MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > 2017 fourth of July TZ Marathon Thread

2017 fourth of July TZ Marathon Thread

Well, maybe I could start this for once!

Welcome all! Hope we get everyone back to this board.

Starting of with "Hocus Pocus and Frisby" - with the always amusing Andy Devine.


I would have led off with something a little better than that.


Do you mean my thread or the marathon???

Yes, not the most "wow" episode, but at least it wasn't worse.


The episode. Never been a fan of the comedy eps. The only one worth anything is probably "A Penny For Your Thoughts."

Next up: "TZ"'s most unintentionally creepy episode

The guy who played Ben was also in "The Chaser" and "Mr. Garrity and the Graves."


Interesting you find it creepy, as I've always found this one to be a bit if a tear-jerker. Reminds me of my grandfather, I guess.

I'm glad TZ re-used actors. Most of the then were worth it too. :)

The girl is also good in this, not annoying like some.


The girl does an excellent job. I'm surprised her screen credits are so few.

"Science fiction is the improbably made possible; fantasy, the impossible made probable," is a great line by our narrator.


The girl does an excellent job. I surprised her screen credits are so few.

The girl, Susan Gordon, was the daughter of Bert I. Gordon. She's good in this, but her first film role was as the little girl with the broken doll in Attack of the Puppet People, a film I've always loved, except that I can't stand her in it.


I think the only funny eps were the unintentional ones -- like the upcoming "Black Leather Jackets." That one is a riot.
And despite being bad very entertaining too (that's the thing though about "TZ": even the subpar ones still often packed more entertainment value than the best episodes from other TV shows).


Yeah, Black Leather Jackets didn't age too well. I wonder how it fit in back when it aired.

But yeah, I'd rather watch even a ho-hum TZ than most other shows.


I still enjoy watch it; it's "The Wild Ones" meets "Invaders From Mars."

Serling and his crew were mighty talented people -- but that doesn't mean they're capable of churning out "Eye of the Beholder" or "The After Hours" on a weekly basis. Nobody is.


True. Plus they had to build variety into the seasons, which probably also explains the unevenness at times. I'm always interested to see which episodes are beloved by others that aren't my favorite.


"The Gift" is definitely not one of the best ones either. That little boy is as awful a thespian as the little girl in "The Fugitive" was a good one."

The score is lovely though.

Plus, a very young Paul Mazursky is one of the gendarmes.


True on the kid, awful accent. Not one of my favorites, but the message is well-meaning.

Didn't catch Mazursky, may he RIP.

Are we the only ones on this????


Are we the only ones on this????

LOL. I just scrolled up and noticed that it was just the two of you over and over. I'm here also, for now, but it's only 10:30 where I live, so the marathon isn't on for another hour and a half. I will be going to bed at some point soon and then getting up early.


Ah, we must be eastern time zoners. Michigan here.

As much as I'd like to enjoy the kitschy fun of Black Leather jackets (why do I keep getting an Elvis movie vibe from this?), I think I'll head to bed. Better to be fresh tomorrow.

Thank for helping me stay up - I hope others join in!

Until later,


It's pretty lively on Twitter. Especially when they start voting for what episode they want to see next.

The first great episode anyway is probably "On Thursday We Leave For Home At Six." You can rise bright and early for that one.


I just might! I don't really do Twitter sadly.



As a matter of fact, I've set my alarm for 6:00. And after that, one of my favorites with Maggie McNamara.


"Ring-A-Ding-Girl" is one of Season Five's standouts. The more I watch it the more "Donnie Darko" reminds me of it.


Love the Ring-A-Ding-Girl! That was a good episode.
I always wondered how the other towns people tried to understand how she could have been on the plane that crashed while being in town that day..... on television too!
That was a very good story. I like the Earle Hamner episodes...
The Hunt is another fave.
A man will walk through Hell with his eyes wide open but the Devil himself can't fool a dog!


The Hunt had a great punchline.


A man will walk into Hell with both eyes open, but the Devil can't fool a dog!
Never get tired of that. Best line, and TRUE!


While I do find Hocus Pocus endlessly amusing I get why TZ fans might consider it an underwhelming opening to the marathon


Twilight Zone July 4 marathon TV, while family is playing cards, bar-b-q'ing or whatever. A tradition since the 80's. Doesn't matter if nobody is paying attention to the episodes, I always make sure to have it on out of nostalgia for my childhood. And unknowingly, my kids will develop this same nostalgia as well. :)


I too have it on while everyone is doing something else. What invariably seems to happen though is at some point some one will comment on an episode looking familiar. Then the next thing I know a lot of us have gathered around the T.V. to see what this episode this person singled out is all about. The episodes don't also turn out to be winners but the communal experience still makes it worth it.


"Twilight Zone July 4 marathon TV, while family is playing cards, bar-b-q'ing or whatever. A tradition since the 80's. Doesn't matter if nobody is paying attention to the episodes, I always make sure to have it on out of nostalgia for my childhood. And unknowingly, my kids will develop this same nostalgia as well. :)"

I had this on Netflix all day. I no longer have cable. I was in and out of the house. It played in the background. Some of my company would come in and watch certain episodes. I would come in and watch one or two.
I love this show! I just wish I could be here a bit more with all of my fellow fans.
Hanging out with folks from IMDb for the marathons was just as big of a tradition as the marathons!
I'm here on and off. I will have to leave a bit later for the fireworks.


We're getting the band back together....


I was doing the same. I've had it on since I returned from a 4th of July get together earlier today about 4:00.


I just came back from the fireworks. Talk about getting bitten alive! Mosquitoes are out in full force tonight! A couple of us came back. The rest of our party stayed. I had enough of the ooooing and awwwwing. I only had to walk across the street.
Glad to see you here!


Glad to be here. I'm a TZ fan through and through. I hadn't figured out where the right forum would be. This is it I think.


You came to the right place! The natives are friendly.


It is so cool to see the band here. I wanted to find the right place that fit what the IMDb message board had for the show. What a relief!


"The Trade Ins". Lovely story with sweet acting. Gangster with a heart of gold to boot.


Hey all. I made it here from the Reddit recommendation. I hope we can get the gang back together, but I'm not sure if some knew we migrated to Reddit after IMDB shut down. This seems close to the old board. Happy Marathon!


Maybe we should invite those others to this board? We need more people to make this feel like the olden days (hey, maybe I need a stop to Willoughby...)


We all do I think. I invited Jennie Portrait, but I'm not sure if she's around.


That would be a great addition! And Sitcom Sally and Howling Man, and others who names escape me at the moment.


Exactly! I miss them.


She might be on Twitter. A lot of people follow "TZ" on Twitter.


I am, it can be lively there. Some guy named "Howling Man" asked if people remembered IMDB. I don't know if it's the same guy. I doubt it. We followed each other anyway. The thing I hate about Twitter is all the political comments that are inserted. This day to me means hanging out with old friends, not politics.


Well put. And my feelings exactly. That's why I avoid twitter.

Does that particular thread stay free from all of that?


Generally. At least I don't come across much political commentary when I'm following "TZ" on Twitter. And the political commentary I do come across isn't obnoxious enough to discourage me from continuing to follow "TZ" via Twitter.


The good news is; we seem to have found a harbor in the storm again.


Hi Gary, It's very sweet of you to think of me. Oddly enough, I just tuned into the marathon in between my other 4th activities. Jeff Myrtlebank is an episode I like a lot.

But I'm off in about 20 minutes. Everyone-- Have a night July 4th!!!



Great that you made it here Jennie. I just found out about this board too. Maybe we can build a base for New Year's Eve. Happy fourth to you!


That would be great. Hopefully we can build a little more for today's marathon as well.


Ooh, sorry I missed you Jennie - was prepping for dinner.

Come back if you can!


Shannon, Nice to hear from you. Hope you had a nice 4th!



Hi Jennie! I have missed you and Howling Man and let us not forget Sit Com Sally!
Loved Jeff Myrtlebank. I just saw that one today. One of the many faves!
Good to see you here!


Margo, Thanks very much! I only managed to see a few of the episodes this marathon. Maybe New Year's.
Happy Summer!


Always nice to see you around, Jennie! I like Jeff Myrtlebank too, but it doesn't seem to get much attention.


I believe that Jennie Portrait was around here a few months back.
I do miss Sit Com Sally! She was the glue that held these marathons together.
I also miss Howling Man. A true blue fan!


"The Trade Ins". Lovely story with sweet acting. Gangster with a heart of gold to boot.

I never liked The Trade Ins. They were a sweet couple. I can relate because my husband and I are very much like them in our feelings for each other. We are going on our 37'th year together. If one of us were sick and in pain I would assume that the one who got the transformation could be healthy and work for the money to get the other one the transformation.
I did like the ending. They were meant to grow old together. That's the way it should be.


I am the Night is one of those eps that was well intentioned but was probably as subtle as a sledge hammer even back then. Sadly the social commentary today is even more obnoxious and blatant.

Actually if it was made today the murderer would be a hero and probably released. He killed a white bigot after all.


Yes, a tad heavy handed. It must've made a sensation back in the day!


Certainly banged it's hands on the pulpit for all to hear.


I always wonder if there are pig faced people with a fetish for the "freaks" when I watch Eye of the Beholder. Imagine being a pig face guy and having your pick of all the "freaks" who are actually hot babes. That would be awesome.


Shoot I forgot about this today....I don't have cable but can watch them on netflix. Maybe next year more people will find truly is very much like imdb....many went to the inferior imd V2 boards......


I use both. It's not an either or situation. You can still comment by guessing which eps will be shown.


We have to start somewhere. New Year's Eve more people will be housebound too. Spread the word.


"We have to start somewhere. New Year's Eve more people will be housebound too. Spread the word."

This is true. It's a bit different on the Fourth of July. I couldn't be here much of the day. I'm about to head out with everyone to check out the fireworks soon.
New Year's Eve is the biggie for this marathon. More people have to be in on this then.
I always consider it to be a belated Christmas gift!


Pig Faced People? Are you talking about Eye Of The Beholder? That freaked me out when I was a little girl. That was back in the early 60's. I don't care about how it seems today. That was scary then.
It isn't so far fetched either. What was considered frightening then isn't so frightening now.....
What was beautiful then may not be considered beautiful now....
I could see this sort of thing happening in the future too!


Nobody expected six pack abs on a woman. Women had curves.


I watched it with a fresh perspective. I think it's message is just as prevalent today


Yes i said the title in my post. I haven't watched it in years and noticed the tv screens with the "leader" ranting about conformity look like HD thin screens.


Wasn't a huge fan of Frizbee. It was better than some of the more comic episodes.....


Hello, everybody!

I've been looking for the old IMDb gang for a few days. I found this discussion earlier today, but couldn't get onto this board (the email verification message didn't come through, but Jim very nicely verified me manually).

I had to work this morning, but I've been watching the marathon when I can. Nice to see some of the old gang, and TZ-lovers I don't already know, here!


My verification was in my junk mail.


I looked there, gary, but it never showed up. I'm just a technology jinx, I accept it. :-)


Great to see you too!
It's not quite the same as it was on IMDb, but it's closer than what I expected.
Glad we are all here! Happy Fourth!



Hey Tristan! Good to see you here! Happy Fourth!


Hi, MissMargoChanning, hope you are not having a bumpy night.

A Kind of Stopwatch is OK, not a favorite. I like the little Nathan van Cleave tune that plays when all is stopped, but a little of it goes a long way.


Didn't see the end coming which I appreciated.


I've been using this site to check the schedule:

Some of the tongue-in-cheek descriptions are stupid, but some are very funny.

The description for Time Enough at Last reads:

"The one where a book nerd survives a nuclear apocalypse only to get bullied by God, who apparently hates people that are near-sighted."



Hi! I'm back! It is definitely a BUMPY NIGHT! LOL! I was getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes over at the ballpark. A couple of us came home. Only the brave want to stay to watch the fireworks. They don't seem to care. They brought alcohol! I'll drink mine here, thank you very much!

"The one where a book nerd survives a nuclear apocalypse only to get bullied by God, who apparently hates people that are near-sighted."

My Goodness! I am about to laugh myself right out of my chair! Time Enough at Last.
We should start a thread where we do these sort of descriptions. I doubt that we could get funnier than this site! What a hoot!


Glad you came in out of the mosquito cloud, MissMargo.

I like A Penny for Your Thoughts. I like anything with Cyril Delevanti in it.


Isn't Dick York kind of cute in that? Cyril???? not so much. LOL!


Not cute-guy cute (well, not at that age, anyway -- I'm sure he had his day). But cute in a whole other way -- droll and wistful, and a sad picture of what Dick York's character might have become, if he'd never connected with June Dayton's character.


Isn't Dick York kind of cute in that?

Dick York was indeed cute at that age (around 33), moreso than when he was in Bewitched a little later (aged 36-41).


Yes, he was quite cute. Have you ever heard of a dancer named Tommy Rall? He was a terrific dancer and singer who looked a lot like Dick York. This is him (He's wearing the Checked Sportscoat:


He does resemble him a bit. It's funny. I've seen so many musicals he appeared in. Never really knew who he was.


I did like him in A Piano in the House.


Haha! The universe certainly has a cruel sense of humor! One might say that he might have done himself a disservice not using the gun!


I just think Devine and his spun yarns on his grand historical significance are a hoot which is why it works for me. As an entertainment it works on my funny bone. It isn't profound or tragic. It doesn't challenge you to dwell on human nature or question our humanity. But it has quite a character and his blather amuses me.


And now, Marsha!




Yes! In my personal Top 5.


One of the greats.


It's after-hours for me, too -- I am off to bed.

It was nice chatting with fellow TZers.

See you on 12/31?




Certainly is. But, ugh, Syfy cut a commercial right in the heart of the conclusion


They do that a lot - during Living Doll too. Urgh.

Still, it's fun! I may have to go to bed soon too though. :(


But there's still "The New Exhibit"!


I know. I'm hoping to make it through this one. Since it's an hour long, that may be tricky...


Balsam is really good. He's kept me from going to bed. I have work this morning so it is a questionable decision. Considering I have the DVD set...


But if you watched it on DVD you'd miss all the ads for "Blood Drive" and Liberty Mutual.


Ugh, the struggle was real.


Luckily I don't have to, but I do have to take my daughter somewhere tomorrow morning, so my time is limited...

I guess that's another reason NYE is good - I rarely have to go somewhere on New Year's Day!




Martin Balsam is incapable of delivering.


Wax museums and figures make great horror subjects.


I remember going to the original Madame Tussauds and seeing Jack the Ripper, Manson, etc in a murderer's row type of area. It WAS very creepy.

A bit of a nod to Vincent Price too, eh?


I bet you're right.

There's also an "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" episode very much like this called "The Waxwork."


There is a Hollywood wax museum in Orlando with a horror movie area. My dad and I were in that section joking around and one of the figures suddenly leaped at us. It was an employee in costume. My dad gave him a Barney Fife style karate chop. Such a great memory.




Yes, that was in the London Madame Tussaud's. My sister was with a friend who actually got physically upset at that exhibit so that that she had to leave.

We have a Madame Tussaud's here in NYC, but it's nothing like the one in London. In ours, it's all about celebrities and presidents. Nothing gruesome.


Okay all, up to bed.

Good seeing you all! Let's hope for even more NYE. TZers are the best.


Okay all, up to bed.

Good seeing you all! Let's hope for even more NYE. TZers are the best.


I could have sworn I just saw this one. I must be in some type of zone where odd things occur.


I was waiting for A Stop At Willoughby and all of a sudden it was the same thing I had seen before. I thought maybe I had accidentally rewound my DVR, which was a half hour behind, but when I rewound it, it was still the same episode! Twilight Zone, indeed! Or SyFy screwed up... Glad I wasn't the only one who saw that!


I did the same thing. I thought I had backed up my dvr. Well first I thought it was one of the other crashed on a planet episodes and was struck by how similar it was. It bothers me that the bad astronaut killed his companions and might end up getting away with it. How was that punishing him?


Lol, I would've thought the same thing, but I saw the guide so I knew what was supposed to be next so I was really confused. I was waiting for Willoughby. I guess he has to live with what he's done now that he knows it was all for nothing? Hopefully he gets punished and goes to prison for it. What an egotistical jerk he was...




I think there will be an investigation and his crimes will be discovered. How he'll be able to hide his murderous misdeeds seems unlikely. I think he'll pay for what he did.
