MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > Is this dude really a tranny?

Is this dude really a tranny?

This guy really freaks me out, he looks like he just hates women, the way they talk, act and dress, and just want to make fun of them all the time to the point that he has made of that his entire persona.

If you say something against this guy, some people call you a bigot and hateful person, but I think they should look at him first because everything about this guy is just hated against women, and he has been able to make money out of that hate.

I can't stand him for too long, but I have seen some of his content and his persona is so uncanny and satirical, he acts like a comedian trying to ridicule women in general in the most hurtful way.

Watching him, I'm only see hate, bitterness and envy.

I dont even think this guy is a trans looks like just some gay person who want to make fun of women and make some money in the process


Does Dylan still have a penis? I think he's really cute and would probably have sex as long as the penis is still there. I don't want anything to do with the fake vagina made out of intestines that 'real' trannies have. Fem cross dressers are a turn on for me though.


WTF, I dint need to know all that shit about you bro, please next time keep you weirdness to yourself


AGREE 1000% with you Obliviod.


I reckon this fella is just a grifter. He's a not very good/failed actor, desperate for fame/attention. There is some old footage where he was on a game show 'pre transition' and it is beyond cringy. This guy will do anything for his 15 minutes.

He needs to commit to this new role and lose the sausage. Maybe then people might believe it.


They would indicate 2 people, this person is a he, a male, a dude, there is no they unless your schizophrenic, lets get real people, fuck this woke disease.


I think the worst is the term cis like male or female wasent enough, heterosexual people are like 95% of total global population no need to add a cis to the vast majority of people that label is not necessary, I dont understand all this weird labels buzzwords is so bizarre


He isn't a woman. He still has his junk. If he does undergo "bottom surgery," he'll be known as a eunuch.


He didn't get boobs added either.


Could be just an actor/comedian cashing in on the trans fad.



a beautiful woman 💃🏻👩🏻
