MovieChat Forums > Matt Walsh Discussion > Best youtube channel today

Best youtube channel today

Funny, ruthlessly honest in his exposure of the left, and their love affair with their stupid, hypocrtical ideology, and now exposing the racist nature of a certain group that says and does everything to avoid responsibility for their actions.


His non-political, philosophical stuff is good, too.


“It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything on insufficient evidence.”
I do watch a lot of his youtube videos but I can't take anyone that's that religious seriously


People who are religious live happy lives while in movies and shows they are portrayed as closeted evil people who mistreat everyone for the fun of it. Look at what was done to Ned Flanders. His character and family was meant as a slap in the face to how crappy the Simpsons were as fake Christians but then new writers took over and destroyed Ned just because it was a positive example of why Christianity works, even if its seen as silly or sheltered by others. Who cares when you look at how those others live. They're horrible, hideous people who live like practically animals, with no care in the world except their own basic urges.




yea, you seem pretty happy. Must really love god.




The further you walk away from the light, the easier you are fooled by the devil. You havent even dug deep enough to know whats logical about it.




There have been thousands of religions over the years. How do you know yours is the right one?


That's like asking, there have been thousands of languages over the years, how do you know yours is the right one? They all share the same principle.




My god that's a horrible analogy. There's no inherent metric for a specific language to be "correct"... which is not the case for religions. Religions claim to have actual answers for the mysteries of the universe, so there is in fact a metric for their validity, it's just that it's currently unknowable.

Christianity and Islam both have creeds to which believing/worshipping their specific god is paramount. So there are actual consequences to choosing the "wrong" religion as well - if any of them were true and not man-made creations that is. Which they aren't.


They worship the same god. Their goal is the same, as with language, which is communication. You're just a moron.


No, they don't worship the same god, or have the same creeds. You (hilariously) implying they do indicates either extreme ignorance or extreme dishonesty on your part.

But hey yeah - Vishnu, Thor, Allah, Dionysus and Jesus are totally the same god with the same beliefs and descriptions attached. You know, except for the mind-numblingly simple fact that they are wildly different, cannot all be true, and different consequences exist depending on their individual validity... which is the entire point you're missing somehow.

Thanks for the personal insult by the way. Very righteous of you, and of course fully indicative that you have no actual response beyond your initial false assertions and horrendous analogies.






"People who are religious live happy lives..."
While people who aren't religious do not?
In general?
All of them?
Some of them?

There are countless examples for religious people who are neither happy, nor good for society.
Wanna talk about the church's history with child abuse? And I don't just mean sexually, also psychologically.
Religion isn't either good or bad, like everything else, it is a tool that gives people power, and some people will abuse such power while others won't.

Long story short, what you said is incredibly ignorant.


What you said is ignorant. I mean are you really unaware of studies of people's happiness, depression rates and suicide rates? Like give me a break. What is with this world and every clueless moron projecting their completely bitterness and willing stupidity on to everyone who knows facts, while people like you are completely oblivious. It's embarrassing going through life like that. You should literally be ashamed but instead you will double down because like all willfully ignorant morons, you're all narcissists to boot. You definitely vote blue wanting change while causing the problems that warrant the change that never comes because the solutions are not even coming close to solving the actual problems that are scapegoated like your post just tried to do.

Yeah, let's talk about the church's history with psychology abuse. Funny how the world seems to think that's so prevalent, when cherry picking but more sexual and psychology abuse goes on by teachers in public school every year. Guess what?!, there has never and WILL NEVER be a school shooting at a Catholic school. So what do you have to back up ANYTHING? Random cases, without even making a proper comparison to the thousands of teachers raping their students and all the school shooters who were neglected by the school staff or made worse with their teachers who constantly berate or isolate them


The bit where you make a statement about a group, here RELIGIOUS PEOPLE, and the other person comes back and asks "all of them"?

Is not a serious or legitimate reply. People understand the idea of groups. When someone pretends to NOT, they are being dishonest in order to dodge a point they cannot refute.

Kendricks just revealed that he knows you are right, that religious poeple lead happy, or at least HAPPIER lives.


No, Kendricks pointed out that such a generalization based on nothing (ah yes, "studies", I forgot) is ignorant and that it is being pretended like religion is a thoroughly good thing when in reality, it comes with its own problems attached - I even named a specific example.

Meanwhile, the other guy completely ignored my points and immediately went full out ad-hominem... I guess religious people are so happy that they are unable to have a civil discussion and feel the need to insult their opponent instead of making a reasonable argument.

And no, "studies" is not an argument, it's hot air.
What studies?
From whom?

It's the same bullshit like saying "but science...!" as we have seen during the pandemic, and I would have thought people learned from it...


If you asked for a link to the studies to challenge them, that would be legit.

Citing a small number of counter examples to a GENERAL STATEMENT is irrelelvant nonsense for the reasons I explained. Which you did not address.


Me questioning the "studies" is obviously implying I would want to see them. It's not rocket science.

"Citing a small number of counter examples to a GENERAL STATEMENT is irrelelvant nonsense for the reasons I explained. Which you did not address."
There really is nothing to address because you didn't say anything meaningful.
He is making baseless claims which I challenged and you just come up with "nonsense!".

One would think it goes without saying but "you're WRONG!" is not an argument.
Do you have a point? Feel free to share it any time now...


Sorry, dealt with plenty fo lefties who have pretended to not understand the concept of generalization. So, not buying your excuses.

So, if your intent was to challenge thee studies you would have/should have done that, instead of making irrelevant points about limited numbers of counter examples to a general statement.


"Sorry, dealt with plenty fo lefties who have pretended to not understand the concept of generalization. So, not buying your excuses."

Okay, this is rich. And gold. Love it.

So, him dropping the unsupported claim that "religious people are happier!" without any proof or even just an argument to support it is A-OK because it aligns with your personal opinion, but me challenging this claim by pointing out that it ain't so easy and superficial and that "religious=happiness" is ignorant and foolish while naming examples as an argument... that's somehow not acceptable?

Got it!

"So, if your intent was to challenge thee studies you would have/should have done that"
And I did challenge it. I would do so more but there's literally nothing to challenge. Let that sink in for a bit. You are whining about me challenging his studies... that he never even shared.
There is no problem here other than you not liking what I am saying, but that's not my problem.

On top, it's hilarious to see you being upset about someone challenging a statement that's been unproven and unsupported to begin with.

Your bias is painfully obvious.


Him making the claim is fine. You challenging it is fine. You citing isolated counter examples to a general statement was retarded. You did NOT ask to see the studies.

YOUR bias is painfully obvious.


I don't have a bias. While I am not religious, I am not against religion. Instead, I look at it on a case to case basis and I am able to differentiate and understand that everything has pros and cons and that the whole topic of "happiness" is way too nuanced and deep to simply boil it down like that.

How is that biased?

Challenging an unsupported claim like "religious people are happier" is not a sign of bias, it's a sign of the critical thinking.

I know plenty religious people and I know religion.
To even admit of being unhappy is basically something you do not do as a religious person. Especially in Christianity, complaining is something you are expected not to do. You are expected to be optimistic and, literally, trust in God that things will be better. So religious people of course tend to claim they are happy... but is that really always true? I doubt it.

Long story short, the fact alone that more people who are religious claim(!) they are happy in contrast to people who aren't, just isn't convincing as there are way too many factors at play here. Would I agree that there seems to be a tendency? Yes. And it makes sense because religion often connects people beyond anything churchy and socializing usually doesn't lead to unhappier lives as people are social creatures. But that would also mean that non-religious people who are part of some club and make similar social connections experience this too. So in the end, it might not even be about being religious directly but usually, this is the goal of such claims, to make it seem that religion is the key to happiness - hence the comparison to non-religious people and what bothers me. It implies you will be less happy without religion, by default.

"You did NOT ask to see the studies."
Is this really your talking point now, the audacity that I did not directly asked for a study he should have provided in the first place?


1. I am fine with you challenging the assertion.

My point was that challenging it by pointing to exceptions from a general statement was retarded.

2. Your distrust of religious people is noted.

3. You did not inititally did not even IMPLICITLY ask to see the studies. YOur initial argument was solely based on exceptions to a general statement, which was retarded.


If you're gonna question things that go against your narrative, don't play stupid and ask for sources that you can easily find yourself. You're being a lazy willfully ignorant fuck, and just like you want to deny what the world is crying out to you, you'll deny that too.


Ah yes, "studies". Love it. That's a solid argument right there!

"You definitely vote blue"
You continue to prove my point by being even more ignorant.
I am not even American. Would I be, I'd vote republicans for lack of a better alternative.
The last thing I'd ever vote for is any green/left political party. Not even if Hell freezes over.

Any more dumb and baseless assumptions you wanna get out of your system while you're at it, you obviously happy and stable person that immediately flips and viciously attacks a stranger online after making a point about happiness and how miserable your opponent must be?

Can't make this up, really.


studies only includes happiness rates, depression and suicide rates arent "studies" Nice reading comprehension. Or better yet, nice try dismissing whatever goes against your bullshit narrative and stupid argument.


I forgot to reply to this bit...

"Yeah, let's talk about the church's history with psychology abuse. Funny how the world seems to think that's so prevalent, when cherry picking but more sexual and psychology abuse goes on by teachers in public school every year. Guess what?!, there has never and WILL NEVER be a school shooting at a Catholic school. So what do you have to back up ANYTHING? "

First of all, it's not "cherry picking", it's raising awareness to a real, long-existing and obvious problem. The fact that you are so adamant to dismiss it despite it's existence only tells me so much more about what a happy Christian you are. That your reply is textbook whataboutism only adds to that.

How many wrongs make a right?

Also, "thousands of teachers raping their students and all the school shooters" really? xD
Can't wait to see your source for that... oh there is none?
Ah... well... at least we start to see a pattern here, don't we?

As for school shootings at catholic churches... oh boy.

First of all, these happened already, so much for "never".
Second, what's the proportion of non-catholic and catholic schools and thus, how likely is it that a catholic school would get targeted? The sample size is significantly smaller, obviously so is the chance for something to happen.

There are, in rounded numbers, some 6,000 catholic schools in the US out of some 32,000 private schools total and 100,000 public schools. Meaning, roughly 126,000 to 6000.

Why did you mention CATHOLIC schools, by the way?
Is it because you knew these didn't happen recently and thought to get away with it?
Why don't we talk about shootings at Christian schools instead? Because then it's a different story... one that wouldn't suit your narrative.


You don't understand English? I have to define words for you now.


I would say that I am happier since deprogramming myself. Like taking off an uncomfortable pair of shoes.


Ha, reading that quote that was my first thought, then I read your second sentence...


Bad choice of words. I agree with him on pretty much everything except his stance on religion and airport etiquette.


There is a really weird, creepy obsession with Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro’s religious beliefs from the naysayers.


Is there? I'm not on twitter or anything but I am subscribed to them both on YouTube. I agree with them on a lot of things - just not the religion part.


It's fine if you don't agree. I just see a lot of people obsessing over the fact that they both believe in God and equate them to being mentally ill because of it.




I've seen a few lefties on this site make such arguments. Tehy are deeply anti-religion.

IMO, they enjoy being bullies, and taking such as stance gives them a.... flavor and a form to the abuse they want to heap on people that they hate.


If the left is best at anything, it’s definitely being a bully.


They are Marxist atheists. Marx was anti-religion, even though he created a cult many consider a religion. Was also racist and didn't pay his housekeeper!


Well yes. Everyone should just have a state appointed housekeeper, naturally. Everything is free in the eyes of a commie, and big daddy government provides it all. That worked so well.
