MovieChat Forums > Quantum Leap (1989) Discussion > Did Sam ever 'leap' into people located ...

Did Sam ever 'leap' into people located in other countries?

Was this ever addressed?


Not that I remember.


In The Leap Home Part 2, he leaped into his one of his brother's colleagues in Vietnam during the war.




Still an American, though.


Awe, I totally forgot about that! So I started to go through the episode listings via IMDB, and found another one:

Blood Moon - March 10, 1975

... takes place outside of London, England.


There is the really odd episode where he leaps into a monkey.


I just watched "Blood Moon", one of my favorites Al tells Sam that he's leaped out of the country and Sam says, "I know".


So he leaps into Americans and monkeys. Fair enough.


There were a few episodes.

In Blood Moon, he leaped into "just outside of London, England".

In The Curse of Ptah-Hotep, he leaped into an archaeological dig in Egypt.


I'm sure they were digging him, then.


There was also The Leaping Of The Shrew.

Where Sam leaped into somebody stuck on a Desert Island with Brooke Shields. Though the island was never named, IMDB lists it as; "This episode takes place in the Central Aegean Sea on September 27, 1956 and on an uncharted island from September 28 to September 29, 1956."

And also; "Sam leaps into the body of Nikos Stahatos, a Greek sailor working aboard a luxury yacht. Sam finds himself in the Mediteranean with one of the passengers, Vanessa Foster, just as the ship explodes."

So, it seems, that though it's not specific exactly where he is in that episode, he's not in the USA. And apparently, wasn't an American citizen either.


Probably not canon, but if you count the novels he leaps into Berlin, Germany in The Wall, and Loch Ness in Loch Ness Leap.

It's been some years since I read them, but I'm fairly sure he was an American abroad in Loch Ness Leap. Not sure about The Wall. He leaped into a six year old girl, who from memory was daughter of an American living there. But as it's been some decades since I read it, so my memory maybe failing me there.


Rescue those young women who have lived through years of war! And absolutely abandoned y the Australian government. They deserve the chance to turn their lives around.


I wondered this myself! All I could think of is when he went to Vietnam in an episode. He was there to rescue his brother. I guess it just works in a way that transports him into places closer to where he lived.


For the sake of the show I am guessing this was to keep the dialogue in English. If he leapt into a French person would he know French?


I assume Al would have to translate for him and tell him what to say...

I do recall some episodes where this happened, when he was part of an Italian family and also when he was a Rabbi who had to speak in Hebrew for some scenes.


If you knew the answer why did you post the question?


That was not the question I asked.... I asked if he ever leaped outside the US.


I stand corrected. My apology is extended.


It's also worth pointing out that, while the show was diverse in culture, the production company didn't have a blank check with which to produce the episodes, so I imagine that's why we didn't see too many episodes taking place abroad. It was a very popular show back in the day, but they were by no means #1 (for long if at all, iirc)... So cost was likely the biggest factor in keeping the show US-oriented.
