MovieChat Forums > Alan Ritchson Discussion > If one is honest, he is right about Trum...

If one is honest, he is right about Trump and religion....

Well, guess this is one show MAGA will be turning off, but he is right when it comes to his comments about morality, religion, and the propping up of Donald Trump by the hard right when it comes to hoisting Trump up as a genuine and authentic Christian.

From his BEHAVIOR, it is obviously clear - Trump is NOT genuinely spiritual or religious, and I seriously doubt he has ever opened up the Bible a single time in his life and if anyone states this is not true, then that person is both blind and ignorant (with ignorant being the polite way of saying stupid).


Starting with "If one is honest..." followed by the usual TDS caused BS rant is kind of funny...


A) it's simply not true- one has to be dishonest in order to agree with it.
2) Libs aren't capable of recognizing the truth or telling the truth.
C) The closest they get is projecting about Trump in regards to topics they have no information at all on.


So let's see, you MAGA morons believe that a person can be genuine and authentic about behaviors and beliefs when absolutely not living within those same beliefs, right?

God, you people are absolute stunners lacking any sincerity in discussions. But hey, really, I'm the daft one even engaging morons like this that can't even follow a topic without veering off into horseshit.


I'm not a very religious person my self, but from what I have seen during Trump's rise, back in 2016, his alliance was not one of him BEING ONE OF THEM, but of him being willing to work with them on their goals, and to NOT be hostile to them, on the cultural and legal war front.

He did that, IN SPADES, with the overturning of roe vs wade.

Politics make strange bedfellows. This has been known, forever. This, shock by liberals that a not religious person can get the support of a religious faction,

makes no sense. It's not newsworthy. It's weird that you can't just note it and move on with your lives.


It's all the leftists have.
When arguments run dry, all they are left with is their usual lies, slander and framing. Oh and their unlimited supply of double standards. But I am glad they have these, otherwise they'd have no standards at all...


Freedom of speech, not just for Trumper's.

“I'm a Christian quite simply because of what Jesus calls us to do," Ritchson told THR. "Love other people until death. It doesn't mean we're all to be hung on a cross, but how can I suffer for you? That is a beautiful thing."

But Christians have become “ the most vitriolic tribe” the 41-year-old actor added. "It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do."

"Trump is a rapist and a con man,” he said in the interview, “and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he's their poster child and it's unreal. I don't understand it."

Ritchson didn’t mince words when discussing the Catholic Church, either. "It's worth saying that the atrocities that are happening in the church that are being actively covered up, even to this day with people not being held accountable, is repulsive," he said. "I can't for one second support the Catholic Church while there are still cardinals, bishops and priests being passed around with known pedophilic tendencies."

Don't like it, then don't support a proud rapist like Trump.


1. It is not Christians that are the "most vitrolic". That's dumb. It is the woke left and their thuggish allies.

2. Only a fool would call Trump a rapist.


He is a rapist. Only a fool would deny it.


Funny he never got charged before he because a problem for dems.

You really buy that shit? LOL. No you don't. You know it's bullshit.


The court calls Trump a rapist. Trump says he sexually assaults women as a perk of wealth. Only a fool would deny those two facts.


The courts are corrupt. And Trump did NOT say that, you are lying.


I posted a link.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
Bush: "Whatever you want."
Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

What part of that did you not understand? Even Trump admits to saying those words.



That seems to be the part you fail to understand.


That is the usual excuse a rapist gives when a woman complains. The rapists say they wanted it.


It's also what men who are falsely accused generally say.

Do you know what a "groupie" is? What about a "golddigger"?


Why are you asking me when you should be telling me? Why not try mansplaining it? :)


Why are you afraid to answer teh simple question?

Do you know what a "groupie" is? What about a "golddigger"?


Yes, I know what they are.


You think that, before politics, that Trump was too moral and intellectual to enjoy the company of groupies and golddiggers?


I think Trump indulged in any kind of debauchery that he wanted. He bragged about doing so, and now his supporters are denying that he did.


And in that scenario, he had his pick of groupies and golddiggers, who were happy to LET him have their way, and that is what he told those guys about.

That's not rape.

It's morally wrong for you to claim it as evidence of rape. It's very disrespectful to actual victims of ACTUAL RAPE, for one.

False accusations like this, are the biggest problem for the victims of ACTUAL rape to be believed.

You are providing cover for the actual rapists out there.

Are you sure you can't make the argument against Trump WITHOUT doing that? Is he really that great that you have to go THIS LOW, ,to fight him?


I'm talking about the scenario in which Trump has been accused of sexual assault by women and boasts about grabbing women by the pussy as a perk of wealth.

I think Trump is a proud rapist, he just doesn't want to pay the price for it.


Clearly we are speaking of the same reality, the question is, which opinion is more supported by the facts.

We both agree that Trump almost certainly enjoyed the commpany and attentions of groupies and golddiggers.

That would completely explain he words on the All Access tape. He correctly realized that the women in his life were treating him differently becasue of his fame and wealth.

YOU believe that IN ADDITIONS to the groupies and golddiggers who "LET" Trump have his way with them, that he also forced himself on other women.

To support that you point to the accusations made against him.

My counter to that, is if he was regularly raping women back when he was rich and famous, BUT not yet political,

that they would have reported it THEN, whether in pursuit of JUSTICE, or depending on the woman, a payoff (more golddiggers here than innocent victims)

BUT, in REALITY, these accusations were NOT made, until Trump became a political figure thus drawing the ire of a large faction of the Establishment and the more progressive population.

That fully supports MY opinion, while is strongly clashes with yours.

Logically speaking, this is a very weak anti-Trump argument. The supporting evidence is weak as shit.

It does however, fit into a scenario where the plan is to just SPAM negative talking points, until people stop trying to counter then thus creating the false illusion of crediblity to the claims.

Which, is an effective yet morally wrong thing to do.


Surely you understand that many women do not report rape for various reasons? Why does this fact not apply to those who accuse Trump?


Sure I understand that.

But, in this case, the complete lack of charges BEFORE he became political,

supports MY scenario, ie of him being swarmed by groupies and golddiggers, and enjoying it,

instead of yours, of him being a "proud rapist" and just never getting caught, or even charged.

You CAN'T just look at a man not accused of rape for decades, and just assume that that is becasue his victims choose to not report.

Trump is a politicians with real flaws, and real policies. That are clearly visible and part of the publc record.

If you want to oppose him based on his actual flaws and/or his policies, that... would make a lot more sense than on these, very, very weak and suspicious looking accusations.


Oh yes I can. Oh yes I did. :)


I stand corrected, you CAN do that.

But, you certainly shouldn't.

I've never really known anyone that was FAMOUS, but I've known a few rich people, and a few very attractive people.

The world is a very different place for them. They are going though hte world on EASY mode.

Trump? Tall, famous billionaire? He was playing on GOD MODE, and he... at least he had the sense to KNOW that it was unusual.

And he bragged about it to some young men that ate it up.

If you're a very ... moral or prudish person and want to judge him on being a male slut, that would be completely fair.

But, that's as far as it REASONABLY goes.


Trump has slipped through the fingers of justice long enough. He can reap what he sows


OR, he's a problem for the powerful and they are using every dirty trick in the book to try to bring him down.

And you are supporting it, becasue it serves YOUR political agenda too.


Trump is also one of the powerful. He still has influence over the GOP in Congress.

My political agenda includes the right to keep and bear arms, something Trump has demonstrated he opposes.

My agenda also includes promoting politicians with some amount of integrity, something Trump is completely lacking in.


Yet, you seem oddly relaxed about the likely hood that poweful forces are abusing the court system to take out a threat to them....


I think the American criminal justice system has been allowing Trump to slide on charges that he should have faced long before now.

Just as they are allowing Pence and Biden to slide on mishandling of classified documents.


But biden and pence are still sliding.

Trump, despite his billions, and his influence, seems to be facing an oddly hostile justice system.

And that's a violation of his rights. And the rights of his supporters.

He has a right to an impartial and fair justice system, and his supporter have the right to their chosen representative.

This targetting of Trump for political purposes is a real wound to our democratic system.


Why should billions and influence matter? Trump's actions indicate he probably violated the law. The justice system gets rather hostile when people do that.

Trump is getting more than fair treatment. I don't think I would be free to run around the country while campaigning for office if I was caught with as many classified documents as Trump was. I would be in jail awaiting trial.

Trump is being targeted for criminal purposes.


You pointed out how others in the ruling class get a pass. Trump is not getting a pass.

That is why I mentioned it.


Pence and Biden were not as stupid as Trump. While they did mishandle classified documents, they did not refuse to hand them over when requested.

Trump was stupid. All he had to do was comply with the law.

Like Chris Rock says, "Think of the laws as hints".


Biden got a pass on one crime BECASUE THE INVESTIGATOR said he was stupid.

The Feds in these cases find excuses to give who they want a pass, and excuses to bring the hammer down on people they want to bring the hammer down on.

At this point in time, only willful blindness can explain your NOT seeing it.


Why did Pence get a pass?

They found more documents in Trump's house. How many passes should Trump expect to get?

Do you think Trump will ever be tried for mishandling those documents?


Don't know, don't care. Trump is a problem and they are brining the hammer down because of that, not because of any real "crimes".


Mishandling classified documents is a real crime, no matter how many others are allowed to slide.


Selective enforcement is not aobu tthe crime, but the reason for the selection.


Trump broke the law and got caught. Sucks to be him.

Trump let Clinton slide. He is probably just fine with letting Biden and Pence slide also.


And you have nothing to say about the selective enforcement being a vioaltion of his rights?

Is that becasue you do not support human rights for your political enemies?


It Trump rights were violated, then Judge Cannon would have dismissed his case. Being indicted for a crime when others are not, is not a violation of a person's rights.

You think Cannon is in on the "plot" against Trump?


"plot" is fairly specific word. Which I did not use.

You state that if his rights were violated, that the judge would have dismissed the case. You asserted it as a given.

Tell me, are you convinced that all Judges are perfect, or just Judge Cannon?


I don't care if you didn't use that word. Is Cannon out to get Trump or not? So far I think she is bending over backwards to ensure he is never tried in her court.

No judge is perfect. Judge Cannon appears to be especially bad at her job.


So, if no judge is prefect than why did you insist that if Trump's rights were being violated then the judge would have already dismissed the case?

Such an assertion only makes sense if any type of mistake or misconduct is impossible for some reason.


Is Cannon out to get Trump or not?


Why are you refusing to answer any of my questions?


I have answer some of them. You seem to be reluctant to answer some of mine also.

You asked about perfect judges and I answered. Sucks to be you.


You asked a lot of questions. I answered the ones I thought were most relevant.

Pick the one you think is most important.


So you want to pet a rabid mongrel.
Good luck!

I think it is a complete waste of time.
You cannot reason with it, you cannot bargain with it.
These maga trumpists lack the will to understand, they grovel in their ignorance, stupidity and obtuseness.
And you want to reflect with them????


What is so baffling about these cult members is how they completely ignore any sort of authentic or genuine aspect of morality from Trump and that is what Ritchson is pointing out - how a man lacking in any sort of moral character is seen as a spokesperson for morality and religion.

I guess next we can expect these nuts to take relationship advice from P Diddy.

Alas, though, we now know how Jim Jones was able to persuade a camp full of people to drink poisoned kool-aid.


The kool aid is long gone with them.


even with 81 million voters, people still love talking about Trump.


the best thing you can say about your guy is "People talk about him" ?

People talk about all kinds of bad people -serial killers , dictators ....


but no one talks about that other guy. its like he doesnt even exist even though he has been in politics for over 50 years and said he would BBB.


1 guy is boring, which is fine for a politician

The other is an uber colorful loud mouthed self obsessed intellectually stunted grifter - exactly the opposite of what people should want in public office , but much more talk-aboutable.


I wouldnt say Joe is boring. he says stupid stuff everyday, its just not put on the mainstream news. when Trump sneezes or farts, every liberal outlet will run the same story for weeks.

The White House is on cleanup duty after President Joe Biden delivered a gaffes-laden speech riddled with eye-popping doozies including calling insurrectionists 'irrectionists.'

the story came and went and no one said anything. if Trump had said that it would be breaking news across the world like the covfefe thing.
