MovieChat Forums > Trading Places (1983) Discussion > Christmas movie with tits

Christmas movie with tits

Great combo, this movie is excellent anyway but adding those two elements together and mixing them really kicks it up a notch.
Who would have thought?


There's a difference between a Christmas movie and a movie where the plot just happens to take place during Christmas. This film is the latter.


This film is a MAJOR Christmas movie. Get a clue.
Where are you from?


I don't think of this as a Christmas movie by any stretch. It's up to you to decide what constitutes a Christmas movie for you, but nothing about this film qualifies in my book.


Yes, well, major COUNTRIES all over the planet will disagree with your personal opinion.


Major countries will disagree with me? Foreign leaders will sign papers? Ministers of defense will declare war? Votes will be cast by entire populations? Or do you mean that you disagree, and you assume some other folks will, too?

In all honesty, I've never heard anyone talk about Trading Places as a Christmas film. Die Hard is the most commonly debated "regular" movie that may also be a Christmas movie. Gremlins is discussed the same way, as are The Apartment and Tangerine. I suppose if one were to list all films in which some or all of the action happens on or near Christmas, then sure, Trading Places counts, but does Christmas matter to the plot at all? That's my barometer. The film either needs to overtly be about Christmas, or Christmas has to be utterly integral to the story. That's why, for me, Die Hard is a Christmas film, but Gremlins and The Apartment aren't. Tangerine is a Christmas film, but Trading Places isn't.


I don't think it's a Christmas movie either. The plot doesn't involve Christmas and the payoff scene takes place after the new year.


A flash of boobs was a must for great 80s films.


It should make a comeback ASAP, especially for comedies for adults (like this one).
It made this great movie even better.


TaTas are fun for the whole family


That's the spirit!


Jamie curtis who some think is a trans


Not a trans - that rack was factory installed.


SHE is a woman --- Not some punk with a mental illness


Absolutely. Great observation


I wish they made more of them.


Tits and Christmas? Seriously? Well, to each his own. I prefer profound and intellectually challenging movies like Interstellar or Dark Knight Rising.
