MovieChat Forums > Michelle Obama Discussion > people ACTUALLY think she's a man?

people ACTUALLY think she's a man?

I just talked to someone at my gym who genuinely thinks Michelle, or "Michael", was an ex-linebacker at some fcs football school and got a sex change when his NFL career didn't kick off. He was dead serious about all of it. he also threw in stuff about, of course, his mom was a coke-addicted prostitute and his dad was in prison. I thought that was all just a joke.


If you can't see Big Mike's balls swinging in this video you might be a straight up retard:


I'd say that's pretty much significant proof and she or he is probably the reason why we're seeing this uptick in kids wanting to change their sex and this is something we never used to see.. Sure Gender Dysphoria does exist, but it's such a small percentage that in 2023, you'd never think that the way these young kids now talk about changing their sex like it's no big deal, a Fad if you will


If you can't see that the video was altered, you might be a straight up retard.


hey retard, actually you can see the same video right on ellen degenerate's channel. here you go retard:


Appears to be just the pants folding out, not being pushed out by a part of her anatomy that you imagine she has.

Perhaps you can be overly concerned about something else that actually affects you? Why are you so triggered that you scream "retard" when someone disagrees with you?


i can tell you're a 100% retard who wore the mask, took the jab, and also believe anything you see on the news.


The most factual comment on this thread.


Not true. You're the idiot who believes stupid claims about Obama being trans.


I don't think anyway really believes it. Just a way to portray her in a negative light. Why? I don't know? Barack is done with politics and she's not aspiring to any political offices.


Woah... people are still claiming Michelle is a man? I thought this nasty rumor died out like 5 or 6 years ago.


Naw. Some people just need to keep on reassuring others that they hate women and black people.


Didn't controversial preacher, David Manning, accuse her of being "manly" and he's black. A few others have done it too. I remember when Joan Rivers actually called her a "tranny" and I'm fairly certain Rivers wasn't racist.

However, I'm sure some of her critics are racist and dislike women but not all of them. Saying "bad words" doesn't automatically make one a bad person.


Calling a woman manly is different than saying they're actually a man. How is it that you don't know this?


that they hate women and black people.
...and those dirty commie dems , MO is a bit of a perfect storm for them.

The extreme Repubs are like 4chan when it comes to kbd warrior hate campaigns.


Hardly anybody. It's just a joke. She's actually not bad looking. Too bad she's a leftist.
