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LadyBug (127)


Jenna's re-design idea Episode name/season How did they end up as foster parents? Is the show just "done" now? None of them drove? The aftermath of the wedding In another story..... The groundskeeper The chess game Lovejoy View all posts >


LMAO The phrase "People who remember their high school years as the best time of their lives are pitiful." sounds like something a bitter person would say. yeah, remembering great times, being pretty much care-free and just enjoying life shouldn't be fondly remembered. " I had more important stuff going on." sounds like someone who was never invited to anything and just sat in their room, then says something like that to make it sound like they were actually doing something. In fact, the wording of your entire post sounds like a bitter person triggered by people with good memories. Now she complains he never paid any support. I asked how she expected him to and she got pissed off. Funny how they are "fleeing oppression" then want here to be like where they "fled" from. What about all the border jumpers who are not vaccinated against polio, tuberculosis, small pox, etc.? I have no personal experience with this. But here is the "logic" of a white woman I knew who would not date white guys: "It's because when she was little her parents divorced, and she wanted the stability a black man could bring." Never mind that the father of her child (a black man) never worked a day of his life (at 26) and was a criminal. And was sent to prison then deported. These are the types some really tell their kids are "heroes". Back then, thins were different. I remember going for a baby-sitting job as a teen. I went to the house for the "interview" and the mother was on the phone. She told the person, "I have to go, the girl who is going to be my baby-sitter is here." She told me the hours and pay, what I needed to do. That was it. I never met her before that day. From the phone conversation when I called about the job, she only knew I was in high school and looking for a summer job. The only thing we did talk about was that she wanted me in the pool when the kids were in it, to be able to watch them more closely. Claire had no real interest in her kids. So the first smiling one who came along was good enough for her. I only cared about the party and gifts, 😂 I have good and bad memories. I stayed in touch with some and eventually lost touch. That's just life. My remark was about someone saying those were their best years are "pitiful" sounds like something someone bitter would say. If you have no good memories, you have none. But let others enjoy if they have great memories. View all replies >