MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Jabba: You're a wonderful human being

Jabba: You're a wonderful human being

Lucas goes through the trouble of remastering the movies and inserting Jabba talking to Han Solo [was a deleted scene with a human actor] and then Han says the above line as he boards the Millennium Falcon .


The funny thing is that during filming, Jabba was a human being, and he looked like a big scruffy space pirate. Probably could have kept it like that too, but for some reason they opted for the giant alien slug.


That's was Lucas wanted originally but couldn't afford it and after filming with a human actor decided to scrap the scene... But when he reintroduced the scene the quote should've changed


Lucas was right to scrap the scene, for whatever reason. A fast, harum-scarum bolt away from Tattooine is more fun than one where they stop to argue about money.


Right to scrap the scene, wrong to add it with the slug years later, it ultimately ruins the mystery of who Jabba is until he's finally revealed in Return of the Jedi.




Pretty sure it was always intended to be a joke. Lucas never meant for Jabba to be a human. That actor was just a stand in.


That does sound silly. It betrays the character and sounds silly.

reply's telling a black guy...mighty white of you!


I think the line has new meaning with Han saying it to the Jabba we all know and love. It's obvious he's not a human being. It seems like Han was busting his balls a bit.


Maybe Han's Jewish and meant it like, "You're a real mensch."

Either way, it's obviously sarcasm.
