

Female leads in this series are getting a bit old tbh, I'd welcome a male lead.



By the end of the series riply was pretty much a man.

1) Alien 1: She had to go back for the cat
2) Aliens: She went back for the newt
--- Gender flip
3) Alien 3: Fuck him he's dead
4) Alien Resurrection: Who do I have to fuck to get off this ship

If we get another female lead hollywood will demand she be a Mary Sue which will great for progressive movements but sucks for plausible writing. :/


Well, Ripley was quite the Mary Sue. Also, now that Disney owns Fox properties, Alien and Aliens must be declared part of Disney's SJW feminist agenda!


Nah, she wasn't a MaREY Sue.


Yeah she was, according to your standards. If Alien and Aliens came out today, you'd bash them for a feminist agenda because you're a little boy intimidated by vaginas.

Accept the facts!


Nope, she's not a MaREY Sue.


Riply wasn't a mary sue. It took her 4 movies to get there. In Alien she barely escaped with her life. In Aliens most of the Aliens were dead before she engaged in combat with them and she was trained to use a power loader which is how she stopped the queen(A mary sue doesn't need training). In Alien3 the alien woulden't even touch her because she was already pregnant. In Alien 4 she's already dead and was cloned with partial Alien DNA (Which explains her super powers). She was a poor mary sue by even the biggest stretch of the imagination.


404'd for me 🤔



Probably, because Ripley is a person that I'd have on my team regardless.

She knows protocol and kicks ass!



She was the one who went by the book and got grief from the Captain, " You know the procedure. 24 hours for decontamination".
If Captain Dallas went by the book too, the rest of his crew wouldn't have ended up dead.



Agreed. That was the real and correct feminist point being made there. She followed the book and every one though she was a bitch for it but eventually realized her book procedures would have saved their lives. The perception at the time was that she wasn't acting like a woman because she was being so heartless towards kane's condition (IE what kind of lady would let a man die during decontamination like that). In a cut scene lambert even physically attacks her and actually calls her a "heartless bitch" if I recall correctly.


I felt the Alien series was too damaged to go on after Alien resurection and that a reboot was in order. I always wanted to see a redesigned alien that was translucent like a jelly fish but was afraid that will end up being CGI and actor reactions to it woulden't be real enough. Still though I want a scarier alien.



I know the original alien was going to be translucent but they didn't have the right materials at the time so I always wondered what a veiny transparent alien would look like. Plus I'd like to see the alien loose some of its more obvious humanoid look. 2 arms and legs are ok but if it can move in ways that a human can't it (IE bending its legs over its head and crawling like an athropod it'd be pretty frightning. Its a toss up between and alien that is slender and able to stand erect to make it more frightning or it has to be massive ground hugger that is still at least the height of a human.



Good ideas. I like the idea of it not being humanoid. It's weird that they always make them like that.

The problem being that every one claims to hate CGI so we're stuck with a man in a suit during filming. I'm ok with CGI so long as the actors can have realistic reactions to a monster they can't see. Godzilla really broke CGI in terms of acting.


finally, hopefully there will be few women in the film



I clicked on the link, but couldn't find the article. However I think rebooting Alien is a stupid idea right off the bat. Also recasting Ripley with a man is stupid. Even if Ripley was recast with a younger female actress the idea would be stupid.

What reboot has worked out? Total Recall reboot was crap, Robocop reboot was crap, and so was the Ghostbusters reboot.

I'd rather see the Alien 5 that Blomkamp's, with the original Ripley return, and have an adult Newt to carry on the torch.

I watch Alien once a year I love the film so much, and man you can't replace Sigourney Weaver. Ripley is her role.

Ripley is in my top five favorite female sci fi characters of all time.


What reboot has worked out?

as low budget as they were the blob 1989 was better then the 50s version and the thing was better then "The thing from another world". Nowdays reboots suck because they are big budget which forces the studios to drop to a lower rating to make more money which destroys realism of movies like robocop. (Robocop fireing rubber bullets and taze bullets come on). Ghost busters just wasnt funny or engaging like the original. The all female cast could have worked but thefilm just kept trying to draw attention to the fact it had an all female cast.


I thought all SF and action remakes were required to star Idris Elba?


Where does it mention this film in that link?
