MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > Just a dude in a dress.

Just a dude in a dress.


--Michael D. Clarke


we know


Careful, saying that is considered blasphemy by the current state religion.


Who tanked a major brand into the dirt. Don't forget that part.


With all the Latinos moving here it was going to happen anyway. Latinos don't drink American beer.


Modelo at least is a beer …


Not a great beer but a beer I guess.


The last time I had a Modelo Especial, I thought it was quite good and certainly better than the Bud products and I drink a lot of micro-brews too. I know beer really well.

I haven't tried any of the other Modelos but perhaps they're good too?


Modelo Negra is a good dark beer.


Most people agree, but there is a huge percentage of people who know it deep down, but don't want to admit it because they're part of the "Be Nice Brigade".


And they are afraid of the blowback, the noisier crowd wins even if it’s the smallest.


I can't believe "men can't get pregnant" is considered a controversial statement. Ànd what's worse, I can't believe "minors shouldn't be allowed to cut
appendages off their body" is considered hate speech.


I hope you don’t live in Michigan. This post could be a felony there soon.


Yep, and just like Lia Thomas I feel sorry for him because while he's getting a lot of attention from the far left and they are telling him everything he wants to hear, as soon as they don't need to exploit him anymore they will totally forget about him. He's being exploited.


That's pretty much what most male-to-female (or MtF) trannies are; delusional men in dresses. They can't even portray the feminine form right; they play it up to stereotypes they heard about on tv, rather than looking how real women dress and behave. In some ways, they're little better than drag queens (and talk like them too).

It's why, if you educate your kids on what makes boys different from girls, be sure to tell them that putting a dress on a man doesn't make him female; he's just a man wearing a dress.
