MovieChat Forums > The Goonies (1985) Discussion > Troy wasn't punished enough

Troy wasn't punished enough

This arrogant scumbag motherfucker should be arrested and charged with attempted murder. He's lucky Brand wasn't killed or seriously injured. He tried to kill him with two witnesses present so their testimony's should hold weight in court. However his rich asshole father looks like he pretty much owns the town and could probably get Troy off the hook. He's probably been covering up for his spoiled creep son his whole life anyway. In addition to attempted murder he likes to brag to his rotten buddies about his plans to deflower Andy, and thank God for her she didn't go up the well because he obviously was expecting something from her, and if she turned him down she probably would've been raped right there, or later drugged and raped. For all his macho jock bravado he turns into a total pussy after his toilet bowl accident when he screams out for daddy!

At the end he's back in complete douche mode smirking at them all behind his father, and yelling to sign the papers because they don't have all day to rip everyone's house down. Brand wants to kick his ass but is obstructed, but that's exactly what Troy needed was an ass beating. In the end all this rotten daddy's boy creep got was a good soaking and rejected by Andy. If he's not arrested then at least they could've added a scene where he shows up at the Fratelli's cabin looking for Andy, and they tell him to get lost, then he mouths off to them and the Fratelli bros beat him within an inch of his life then torch his car. That would've been a true pleasure to watch!


I heard in the sequel the original Goonies hunt down Troy as an adult and make him go "Up Troy's Bucket". That scene alone gets it an NC-17 rating.


LoL! That rant definitely sounds like 30 years of pent up hatred.


Ideal ending: After Troy mouths of, Chunk gives Sloth the nod, who walks over to Troy, picks him up by the head with two hands, and squashes it like a melon, Troy screaming until his head literally explodes.

Then we cut to the ‘you’re going to live with me now’ exchange between Chunk and a now blood-drenched Sloth, but insert a shot of Chunk’s parents looking incredibly uncomfortable.




80's bullies had a weird habit of trying to out-and-out kill people with a surprisingly small amount of comeuppance in comparison. The Karate Kid had bullies who actively tried to kill Daniel at least once in each movie. In Back to the Future, Biff tried to run over Marty more than once, tried to rape his mother, and his grandson was trying to bash his skull in with a bat. Then there's Troy in this movie. There are probably a lot more that I'm not thinking of.


lol that's funny! Yes Troy was a grade A douchebag, but he was a great character though, and he adds just a bit more sparkle to this gem of a film. I just watched this earlier, and it amazes me how the dude was barely in it, but he leaves such a lasting impression. Personally I think they could have used another scene in the intro explaining more of the beef between him and Brand.

Before we see Brand at home lifting weights, we should have seen him out somewhere getting in an argument with Troy or something of that nature. A scene like that could have fleshed out their rivalry more, and we would have gotten a better understanding of why Troy did what he did, which is basically try to kill the poor son of a bitch.

Maybe instead of Troy getting his ass kicked or going to jail he should have somehow been forced to going on the adventure to. During the course of the journey he evovles from a despicable asshole to a redeemable soul. Too late now obviously. The Troy character accomplished what he was intended for, and that was to basically make us hate his guts, and also leave a lasting impression on us.

What happened to Troy in this movie was probably only the beginning of his downfall. Guys like Troy just get worse after high school. Somewhere down the line he will probably end up in jail for rape, assault, or something else. At the end of the movie the stage is all set for his true descent into deliquency, especially after his family is publicly humiliated


As far as movie bullies go I didn't think Troy was all that bad, sure he was a dick but I didn't find myself hating him, if anything I didn't think he appeared in the movie all that much, I was happy that Andy rejected him and felt was a good enough comeuppance for Troy.


"As far as movie bullies go I didn't think Troy was all that bad"

Dude, he drove Bran off a cliff.


This is a kids movie, you can;t apply real world logic to it.
