MovieChat Forums > Eric Adams Discussion > Now accused of SA from all the way back ...

Now accused of SA from all the way back in 1993
It seems very convenient he's also now being accused of sexual assault going back to 1993. The Deep State is really working overtime to bring him down as He's been one of the most Vocal Critics of Diaper Joe's open border invasion.


I don't know about this particular allegation, but something tells me that he is dirty in other ways. This won't be the last or the most serious charge we hear about.


Why didn't we hear about them BEFORE he commented on Biden's immigration policies?


I'm as cynical as anyone. It's certainly possible that the events are connected.


It's just weird, is all. The timing.


Not really. The New York governor signed a law allowing people who were sexually abused to sue. They had one year to do it. It just expired and plenty of women came forward including those who are suing famous men.


Adams really is no better than the previous Mayor.. Guiliani was the Best Mayor of New York and crime at that time was almost non-existent compared to now in 2023


Im from Kansas and have never set foot in New York City. I'm just pointing out how shitty and corrupt politics appear to be there. I'd love to visit there at some point in my lifetime but not when crime is out of control and being ignored on purpose.


I live in New England and my wife and I would visit the city a couple of times or more a year, usually to catch a Broadway play and have dinner there, but we only did that until about 8 years ago when crime started coming back in a big way. Giuliani had cleaned up New York where the crime was the lowest of any large U.S. city and probably one of the lowest of any large city around the world.

Today I won't set foot in NYC.


I hope the voters come to their senses and vote differently in the near future.


I have him as a mouth piece for the globalists and the world economic forum banning meat and eat maggots! Urging for more immigrants. Harboring them.


he's a career politician, what else is new?
