MovieChat Forums > Robin DiAngelo Discussion > Her book White Fragility

Her book White Fragility

Has anyone read it? It has become a best seller and has very much caught fire. She makes an excellent case on how racist white people are and their inability to see or admit it (their white fragility).




Another book to check off.

So far from these similar types of authors I am sexist, misogynistic, racist. Have male privilage, white privilage and now white fragility.

Man I must have the best life ever and have no issues what so ever.

What an utter crock of shit. It is amazing how these authors spouting this racist bullshit are always white.

Critical race theory is so dangerous it is not even funny. It is putting all white people as the oppressor regradless of who they are and their own attitudes and obsolves anyone non white and makes them out constantly to be the oppressed or the victim. Again that is a crock of shit.

Black, white, asian, latino all can be racist, all can be sexist, all can be pieces of shit and everyone knows it except these loony leftists who are pushing this tribal, cultist nonsense.

The recent attack of an asian man was conducted by a black man and what happens they want to do a rally/march against white nationalism. What has white nationalism got to do whith a black man attacking an asian man. Look to the book and author above pushing this false racist bullshit that will cause more problems than it will ever help.


Your lack of understanding of the issue is a sign of fragility and privilege. To deny white fragility is to affirm it. You are exactly the type of person DiAngelo's book is for. You must read it.


Exactly on queue just like others.

Calling me racist for calling it out. You lot have no other answer, no real comeback.

No matter what I say I am racist. It is a tired a boring argument with no merit whatsoever.

Stop reading from your indoctrinated play book and think for yourself for once.

No one is born racist, end of story no matter the colour they are. If you can't see that or more than likely don't want to see it then that is your fault not mine.

You can be racist if you are black, white, asian, latino, european, australian the list is endless. By absolving anyone who isn't white then you are just giving people like this author a free pass to do as they wish without concequence. You do realise as well this author you are defending is white.

Go live in Japan and see how racsim exists against white poeple. Oh I forgot only white people can be racist.

Am I still the oppressor and have all the advantages and privileges if I move to Africa?

I will await your reply that calls me racist as you have no other answer.


There, see that video and learn. You are just repeating the same typical "arguments" to try and justify your own white privilege and fragility. Learning doesn't hurts, set aside some time to watch that video and understand the issue. DiAngelo's logic is undeniable and she is speaking the truth.


Right on queue as I stated.

You didn't even read what I wrote. You are doing the same thing you are excusing me of. There is a word for that.

Enjoy your delusional world. Call me racist in real life and you wouldn't get off the floor. You wouldn't because you hide behind racist rhetoric being pushed.

DiAngelo's logic is undeniable

Yes it is. It is her opinion and her opinion only, it is not based on any scientific fact or for that matter anything that can be quantified. So it is definitely not undeniable.

You sound like a cultist defending your master. Her word is right and cannot be argued is what you are basically saying, very religous, cult sounding.

Personally I just think you are a sad individual that needs to be told what to think and when to think it.


Yes it is. It is her opinion and her opinion only, it is not based on any scientific fact or for that matter anything that can be quantified. So it is definitely not undeniable.

You clearly have not read the book or watched the video if you think that.


Why would I read or watch something from a racist author?

You can spin your religion all you want. That book is only her opinion.


Refusing to watch/read it further demonstrates your white privilege/fragility.

Society will advance and leave people who think like you behind.


Refusing to watch/read it further demonstrates your white privilege/fragility.

No it doesn't. Don't watch anything from a racist. You want me to watch racist material. Seems strange.

Society will advance and leave people who think like you behind

So you want people to be more racist. Again seems strange. I believe in treating people based on their actions not the colour of the skin. It is odd that you are defending the person who wants us to treat poeple based on the colour of their skin.

That is called racism which you are defending. You are a racist and pushing it as a good thing.


"That is called racism which you are defending. You are a racist and pushing it as a good thing."

You can't be racist towards white people please educate yourself.


Your an idiot. That is the last I can say on this. You truely are an idiot if you belive that.

Sorry. Brainwashed would be a more apt example.

Again move to Japan or Africa and see how much you can't be racist towards white people.

So you are saying that a black employer says to a white person you are not getting the job because you are white is not racist? If you agree with that statement then everyone on this board should immediately block you. It just proves you are the racist and utterly brainwashed by critical race theory.

You are truely something else.



Society won't advance if you all keep calling half the people in it racist or fragile. If anything society will regress because of people like you and this author


To deny white fragility is to affirm it.

What you're doing is called a Kafka trap.

A Kafka trap is a fallacy where if someone denies being x it is taken as evidence that the person is x since someone who is x would deny being x. The name is derived from the novel The Trial by the Austrian writer Franz Kafka.


Your lack of understanding of the issue is a sign of fragility and privilege. To deny white fragility is to affirm it.

A case of circular "reasoning" where the premise of the argument is "proven" as a "fact" by simply repeating it without a shred of evidence to support it.

If you got that line from DiAngelo's book then she is either an idiot or she is selling snake oil.


From her Wiki page:

DiAngelo was born Robin Jeanne Taylor into a working-class family in San Jose, California, the youngest of three daughters born to Robert Z. Taylor and Maryanne Jeanne DiAngelo. Her parents divorced when she was two and the family fell into poverty. When DiAngelo was ten years old her mother died of cancer, after which time she and her sisters went to live with their father.

I would suggest she was traumatised by her childhood and that her hostility towards white people stems from being abandoned by her white father to a life of poverty and then the subsequent death of her mother. She renounced her father's name ( Taylor ) and is out for revenge.


She's a racist twat.


She admits as much just as every white person is, the point is to acknowledge it and work on it, which is the point of her book.


every white person is


Butterfly meme?


So she admits she's racist but says its ok cause so is every white person



Hi ElSofoque,

Thank you for your insight and recommendation.
This makes me very curious and I have a few questions for you so I (and people here who will not bother reading the book) can understand better Dr. DiAngelo's thesis:

- Are you white (meaning, racist) yourself? If so, how do you cope with it, and more importantly how do you work on it?

- How do you cope with the fact that both your parents (if white also) are racist, and how do you "work on them"?

- Do you agree that it isn't morally acceptable to bring racist human beings into this world, and therefore that white people should not reproduce? Is finding a none-white partner with the express purpose of having none-white children also racist?

- If I'm white but not an American or am from a country with no history of slavery nor colonial past, am I also a racist according to Dr. DiAngelo (is white people's racism a biological or cultural phenomenon)?

Thanks in advance.



Who wants to buy that Garbage im sick of the woke political correctness
