MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > All REAL Star Wars films ranked best to ...

All REAL Star Wars films ranked best to worst

A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One

Anything else is just shitty fanfiction and doesn't count.


Frankly for me....
The original trilogy
Rogue One
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
The newer sequels


attack of the clones and phantom menace are the only two films on that list that fluctuate


I only really like the OT. I waffle between Empire and A New Hope being on top.

I didn't really like Rogue One very much; the characters were uninteresting to me (blunt/sarcastic robot voiced by Alan Tudyk notwithstanding) so I never cared about anything going on on screen.

Solo I just avoided.

While I sort of agree that The Force Awakens is basically fanfiction, I also liked watching it more than any of the Prequels.


I only like Rogue One because it fills in some gaps of understanding on how things got to where they were with Episode IV. It's really cruel that they killed off the main characters when the Death Star's weapon was being tested near the end of the film, making it impossible to give those characters the time of day to develop and become more interesting.


I sorta feel like A New Hope stands alone really, really well; I can't recall any gaps of understanding. Can you go a little deeper on that?

There were some things that Rogue One did that annoyed me when stacked together with A New Hope. For example, Princess Leia is barely involved in Rogue One. She doesn't plan anything, she doesn't make any moves, she doesn't engage in any political machinations or espionage, she's just the last runner in a relay race. Compare this to the audio drama of Star Wars produced by NPR (with actual Mark Hamill reprising his role!) where Leia and her father (well...kinda) are making clandestine moves to obtain the data tapes. It's much more satisfying to me when Leia is integral to the Rebellion. And for all of Disney's posturing with making "strong female characters," I found it ironic that they nerfed one of sci-fi's strongest ladies.

As to giving the characters time to develop, they had a whole movie and very little development happened. Jyn Erso was a flatline (as far as I'm concerned, anyway) and Cassian Andor always just seemed like ersatz Han Solo. In the original Star Wars, Luke goes from a naive, whiny farm boy to a more confident hero with purpose and goals. Han starts off as a devil-may-care, selfish rogue and comes back for his friends. All the characters receive bits and moments that are endearing and make us want to be with them more. That's just in one movie. What was holding Rogue One back? Nothing at all.


...Compare this to the audio drama of Star Wars produced by NPR (with actual Mark Hamill reprising his role!) where Leia and her father (well...kinda) are making clandestine moves to obtain the data tapes. It's much more satisfying to me when Leia is integral to the Rebellion...

Well said.

That's the real "prequel" to Star Wars and how the rebels obtained Death Star plans as far as I'm concerned. And at least the plans are actually beamed to the Tentative IV as well.


Oh, yeah. The audio drama storyline is far more interesting and involved Leia - a character we all already love - in a main role. What might have been...


I may have to rethink that list. There's actually quite a lot of well-made fan films.


By "fanfiction," I meant all the shitty Disney films and tv shows that came out after 2012, with the exception of Rogue One.

Now fan-made films that are shown online are a completely different ballpark.


In regards to the list I posted three years ago (linked above), I ranked "any fan made film" above TLJ and TRoS but below TFA. If I were to write the same list now, I would have probably put fan films higher up, because I've seen some pretty great ones lately, and my hatred for the Disney content sludge has only increased.


All real Star Wars films ranked best to worst:

1. Star Wars - 9
2. Empire Strikes Back - 8.7
3. Return of the Jedi - 6.5
