MovieChat Forums > The Lost Boys (1987) Discussion > Beefcake on the saxophone

Beefcake on the saxophone

I laughed out loud


I just finished watching it again, and always chuckle at that part. Homeboy is way too into his saxophone. Ahhh, the 80s- the only decade where You COULD be a rock star by playing some killer sax.

--This is me now!--


Just rewatched it today, i laughed out loud at the sax player too! dont you guys think he looks like shawn michaels at first glance lol anyway are we, the 15-35 years old of 2015, gonna look that cheesy in the eyes of the ppl in 2045? This guy is hard to top lol


Yes! That's who he reminded me of, I just couldn't put a name to it. Definitely Shawn Michaels, lol! Half expecting him to pull out some Sweet Chin Music after that blazing saxophone solo.

--This is me now!--




lol, too good.

--This is me now!--


Nah - Beefcake was over-the-top and hilarious back when I first saw this movie in the 80s. The whole theater laughed when he popped on screen.


He was the sax player for a few years for Tina Turner in the 80s. Look up a few of her music vids from then. Fun to watch!


yes. tina banged him!! that is why she chose this alpha sax man to tour with her.


Its funny but it helps set the tone from where they moved. Also, Schumacher is openly gay, no offense but im sure that played into it


That's true. I actually quite liked the song! Got that upbeat 80s cheese factor to it. It's not often you see greased up musicians who look like mr universe contestants, was ridiculous and awesome at the same time haha. Really nailed the movie's tone.

How many a$$holes we got on this ship, anyhow?!


The sax beefcake was not only built like a steroid freak but he had quite a righteous mullet! No wonder Schumacher included him in the movie.

"I still believe!"


The sax beefcake was not only built like a steroid freak but he had quite a righteous mullet!

How many a$$holes we got on this ship, anyhow?!


I think it was awesome! They just moved to this new, "Progressive" beach town from Phoenix (Generally known as Conservative) and its a cool way to introduce the city. Sure, its ultimate 80s cheese lol... No doubt but I get why its in the film. Helps lead to the chase with Star and all that. Its fun!


They just moved to this new, "Progressive" beach town from Phoenix (Generally known as Conservative) and its a cool way to introduce the city

Good point, kmags.

How many a$$holes we got on this ship, anyhow?!


"I Still Believe" is actually done originally by The Call. It's a much better version than Conan the Sax Player's.




I read that it was originally a Christian Rock song


As the sax beefcake would say: do you still believe?


*beep* the Cappello version is far better than the original


his real name is Tim Cappello and he is an American multi-instrumentalist, composer and vocalist. He is primarily known for his saxophone work supporting Tina Turner in the 1980s and 90s

he also did tours with performers such as musician Eric Carmen and comedian Billy Crystal.

He played saxophone for Peter Gabriel on his albums Peter Gabriel 1 and Peter Gabriel 2

he also toured with carly simon he is actually a very good performer has a pretty good voice as well


I always called him the Mad Maxophonist because he looked to me like he belonged in Beyond Thunderdome. I was amused to find out later that he actually worked with Tina Turner and played saxophone (and keyboards, I think) on "We Don't Need Another Hero" and "Only the Living" (from the Beyond Thunderdome soundtrack). He was also in the videos for both songs, as well. Maybe it was a case of my subconscious mind making the connection, who knows. ~~cue mysterious music~~ 👻


Ultimate plot twist would be the Sexy Sax-Man showing up after Max is killed and announcing 'the opening act is over'.


If you guys dig the Sexy Sax Man.....check out this cover tribute made by Cultural Compulsive Disorder, to that famous scene.....It MAY include a Sexy Sax Man of its own.....


I bet director Joel Schumacher is still in love with the Sax Beef!


He was so oiled up it was ridiculous. Imagine trying to catch him - he’d slip through your fingers and escape like a penguin…


That's what made him so ridiculously cheesy, the oil!

Any other director would have just sprayed him down to make him look summer-night sweaty, but maybe Schumacher insisted on personally applying the oil.


Makes sense. He oiled up (garlic oil perhaps?) because he knew about them vampires. Nice, subtle twist that eluded most viewers.


Good save!


Remember garlic doesn't work in this movie.

Nice idea anyway


He is the most memorable best part of this movie


It was a different era then.

If these events had played today Michael would have been free to admit he was actually ogling that greased up beefcake rather than pretending it was some random girl in his near field of vision he was staring at.

And then he would have had some homoerotic entertainment that evening, never got messed up in all the ensuing shenanigans and the boys would have had a care free summer before school started...


And the vampire clan would have continued to terrorize Santa Carla?

I'm not sure about Michael - could go either way, Star or David (Israel reference?) - but Sam had that hunky Rob Lowe poster in his bedroom and never showed any interest in girls.


Michael wanted Star - so he was straight. He had a rivalry with David. Maybe frenemies, but not gay.
I did think Sam was just too involved with worrying about vampires to seek out girls at the time. Plus, they didn't really show any his age. I did think that poster was odd. Why him instead of someone like Heather Locklear? That is wo I would think a teen boy would want.


I think, in-general, The Lost Boys plays down a lot of the sexuality elements typical of vampire fiction.

I agree with you that Michael is probably straight, but FootOfDavros was playing with the idea that vampirism was some kind of closet metaphor, and I was kinda responding to that. It's not impossible to read Star as a "beard" for Michael, although I would personally not go for that theory.

The fact that Sam had the Rob Lowe poster and not Heather Locklear (or some other vixen) on his wall is exactly why some people think he's gay. And while the movie doesn't have a lot of time to go into Sam's personal life, so it's understandable that he didn't seek out girls, the fact remains, nevertheless, that he doesn't. If he did, it would be a refutation of his homosexuality. But we don't get that. All we've got is that poster...


When I really (over)think about it, when I was a teen, I knew teen boys who had band posters (Metallica, etc.) on their walls. One had Jimi Hendrix, but he was a guitar player also. None had actors or male teen idols.
