MovieChat Forums > Hilaria Baldwin Discussion > Claims to be a white girl from Massachus...

Claims to be a white girl from Massachusetts

rather than a Spanish white girl. Doesn't she know Spaniards are white? Or that Spain is in Europe?

South Americans are brown.


I've met Spaniards browner than me and I have indigenous ancestry. But Spaniards as well as most Mediterranean peoples absolutely HATE being called brown. It really shows how much Western media has ingrained a sort of caste system in their feeble little minds that the lighter your skin is the higher station of life you deserve to be set in.

You find this same phenomenon in North America amongst caucasian people who use the term White Trash and usually associate it with people they fee superior too.


Bigot much? LOL


To be clear are you responding to me or BourbonKing? I would guess BourbonKing.


Um no, I'm describing the socially ingrained Bigotry I experienced from Spaniards who fear being called brown, as well as Italians and Greeks when I traveled around the Mediterranean. There was a constant underpinning of hatred for all things Black African as well.


So a bigot you are.


aren't Mediterraneans generally referred to as Olive-Skinned?


That's the word often used but there are Europeans with Brown skin. Olives are mostly green imho.


You are absolutely clueless. All Europeans are considered white over here. It's ethnicity that matters more.



Here in Europe Spaniards are considered white but more importantly European, because that's what they are. What you're describing is an US thing.


Wow! You are agreeing with me while arguing with me.


I didn't even respond to you.


My wife is of Italian/Maltese descent and she has never cared about being called brown.


She is obviously Caucasian. But who cares? It's not a big deal, and she should just ignore anybody who thinks it is.


The thing is....she hitched her wagon onto Alec Baldwin and has been enjoying the celebrity and attention that comes with it. They rub everyone’s faces in how perfect they and their family are...and they portray a certain image. Part of that image is “Hilaria” being a young, exotic Spanish yoga instructor (to the point where she even fakes an accent...and purposely struggles with easy words like “cucumber”). If she chooses to play that role....and chooses to be in the celebrity spotlight...she’d better be ready to get called out on her bs. It goes with the territory.


Alec , is that you?
