MovieChat Forums > Die Hard (1988) Discussion > They Dont Make Em Like This No More

They Dont Make Em Like This No More

This movie kicks fucking ass!!! Wish new movies were even half as cool, sad state of modern cinema we live in :(


Agree 100%. The only thing I can think of that has come close in the last 10 years is John Wick.


John Wick is dumb action porn. Die Hard is a perfectly crafted thriller with brief but incredible action scenes.


But what else is there?


Nothing. The OP is right.


White House Down


You must be joking. If it were any good then there would have been sequels, but is there?


That's a terrible way to determine if something is good. Plenty of cult classics never get a sequel, despite being great, while utter dross mainstream slop gets sequel after sequel upon remake and reboot.


Personal views are more subjective, but hard facts are not.


Hey now! Die Hard 2 and Die Hard with a Vengeance were pretty good.


I wonder if Bruce Willis even remembers this movie though?


I remember Peter Falk's wife saying that in his last years he had no idea who Columbo was. Sad to think that such a huge part of his life over so many years was just...gone.


Wow. That's sad. I hadn't heard that.


Also heard one about Ronald Reagan. They were at some sort of White House event near the end of his days and they briefly left the former President by himself in a room that had a fish tank located in it. When his wife Nancy walked back into the room, his suit sleeve/arm was soaking wet and he was holding something. She opened his hand and he had a fish tank ornament that was of the White House...he said something to the effect of "I know this is important to my life but I don't know why." Man, what a terrible disease. Couldn't even remember he was President. Unreal.


If this wasn't Regan(Who gave us Iran Contra, the militarization of our police forces, arming The Afghan Mujahadeen, and all the repugnant crud Gary Webb, Bob Perry, and many more of our most intrepid journalists exposed), such a fate would be sad. When one weighs up the evidence in it's totality though, The US and the world may have been better off, had RR been rendered invalid by time his second bid for President


Can't disagree with your assessment on Reagan. I was just referring to the disease that Bruce Willis also has. Had nothing to do with Reagan as a President, where I agree he was awful. I was just sharing an anecdote about the disease.


I feel your pain. Did a search for action movies I’d recommend from the last ten years that didn’t have super high vote counts. Not saying any of them is similar to Die Hard. They just might scratch an itch:

Dragged Across Concrete (2018)
Turbo Kid (2015)
Seobok (2021)
Why Don’t You Play in Hell (2013)
The Night Comes for Us (2018)
American Ultra (2015)
Plane (2023)
Filth (2013)
Extreme Job (2019)
Kill Zone 2 (2015) - the original from 2005 was good too


This movie was great. I gave it 10 stars, and I consider it the second best movie of the 80s, just after Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Its plot is okay but the dialogue is fantastic.
Bruce Willis's best movie. Same for Alan Rickman.
Just like most franchises' owners that didn't know what was special about the first movie, the DH producers kept remaking the same scenario but bigger.
- Die Hard 2 (in an airport)
- DH3 (in a city)
A Good Day to Die Hard was set mostly in the biggest country in the world.
Ironically, one of the clones of DH outside of the official series, Speed, was almost as good as DH1. It showed how a good movie with a brilliant script can outdo the DH sequels.


"kept remaking the same scenario but bigger."

Thats exactly what a sequel is supposed to do isnt it?

if its not that what should they have done? ( owners that didn't know what was special)
What *was* special ?
what did they forget in the sequels ?

I've watched all 5 this week , and each time gone to the moviechat page afterwards to see what people are talking about ,
and with 4 & 5 there is zero chat about the content of the movie , just at best endless amatuer movie critic waddling about what was wrong , at worst just a load of "worst movie ever" threrads

and ive noticed , when the detractors are pushed on questions like "what would you have done" they always say , and applies to any movie , esprcially StarWars:

they say
"I would have done good writing and good characters"

which is no kind of answer and basically the same as saying "I would have done it good"

/rant .
sorry rant over

It wasnt aimed at you luffy , i was just replying to all die hard "series declines" threads in general

I think the series suffers from the same thing as Star Wars - "Nothing could ever live up to the first ones"


Hi, sorry for the late reply. I too would say the same, of course. I think that film producers hate writers. Bad ones too, but especially the good and the best ones. We are going through another cycle where the studios try to gain more control of the creative process in cinema, with predictable results critically and commercially.

I am not going to write a good Die Hard scenario to you for free or even for minimum wage. Those guys who said that cliche answer to you? I am at least as sound of mind as them.

Like I said, with more and more film executives popping up per movie/series, the Die Hard sequels just had to, had to be mediocre. They were collateral damage. I know you haven't told me how much you enjoyed these DH sequels. Still you rewatched them. You seem to enjoy them. That's okay.

Just like it happened with Westerns and the Peplum movies in the late 50s, the powers that be are at the end of their very short tether. The question is, will they draft in a new Coppola, a new James Cameron? Will they, on the other hand, put a Ron Howard or J.J. Abrams in charge? Will they make the movies more carelessly, with more control, with as little creativity as possible? Those questions were rhetorical. I would not ask more of you, since I refused to answer your question.


I do agree that producers can be jerks. I don't agree that Die Hard 2 and 3 are mediocre. I like them a lot. I can tell from your post that you hate Superhero movies being a popular thing. Frankly your comment makes me think of someone involved with the new Fantastic Four reboot saying that they want Silver Surfer to be sex changed. Just typical of today's modern world.


I can tell from your post that you hate Superhero movies

He does ?
Now theres a guy who knows his onions! got his shit together! knows where his towel is!"


I assumed that cause he was going on about how Hollywood sucks now and usually people who do that usually hate superhero movies. In regards to tha I have to point somehing out. Big Blockbusters have always have done better at the box office than dramas. For instance, Terminator 2 made way more money at the box office than JFK, Silence of the lambs, and Bugsy. Jurassic Park made way more money at the box office than Schindler's List. And Men in Black which was a comic adaptation made more at the box office than As Good as it gets, Good Will Hunting, and L.A Confidential. And no I don't hate these dramas. I'm just pointing out facts.

And yeah. Superhero films haven't done well financially recently but I think that has more to do with people just not wanting to spend money at the movie theater these days. And I haven't wanted to go to the movies often myself due to my local theater only giving discounts on shows up to 3pm (I get off work between 3;30pm and 4:30pm depending on the day). But my point is to people hating on Superhero movies is that dramas have often not done as well as action movies.


As I see it theres two , no three , current schools of thought

1) those who think Sup Heroes are crap and hollywood is wasting a large proportion of its efforts on shit.

2) The anti woke warriors , who have just written off the entire movie industry as so called woke , and claim they wont even watch new movies because women and black people in them.

3) The general "things arnt as good as thay used to be" nostalgia crowd , a sub section of which is the militant star wars fans

I personally enjoy current movies but as a firm member of #1) , I ignore any and all marvel etc output.


Why do you hate Marvel comics so much?


not marvel - all superheores

I dunno , its a realisation I came to about 20 years ago after continually falling asleep trying to watch Spiderman 2 .

Men in tights with increasingly stupid "powers" fighting cartoony bad guys - I just cant take it seriously ,as it were .
I used to enjoy superman when i was a kid , but even then I was thinking "He's struggling a bit lifting that school bus back onto the bridge - and he's gonna have to put the whole of California on his shoulders soon" .
in fact Now I'm thinking where did he find a recovery point on California strong enough to lift it up by ? :D
The superpowers unbalance all strenght / weaknesses and make anything possible - takes the edge out.

watching a load of heroes with superpowers fighting is like watching a load of people play Quake/Doom with the cheat modes on .

I did watch a few of the comedy ones though
Mystery men, the Will Smith one , kickass , .
and "the boys"


To each their own. I like Superhero movies though Spider-Man 2 is not a favorite of mine either. Prefer the first one.


I don't think all Superhero movies are crap. I think most of them are. It's not a tradition of mine, I just react to them that way if I watch them. I also don't like freaking dramas. I just love extremely well made movies, because I like when they are seamless. The more seamless they are and the more emotional they make me, the more I can sense that a lot of talent has gone into it.

I think that Hollywood's genre movies are very much unlike anything else commercial. So I will spare you both the tired examples such as comparing Superhero movies to burgers and Schindler's List, Silence of the Lambs etc to gourmet food.

The beauty of cinema is that any movie for sale to the common public can be good or bad art. For the same price (theoretically).

It is a child's play to compare Schindler's List's box office to that of Jurassic Park. What one ought to do is to compare Terminator 2 to... freaking Superhero movies!

Because the big budget movies are now Superhero movies, and they have evolved from other genres, it makes sense to compare them to past classics.

By the way, I do think that Terminator 2 is slightly better than Silence of the Lambs. And a little less good than Jaws. And much better than the 2nd and 3rd Avengers movies. Also much better than Man of Steel. I have no agenda. I am just expressing my way of viewing them and cataloguing them in my mind. I don't dismiss entire genres whole cloth.


Terminator 2
Silence of the Lambs
.. crappy comic books movies at bottom of pile

Same order I'd have picked 😉🤣


Well thanks I suppose. See you.


Bob Odenkirk in Nobody…..mixes the humor in, lotta violence but also tongue in cheek.
Definitely see it!
And no he doesn’t look like an action hero but that’s part of the enjoyment.


We are talking about not just actions but something with a grand elaborate plan, something even after watching you still marvel at the genius of the villain, how interestingly his plan was foiled by someone far less sophisticated.

Nobody was just really really really dumb in comparison. Even John Wick was much better.


I've hated every action movie I've seen since I was like 12, everyone goes crazy for John Wick and Fast & Furious but I can't watch them for more than 5 minutes, they're so goddamn stupid and boring. I figured I just didn't like action movies and stopped watching them.

Then I watched Die Hard. The movie has been so memed to death, and most 80s movies I've seen have aged poorly, so I went in expecting it to be awful. The fact that I came in with such a negative mindset and still came out loving every second of it is a testament to how brilliant it is.
