MovieChat Forums > Alien (1979) Discussion > has this gotten less scary overtime

has this gotten less scary overtime

seems like with the influx of new information in regards to engineers and the alien it self doesnt dimish it though still a classic and top tier sci-fi movie.


Honestly I really have no issue ignoring revelations from other installments and just take in the movie "in the moment." And this goes whether I like the added context or not: I love Aliens, but when I watch Alien I usually don't even think about the queen or anything like that, unless I'm in the mood to.


For me films become less scary naturally the more times you watch them but in terms of the Alien prequels explaining the origins and therefore weakening how scary this movie is, I wouldn't say it's made it less scary. Less mysterious maybe. I tried to avoid thinking about the ridiculous input that Prometheus and Covenant had towards the origins of the xenomorph and the space jockey in a recent watch of Alien. Sadly when the space jockey and alien egg scenes came up, scenes that always used to thrill me for their mystery and made me imagine where they came from, I was now forced to think about some giant white bald bodybuilders wearing space uniforms and an evil android called David.

They have indeed ruined part of what made Alien great but on its own terms it still creates the horror aspects very effectively. Whatever Ridley Scott shat out in his prequels, it doesn't detract from the claustrophobic feeling on board the Nostromo, the fantastic atmospheric set design, the largely off camera interactions the crew have with the alien that leave it to you and your imagination to conclude their fates, or the building sense of panic and helplessness felt by the crew as they get gradually wiped out 1 by 1.


Yes. Every time you rewatch a movie, its gets less scarier because you know whats going to happen next


Unless you’re a goldfish.


I have the opposite effect, the more I know what’s going to happen in a horror movie the scarier it gets.


Thats because you are a Queen and not a real man like the rest of us


Nice try, I can bench press over 300 pounds, I run the marathon in 2.5 hours and I have 5 kids.


The horror is conceptual and visual.


no, this movie is still horrific.
