Ten reasons why "The Empire Strikes Back" was set up to fail.


There were quite a few reasons why the film should have been a complete disaster. Here are ten reasons why:
Lucas was not returning to direct (this was a bad sign at the time).

Screenwriter Leigh Brackett died before completing the script.

The choice of director looked like a very bad choice at the time.

Sequels almost always sucked. Godfather II was an exception.

The character of Lando was created solely to satisfy the demand to add black actors to Star Wars. Additions like that usually turn out badly from a script perspective.

The big action scene is at beginning.

A Muppet is a main character.

Middle section of the movie is all exposition and character development.

Darker tone.

Cliffhanger (of sorts) ending.


The only good "Star Wars" film to date.


Besides ROTS.


ANH , ROTJ, TFA, RO and Solo are enjoyable , ANH is epic


So the plan backfired and it ended up being a fan favorite, well unless you're like my family and would rather look at an iPad or iPhone during the boring Yoda scenes... They don't do that in ROTJ or ANH, heck, or even the prequels--which is scary. sigh. I'll never get how people can love Empire so much and then sit there on their iPad's most of the film. What's the point?


unless you're like my family and would rather look at an iPad or iPhone during the boring Yoda scenes

I am glad to be nothing like you or your family.


Hahaha, good times man. Well, test it out yourself and see what happens!


Nah...not even close to millennial enough for that.


Welcome to the 21st century! Reasons like this one are why I don't like to show people movies anymore.


"Cliffhange (of sorts) ... "

What? That was a HUGE cliffhanger! We had to wait 3 years for answers. Maybe I'm dating myself, but it was a really big deal at the time.


I always assumed that Lando was plugged into be a possible "replacement Han" if Ford had elected not to return.


In other words, you're a dumbass if you really see thing that way because most of these reasons DON'T make a movie a failure (or at least are totally irrelevant in the process).


Yup, thats exactly the way peoples would think if the movie was released today.
