For people who hate this movies.

The whole Trilogy is leading up to Darth Vader Redemption. And all you bitch about is the fucking Ewoks. The movies is NOT ABOUT THE EWOKS. Its about Luke trying to save his father. You people probably would bitch for hours if there was person dressed up as ronald mcdonald in the audience at the end of Rocky. Than actually focusing on what the movies about. And then the whole thing about ewoks were about selling toys to kids. Guess what Star Wars was ALWAYS about Selling Shit to kids. George Lucas had merchandising rights from the beginning. Did he say " I have so much artistic ingenuity that i would never pimp out my creation for millions of dollar in merchandising, including toys". No he didn't. And frankly i find A New Hope to be the weakest, Because while its good, its just a simple Find the Princes Story. I find Luke and Vader Conflict more compelling than that. And the Ewokes are nowhere as bad as the Gungans. Not to mention the millennium falcon has a god damn Dog Co-piloting it. Dogs are fine, But Bares are step to far. Give me a break.


That many people hate this movie?


I feel like people screw up in the need to have a strong opinion on the Ewoks one way or the other. I'm fairly neutral on them. Yes, they're cute. Yes, they're essential and pivotal. Yes, they're annoying. Yes, they feel like a precursor to Gremlins. Whatever, it's part of the whole, take it.


And yet, the fucking Ewoks get as much or more screen time as Vader!

Actually, speaking of the Ewoks, that's one of the things they finally got right with "The Mandalorian". Cuteness done right, and in the right quantity! There's too much cutesey fucking Ewoks in "RotJ", but just enough in "Mandalorian" to leaven the general badassery of the show.


I think people are not annoyed by the simple presence of the Ewoks, but that they were instrumental in taking down the Empire, along with the Rebel Alliance. For them, that idea doesn't stand up to suspension of disbelief.


I don't know. I kind of always took the Ewoks as the regular people. The innocent beings who want no part of war but somehow find themselves forced into; Kinda like the Hobbits in LotR. I liked the idea of them using tricks that the storm troopers didn't expect because the Ewoks are working in their home territory. I liked that they tried to eat the heroes at one point.

And I find it very believable that they would help be a distraction or aid for the rebels fighting off the troopers and giving Han and Leia time to set the detonators. None of them expected to be ambushed by troopers; the place was supposed to be minimally guarded.

I know a lot of people wanted it to be all Wookies and the fact it was little teddy bears instead irked people. But I love the Ewoks. I completely get that the movie, itself, is a bit of a mess. Does it want to be a kids movie with Ewoks and Jabba's palace or a deep action movie with Sarlaac pits and Vader? I think it has just become 'cool' to hate on the Ewoks but I think they worked and couldn't see the movie without them.


I don't mind them too much, but I know what people mean insofar as they are a little too cutesy and don't fit the tone sometimes. That said, I found on my last re-watch of RotJ that if a viewer assumed that the Ewoks were disproportionately strong for their size, there isn't really a problem. If they're actually crazy strong like little chimpanzees as much as teddy bears, then when they clobber stormtroopers with clubs, it makes sense that the troopers can barely fight back.

Still, I shouldn't have to make those assumptions for the movie. I understand that the Ewoks are a flaw in an otherwise pretty good film.


Have you seen the most recent Special Edition versions of the Ewoks? They have visible pupils in the eyes now, and it's PURE NIGHTMARE FUEL!! Certainly not "cutesy".


Haven't seen that; sounds terrible.


The whole trilogy is not about leading up to Vader's redemption. That's some prequel ass nonsense. It was never "Vader's story", that's some shit Lucas tried to sell when the prequels were made.

As far as Ewoks go, I have zero problems with them. Star Wars has ALWAYS had cute and funny. They always made me laugh and I always liked their contribution to the war. Definitely better than the Gungans.


I don’t think people really hate it. Just compared to the two before it, it’s not as good as those. Always happens in a trilogy. Hard to get all 3 movies really good.


thank you
