Disturbing Scene

There's a scene where the fraternity brothers are in their Frat House and if you pay close attention there's a Black Sambo Relic sitting on a dresser, which one of the brothers rests his arm on. Also in that very room there's a Confederate Flag. It made me extremely uncomfortable.

I've watched this movie several times and just picked up on it.


I just watched it for the first time tonight. I saw the statue right away (black lawn jockey). But yeah, this was made years ago so they probably didn't think much of it.


Lots of 70s and 80s horror/teen slasher movies have some unfortunate relics of the past in them but i still love the films

I recently watched an 80s horror flick where the hero girl calls someone a 'faggot' and she said so spitefully!
I was somewhat taken aback

Clearly not an acceptable thing to say, especially from our hero/'final girl' character and very disrespectful

I think times have changed for the
better though in this regard and i still enjoy these old horror movies


Characters in movies should reflect society, that gives the movie authenticity. Final Exam was set in rural North Carolina where there was (and still is) a lot of racism. Modern movies are often sterilized to remove anything that might be offensive to someone and it makes the characters bland and fake.


You just failed .


Boring troll is boring.


If I may cut in, captainbucky is a total pisser if your'e in the mood, this guy slays me and he's in on a joke

He's a wild and crazy guy!
Good peopleđź‘Ť


I was trying to do like a line that a killer would do in the 80s if he was killing college students in a slasher flick


I know...We both have a very silly sense of humor, I think McQ deserved a heads up because he missed that one and he's OK...if he's SUPERBAD he'll respond with a great big comeback line...


Like ... you didn’t make the grade ... stab stab




It’s hard to pass the final exam ... when you’re dead


In Space No One Can Hear You Scream;)


No no keep it to like college exam themes


Oops, sorry...

School's Out...And So Are Your Guts!


Nah, missed by a mile. Good comedy is about context and timing. For example if you had used a line from this movie that had some context to the thread, that would have been funny. Random shit is only funny to stoners, when they are stoned, and in the same room.


But you’re complaining about a movie from 1981...


I didn't.
Reading is fundamental.


You did


Boring troll is boring.


I'll take your word for it.


Ok Amy Adams


Confederate flags are not racist


Putin approves your post.


& it gives me a warm feeling deep inside


80s movies, particularly horror movies, may offend snowflakes, Social Justice Warriors, safe spacers, and anyone who ever received a participation trophy.

Forgive my laughter, but you’re disturbed by a statue and a flag? I’d think people being knifed to death would warrant a little concern.


Also in that very room there's a Confederate Flag. It made me extremely uncomfortable.

I'm assuming this poster is kidding; if not, it's a thousand times more disturbing than a Civil War flag.


Should every copy of the movie be burned so no one today is offended by it?
