MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Who else has signed up to this new site?

Who else has signed up to this new site?

Who from the old TZ board is here now?


I joined all the sites people recommended on the "site-that-is-dead-to-me". Didn't post much but liked to check out what others were saying and especially to follow along during the marathons. I read comments for lots of shows and movies but I especially liked to go to the Zone boards. It was nice to know so many others appreciate and love this show as much as I do. I feel like it helps to keep it alive, in a way.


<< I joined all the sites people recommended on the "site-that-is-dead-to-me". >>



Me. Obviously it's gonna take some getting used to (especially since this won't be the only new site I'll be posting in), but it's better than nothing .


I have. I have been with IMDB for years!!


Nice to see Julie, Jennie and the others here. I'm also at that other site, the one with v2 after the name but I like it here, too. It's awful that those boards were taken down and I'm so glad this one was saved. Let's hope it stays that way.


Hi, guys...I'm here!!! Eff IMDB, so angry at them.


Hey guys! I just joined the IMDB forums after lurking for years...then the announcment came it was closing lol. Happy to join my fellow TZ fans here though! I think this is going to be "the place" with the most activity and probably the closest to what the imdb board was. Happy to be here! =)


This is the closest I have seen to IMDB so far guys. It even has links to IMDB'S movie and trivia pages. So it's pretty intuitive. Plus it's real easy to log on here. We will all get used to it. I really like the format so far and it will only get better


