MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > What happened to humans?

What happened to humans?

I mean, really, what has happened to people's intelligence even in the past 40 years?
The questions about star wars here are pathetic, silly, inane, downright imbecilic. Truly.

Yes, TROLLING is the current trend because people aren't bright enough (anymore) to come up with better hobbies....

Yes, everyone is entitled to THEIR opinions and ideas about the art of films....

But, I suspect some are sincere in their wonderments. Seriously, are people really this dumb??

I'M not trolling - I want to know. Have people de-evolved so much as to not understanding the past AT ALL?

Star Wars is 40 years old. FORTY!! OF COURSE it is not going to stand up to todays productions, writing, effects, anything. That will never change the proven facts it WAS groundbreaking in its day.

And the line of questions about the movie and its plot points....
Sounds like, "Why did they bother making silent movies? Should have just made them with sound" or "Why is Casablanca black and white? They shoulda just filmed it in color."

It is what it is, kids. No retro-current speak, neo-perceptionism is going to ALTER the past. (Like George Lucas does)

Inane questioning.... What it the back story of the Jawas? Why is sand on another planet still brown? What was the apparatus on the left on the counter next to Aunt Baru actually do?
Why wasn't jar jar in this? Did the deathstar have bathrooms? Did this all happen in two hours? Why are their names weird? What's a battle?

F-ing mentally challenged, raised on video games and hoho's line of questioning. I was raised on that too, but somehow am not a moron.

The stupid is astounding. SERIOUSLY, what happened? Is it all the preservatives? TV? What?


Number 6. That is all.


at least you read it :) but didn't answer the question.


I did and do agree that people are getting stupider. It's like Idiocracy (2006) is becoming a reality at times. I think smart phones, social media and reality TV are playing a big part in it.


I totally agree, if you look on your smart phone I've got blog on social media that explains exactly this.
I've also been approached to appear on a reality TV to put across this point of view.
Any points you want me to raise?


Yeah, that's true. There are many studies proving that. Weird, as I use my smartphone, I actually LEARN and get smarter: looking things up, learning new ways to do things... maybe if used as a TOOL it makes you smarter, but just dormant WATCHING facebook feeds or endless pay games, subtract brain cells.

"Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, smartest, and fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, no began to favor different traits...."


There are studies proving this?


yes. new ones all the time. google will show you. "Social media causes depression" "smart phones make us dumber" etc. there's science behind this issue.


Yet you are trying to troll the trolls, that takes some b*lls!


not sure they are all trolls. OBVIOUSLY, some are, but what about the rest?


That's easy to answer, they are Trekkies.


The OP's intended audience is us. The 80% of the population that are not trolls.


its the 80 20 rule in that trolls are 20 percent of the population but make 80 percent of the noise. Don't let 20% of internet uses hijack your perception of humanity. People with sound judgment and ideas are working or doing other productive things. The tip I've noticed that your dealing with a troll is a low post count(possible sock account). So even then their trolling is done in limited posts.


FYI nerds have always enjoyed heated arguments over trivial subject. It's a hobby, an escape from the real world, a chance to show how many odd little pieces of useless knowledge are rattling around in your brain and how clever you can make yourself sound. Sure, it's a stupid thing to do, but all games are.

However, there are people on this board who get too into it, to the point of it not being fun any more.


How cn ne1 follow what ur saying w/out u using emojis or ne words abbreved dwn to 1 letter?


gud poiNT! :D


Now did the DeathStar have bathrooms is an interesting one!


People have trolled since the beginning of time, they just didn't have internet.


You have so many errors in your post, I don't even know where to start.

It's not the question that is at fault - all questions are valid, and should not be attacked. They say there are no stupid questions.

In any case, you attacking QUESTIONS is actually very revealing - whenever a question REVEALS something, or simply can't be answered because the filmmakers goofed up, but you don't want to admit it, it's easiest to just attack the question, trying to invalidate it as 'banal' or pathetic' or 'childish'. (How can a QUESTION be any of those things? It's just a request for knowledge or information. PEOPLE can be those things, but a question?)

Your inherit urge, need and indeed LUST for attacking questions is clearly an attempt to SILENCE people so they wouldn't ask 'uncomfortable questions' that might reveal 'truths you don't want to face', like George didn't plan these movies very well, or that these movies are, indeed, very silly and nonsensical. Not a whole lot makes an iota of sense.

In any case, they're just silly movies, so who cares - this is just a discussion forum of some silly movies, so why are you so passionate about what kind of questions people ask?

Ah, sorry, this was probably one of those banal ones.

I ask questions, because I want to know, I want to gain information and knowledge. I want to understand what's going on, why, and who decided what and why. Often something doesn't make any sense, so I ask a question, that if answered properly and correctly, would reveal either that it DOES make sense, I just didn't understand how, or that it doesn't make sense, but at least I will know WHY.

Why does seeking knowledge anger you so much you have to insult and attack questions?

Why do you care more about questions than answers anyway? What could be more banal than that?
