MovieChat Forums > One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Discussion > Who else could have played McMurphy in 1...

Who else could have played McMurphy in 1975?

I was thinking maybe Steve McQueen, or maybe Clint Eastwood, but I think both of them would have been far too cool to play the ranting, raving McMurphy. McMurphy is a tough guy, certainly, but there's something about him that suggests he's a loudmouthed asshole who wasn't taken very seriously outside the mental hospital. I don't think Eastwood or McQueen could have pulled that off. James Coburn, while mainly known for cool, serious roles, played a few characters who were more bark than bite, but by 1975 he might have looked too old for the role. Lee Marvin as well.

Maybe Gene Hackman or James Caan?



Steve McQueen could certainly have pulled-off that ‘maddening’ look, Papillon bore testament to that, but the infamous final scene in ‘Cuckoo’ would not have sat well with his iconic status at the time, would he have demanded a rewrite perhaps?

Eastwood would have been too much of a physical presence, and thus his relationship between the staff & patients, in particular ‘Chief’ would have been less dynamic.

Burt Reynolds could have been an interesting choice, Deliverance showcased his range, and he could certainly have pulled off ‘crazy’ - but the tone of the film may have veered too much into comedy, but I think he could have done it.

Of all the actors though, if you would allow me to pick anyone, regardless of time, it would have been none other than ‘Mad Max’ himself, Mel Gibson.

Perhaps too ‘pretty’ in his earlier career, but a later Gibson, when life had worn away at him, certainly could have brought that unpredictable crazed factor that Nicholson so wonderfully portrayed.

God Bless x


No one, Jack Nicholson was perfect for the role.


Yeah, I can't imagine anyone else in that role. He was perfect, as though it was written for him!


Bruce Dern


Eastwood and McQueen would have been too cool for the role, McMurphy is uninhibited and could be of a lot of fun when he wasnt fighting or fucking! Eastwood and McQueen were never the life of the party, they were always the guys sitting there with their shades on at night, ignoring the dancing and letting the women come to them.

Burt Reynold might have carried it off, but he didnt have the depth and subtlety that Nicholson did, odds are he'd have made a mess of it. Maybe James Caan could have done it, he had the testosterone, and the sense of fun. But Nicholson was a much better actor.


Kirk Douglas wanted the role


Caan is a decent shout. Maybe the film's actual producer, Michael Douglas? Martin Sheen, Dustin Hoffman, or for an outside the box idea that might have worked, Gene Wilder?

Personally I don't think Eastwood would have worked. Like someone else said, too physical a presence for the role, and as much as I think Eastwood is an iconic actor, I don't think he really has the range. Playing the gruff, serious type is him in his comfort zone.


Warren Oates


Kirk Douglas
Gene Hackman
