MovieChat Forums > Lori Lightfoot Discussion > Blamed her loss on racism and her gender...

Blamed her loss on racism and her gender.

Is she even aware that the same city elected her years ago?


We need to recognize that white evil might have played a part. Whites wants power at the expense of blacks. If she feels this way its best to just reinstate her. Whites are the one that need to be punished.


Is it the same city, though? I mean, the almost daily unprosecuted homicides committed under her jurisdiction have changed the city.


True, there are less blacks in the city ... and whites didn't vote for her. So she is RIGHT!!! It s racism!!1!1one



Wouldn't criminals want to vote for her though? No time when they commit a crime.


Well, when are the masses going to raise their voice and say, "You don't get to blame your failures on immutable characteristics anymore"?


Considering the black population is something like 30% and white population is 36%, I don't think she realizes race wasn't really a factor.


She’s a crybaby libtard, playing the race/gender card is what they do. She’s also been given privilege her whole life because of her race and sexual orientation and now that she’s getting a taste of what the real world is like she can’t handle it. What’s sad though is so many innocent people died due to gang violence on her watch and she did nothing about it when she could have.


That sounds about right for her. If she was any good at the accountability thing, Chicago wouldnt be such a mess of violent crime.


I don't blame her though. Chicago has been like this for a while.


The police chief is leaving also. But likely would have gotten fired by the new mayor anyway.


You can't fire me, I quit!


So she's clueless, or a liar. But most likely a clueless liar.


I think she's just being dishonest with herself.


Should anyone be surprised? She's not imaginative. She knows one card and plays it over and over.
