real life, autistic, which could shed some light on her on-screen persona having an innocent child-like deposition to it. And before you act, no, I'm not implying that being autistic can make you come across as a "creepy" individual.

It's just that I sometimes don't know if I'm watching Kim Basinger the real life person and not an actress truly ingrained in her character, if that makes sense. Kim did say that being cast in Batman after Sean Young had to pull out was like Dorothy finding herself in Oz. So it kind of goes hand in hand with her feeling like an outsider looking in both in real life and on screen.

My point in regards to Kim Basinger, is that at least in Batman, there are some occurrences where the way that she delivers her lines feels weird and not entirely appropriate. I don't know if it's her Georgia accent that she's trying to tone down or the tenor of her voice, but there's the scene in which Vicki's voice is heard over Bruce's message machine (when she calls about meeting him at the museum). Kim puts on this high pitched, shy little girl voice (I know that Vicki is supposed to sound worried but still) during the scene. She does it again in the scene where she's distracting Joker by coming on to him when she notices that Batman is nearby.

And then there's the scene, which I talked about earlier where Vicki is in her bed after Batman takes the film from her in the Batcave. Kim Basinger while talking to Robert Wuhl's character suddenly puts on this breathless, almost seductive like voice when she says that the story that she's sitting on is "real hot".


Vicki Vale is after-all for all intents and purposes, the Lois Lane of the Batman mythos. And yet here, she shrieks and screams at the drop of the dime at the sight of some creepy dude in evil clown make-up and a purple zoot-suit.

You missed that The Joker is an axe-crazy murderer? Yes, it is true that Vicky doesn't get to do much more than being a screaming damsel in distress. Then again, who wouldn't be if The Joker was around you killing people off in droves?


