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Kjnetz (19)



While not the best anthology series by any means, I really like the W.G.O.D. episode of The Hitchhiker with Gary Busey. Anyone remember that one? I agree for the most part about Night Gallery. It had potential, but overall it's pretty disappointing. I still prefer AHH over AHP. The ones that stick with me are mostly the hour long episodes: An Unlocked Window, The Second Wife, Where the Woodbine Twineth, The Lonely Place, The Jar, The Return of Verge Likens, Final Escape to name a few. TZ worked best in a half hour format, but I think the hour worked well for AHH. See, I didn't really find him to be arrogant, but more tired, disillusioned, let down by what he thought his future would be, as opposed to what it actually is. I got a feeling of hopelessness from him. That the only way out was through the past. Very much enjoyed Hitchcock, especially the Alfred Hitchcock Hour. For some reason, the hour long episodes are the more memorable for me. I saw them for the first time on USA's Saturday Nightmares back in the 80's. When I was a child, seeing these for the first time, I would've considered this one of the "boring" ones... My, how time and perspective changes things. When I saw it again as an adult, I immediately understood the power of this episode. Probably my number 1 of all TZs. I love everything about it: the story, the acting, the score. Everything. Definitely a 10. An Unlocked Window is the one with the two nurses caring for an ailing man in a big creepy house (the Psycho house, to be exact) during a raging storm with a strangler on the loose, who preys on, who else? Pretty young nurses! If you haven't seen it, it's a must. Best ending ever! We screamed. Okay, I was about 12 when I saw it, but still...😲 And to top it off, they're both It's a Wonderful Life, TZ edition! I agree Bevis is better, which is strange because I do love Carol Burnett. Oh man, I really, really hate The Honeymooners. I always wanted to send him "to the moon". Loved a lot of the AH Presents and Hour, especially An Unlocked Window. So scary! FUN scary. When I was a kid, I loved the Bewitching Pool. I didn't realize it was half Rocky Squirrel's voice til years later. Other than that, I don't think it's too awful. But, yes the dubbed parts are pretty bad. I like A Piano in the House and the Jungle. I do not like: Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room, Last Night of a Jockey, Steel, The Mighty Casey, The Mind and the Matter, Sounds and Silences, From Agnes with Love (I liked it as a kid though, strangely), The Invaders, Cavender is Coming, Mr. Bevis, and, sorry, I Sing the Body Electric (ducks). But, overall so many more good episodes than bad. I would, too. Her performance kind of makes me cringe, sorry. Don't mean to offend, we all like what we like. For example, I actually do like Still Valley... View all replies >