MovieChat Forums > Red Sonja (1985) Discussion > Conan The Barbarian vs. Red Sonja

Conan The Barbarian vs. Red Sonja

i watched both movies in a row. conan was slow and boring (with one of the biggest action scenes being arnold punching a camel! wtf?!). red sonja, on the other hand, was way more entertaining - more action, fun characters, and nice set pieces. not sure why conan is considered a classic and everyone seems to hate red sonja.


You should see a doctor.


if a doctor can give valid arguments on why conan is considered the superior movie (which you obviously can't), then yes, i'll happily go see him.


You can't argue taste.

Your movie 'pallet' is just not advanced, it is askew. Which is not entirely bad, because you see things in bad movies that movie snobs dismiss.

Some people prefer Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over Chinatown.

Arguing with people who like different flavors is futile.

People like what they like.

Think of yourself as the 'minority report' on this comparison.


you don't know my taste or "movie pallet".


If a person prefers dogmeat over steak, that is all you need to know.


i consider both flicks as dog meat, but conan is dog meat disguised as steak, which is worse.


My generation loves Conan.

Especially boys who first watched it in their formative years.

I don't know if it will stand the test of the time however. Newer generations used to high tech graphics and faster pacing will view it differenltly.

George Lucas loved Flash Gordan (original series) I am sure many in his generation felt the same. I found it campy and dated.


From what little I recall, Red Sonja is a light, fluffy, bubblegum movie. It feels like the 80s equivalent of a 1960s Italian Sword & Sandal movie. Conan is a much more serious movie. The characters in Conan are much more developed. The setting feels real, not a fake Hollywood stage. The music is incredibly better. And if you think the camel punch was the action highlight of Conan I have to wonder where you were for the opening massacre, the pit-fights, the wolf-witch, the tower, etc. etc. etc. I saw Red Sonja once and never wanted to watch it again. All I remember is some goofy-looking warriors in armor that looked like elephant masks made of rubber-plant leaves and Red Sonja's 1980s aerobics mullet hairdo. I have watched Conan dozens of times and it never gets boring.


Red Sonja is the only movie Arnold Schwarzenegger worked on that he talked smack.

He once told a reporter that he threatened his kids to have to watch it if they didn't go to bed.


And when he wants them to be awake for 3 straight nights instead, he'd make his kids to watch Expendables 3.


They made a third one?


Third's time a charm, they say.


i agree with you. i liked the score and cinematography in conan better. calling the camel punch scene the action highlight of the movie was a joke of course.
but yet, it can't compensate for its flaws for me, such as the bad pacing and dialog. both are very campy movies, but the problem for me is that conan seems to take itself serious nonetheless, while red sonja doesn't pretend to be more than just a goofy fun flick.


Conan The Barbarian is an impressive epic classic. If anything, Conan The Destroyer and Red Sonja would make a better comparison. I like both, but Barbarian is one of the best sword and sandal epics I have ever seen.


You watched the 2nd Conan. The 2nd is the one where he hits the Camel. The 2nd is very inferior to the first.


He clobbers the camel in The Barbarian, not in The Destroyer. He SHOULD have clobbered the obnoxious Tracy Walter in The Destroyer.


he does it in both movies


i watched the original one, never seen the destoyer.


Well there is also that the 2nd one is boring compared to the first.
