MovieChat Forums > Ron DeSantis Discussion > $12 million to move migrants intead of h...

$12 million to move migrants intead of helping Floridians.

Instead of moving aliens out of the country, DeSantis is spending big bucks to keep them in.


100 billion to Ukraine. 1.7T omnibus spending bill. But but 12 million? To put it in perspective for our slow brained cut and pasters, not RanB of course, Biden has blindly given 9000x as much money to Ukraine with no recourse.

If you want to close the open border, send the illegal aliens to Democrat homes, then it will change.

DeSantis winning. Great post!


And with no oversight. Desantis spent 12 million and the media shits all over itself to get the word out.


DeSantis is obviously a closeted homosexual.


Gd5150, I can't wait until Putin's government collapses and Putin-shill trolls like you are a relic of the past.


A relic? Don't think so. What you break, you pay.


Seeing how Diaper Joe and the DemoKKKrats are the ones who sent them to Florida in the first place I don’t think the left has any moral authority in this matter.


Moving "migrants" out of Florida IS helping Floridians.




We are the United States, it should not be every state for themselves.


But it’s ok when Democrats in DC let the southern borders states fend for themselves for the last 4 decades.


Anyone like you who is claiming that it's okay to let states fend for themselves is nuts.

Are you claiming it was only Democrats letting southern borders states fend for themselves for the last 4 decades? The GOP has controlled Congress and the White House several times in the last four decades.

You can read about the history of the wall at the southern border here;

Clinton was not opposed to a wall seeing as how he signed a bill that authorized construction of more of it.

All recent presidents have seen the removal of lots of illegals.


If he was moving them across the border, he’d be a coyote, human trafficker and a criminal, but send em to blue states… he’s a hero to republicans.


Deportation in accordance with the law is not trafficking.


He’s not deporting them. He’s moving them within the US, trafficking them further into the US.


He’s just giving the DemoKKKrats a taste of their own medicine, it was Diaper Joe who flew them to Florida in the first place because he wanted to punish them for voting for Trump.


Diaper Joe was the one who let them in in the first place and flew them on tax payer dollars to Florida. What De Santis does next isn’t an issue.


Too bad DeSantis took action to keep them in the USA instead of sticking his neck out to deport them. DeSantis is a posturing idiot who does not care about the law.

The number of people detained at the border has gone why up in the last few years. Perhaps the Trump administration was just letting them through instead of arresting them?


Yet Diaper Joe is the one who left our borders open to begin with, on your best day all you’ve proven is De Santis is just allowing Diaper Joe to get away with treason.


So even though far more illegals are stopped at the border during the Biden administration than the Trump administration, it is Biden letting them through and not Trump? How does that add up?

When did Trump ever close the border? By thinking about it and wishing it would happen? That is a sign of dementia.


You are citing disinformation, illegal crossings have skyrocketed since Diaper Joe took office and I don’t recall Trump rounding up illegals and dumping them in DemoKKKrat states. Illegal crossings were pretty low under Trump, they are at record highs under Diaper Joe, 2 million illegals have already crossed over.

Also saying that “well Trump did it” isn’t solving anything, Diaper Joe is president and the country is being invaded on his watch.


You have a link for illegal crossings for Trump and Biden? Your word on this is worth nothing here.


Here you go, about 450,000 encounters in 2020 up to 1.7 million in 2021 and 2.3 million in 2022


Thank you for the links.


congress passed over $8t during the pandemic, but no big deal. was there accounting for any of that money? no of course big deal....


Will you favor holding Trump and Biden accountable for this potential mishandling of money?
