MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Seems to be fading away

Seems to be fading away

I like Lawrence. She is a very good actress. But she seems to be fading away. I had actually forgotten about her until I saw Dark Phoenix the other day.

But now that role seems to be done and she doesn’t have anything big lined up. I wish they would give her more roles.


Salary might be the issue.

Why pay someone more than others based on “Academy Award winner” pedigree if they’re hardly the focus of a film like “Dark Phoenix”?

Unjustified cost.

They could have gone with a NOBODY for the ill-fated reboot of X-Men and would have spent less. It’s not like you need a MERYL STREEP-caliber actress to play frickin’ Mystique. She was previously portrayed by Rebecca Romijn, for sh*t’s sake.

It’s like someone EXPECTS such actresses as J-Law to draw in crowds.

Whatever project she’s offered next, she needs to be the sole focus, not a high dollar PROP.


I remember a story from a while back where she said she was going to be taking some time off to work on some charitable issue or something.

EDIT TO ADD: I found this old thread that discusses why she was planning on taking a step back from acting. Not exactly a charity but it was to work on a social issue:


maybe its due to the Harvey Weinstein connection ?


Definitely think that has something to do with it, she was his pet project and without him she wouldn't have won that Oscar (he did the same with Gwyneth Paltrow, in how a decent performance but with the right campaign backing can win you a Oscar) and I'm sure he got a lot of her meatier roles for her. I wouldn't put it all down to that but I think it certainly has something to do with it.

The fact her last few films haven't exactly been lighting up the box office, a bit of a blow to her as she's the headlining act. Even the new X-Men has flopped, probably aside from her Hunger Games films were her biggest box office hits. She does make brave choices that weren't going to be big money makers, like Mother and Red Sparrow. So you got to admire her for that.

But I think the major thing is that her time as the golden girl of Hollywood is now gone. I think the likes of Emma Stone have come along and stole it. She hasn't proved to be a success when her films depended on her name alone to bring in audiences, the Hunger Games and X-Men franchises would have been successful with or without her. Also she seems to have a new man in her life and probably wants to just live her life and probably doesn't have the push or desire of her early career.


Well that Hunger War fame could only last so long. That Russian spy film she did was rock bottom bad. Does she have gambling debts?




Stars are harder to make these days and stardom is harder to keep.

J-Law got a one-two-three boost: Oscar nomination for "Winter's Bone"(a very good performance), a franchise role(The Hunger Games; big for her as Pirates was for Depp and Iron Man was for RDJ) that made her very rich(the highest paid whatever) and then an early Oscar WIN (for Silver Linings Playbook; somewhat because of Harvey Weinstein, but she was good, too.)

Unfortunately for her, her Hunger Games franchise played out early(RDJ got Iron Man for 11 years); and she wasn't special enough to save the X-Men franchise from Dark Phoenix.

Other than that, its just plain hard being a stand alone star in stand alone movies, these days. She made Joy with her Silver Linings director; she made the art film Mother with an art film director; she went the nudity route in Red Sparrow -- all respectable enough, but not hits.

All that said, The Hunger Games et al have probably made her rich for life; she's young; she's an Oscar winner. She'll come back somehow somewhere. She jumped ahead early.


Nah she’ll start working a lot pretty soon.


thats the problem whether its because she just isn't vey good or whatever movies have been failures..

she had the first Xmen when she was up coming. then got hunger games. she clearly gfelt she didn't need Xmen and crpaped all over it and got what she wanted. then she had a series of break evens/ flops.

-she was horrible in apocalypse
-red sparrow

its been literally 6 flops

who in their right mind would pay her 30 million for a film?


Yeah I guess she had her 15 minutes of fame.
