
Fucker Tarlson and take Trump and his cult with the Chad CNN wins again.


Greatest TV pundit in history.


no he is a bigot and a TrumpliKKKan Wolf Blitzer iis CHAD Better


No, he's not. Pretty awesome pundit.


Helluva entertainer I guess, millions of dolts tuned in every night


No, people who wanted the truth and insightful analysis tuned in. It was a golden age of political wisdom in an age otherwise consumed by the errors and darkness pushed on us by leftism.


It was a man's OPINION not TRUTH or anything comparable to NEWS, people need to stop associating the two, it's dangerous.


Tucker provided news analysis, and he was quite insightful. And yes, he spoke the truth.


Is this satire?
You do realize he was fired for lies and fear mongering?


Source? I don't think the "why" was ever announced.


Lies, 783 million and sexism lawsuit


It looks like you have admitted that you have no source.



For you Helen Keller


You are literally citing the opinion of an attorney involved in a law suit against Tucker. In other words, your highly biased source is extremely lacking in credibility.


Get your head out of the sand


You're the one who cited a biased attorney as "evidence", though....

I'm telling you that you can't do that. When you claim "You do realize he was fired for lies and fear mongering?", I'm going to call you out on it.


Why do YOU think TC was fired?


One reason Carlson got fired is he lost Fox News $800 million.


Yet *another* theory, I see. Not a very convincing one, though.


Carlson said he was lying. Fox lawyers said he was lying. Since when is lying defined as news analysis?


Huh? When did Carlson say he was "lying"? When did Fox lawyers say this?


You're not going to really learn what is going on in the world if you only watch Carlson's show or Fox News.

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

Almost everyone else knows this, why don't you?


I think you are assuming too much. I was already aware of McDougal v. Fox News, and in fact I had already read what the court said in the case. I know it because it's often used by people on the left to make draw the same false conclusion that you did.

You claimed "Carlson said he was lying. Fox lawyers said he was lying." Yet nowhere does the court say what you claimed, nor do Fox's lawyers claim that.

Go ahead and search through the ruling yourself, and you'll see nothing that supports your claim.


Tucker Carlson himself admits he lies and then he couches it in being human as a defense against his own lack of integrity and personal responsibility.



So the conversation topic they were having was about false narratives and how people in the media push those falsehoods. Here's Tucker's full statement:

"Well, it's, I guess I would ask myself, like, I mean, I lie if I'm really cornered or something, I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don't, you know, I don't like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever, but to systematically lie like that without asking yourself, like, why am I doing this? So if these people ask them, just why am I doing this? They'll say well, because I wanna protect the system, because I really believe in the system."

So as you can see, while he admits to lying in rare circumstances, he is not saying he lies "systematically" as those in leftist media do.


I said Carlson lies. This does not mean I claimed he lies systematically.

But since Carlson is a known liar, he has little integrity. There is nothing wrong with anyone who decides to assume that Carlson lies until proven otherwise.

Given his history and his overly casual attitude towards telling the truth, it would be a mistake not to assume his claims are lies until proven otherwise.

This does not set him apart from many other public figures, so I don't see what the big deal is. He is just another liar with a national audience.


But that's nonsense. There is nothing to indicate that "he has little integrity" or that he has an "overly casual attitude towards telling the truth".

He just told us that other people (i.e. the left) lie to "protect the system". He also said he tries "never to lie on TV".

I get it that you don't like Tucker's views. Whatever. The reality, though, is that Tucker was an incredible voice - still is - of many people, and he is a force for much good in our nation.


A liar like him is never a force for good in the country.

Did you believe his views on replacement theory? Did you believe him when he said he didn't know what replacement theory was anymore? No one should be that stupid.

But Carlson wants to convince you that he is just that stupid, and you (and everyone else) are supposed to be such a bad judge of character, that you will be fine with it.

That is just one of his integrity problems. Trying not to lie is not the same as being a force for good.


Did you even read the article you cited? Because it shows Democrats promoting replacement theory. That's right - they promoted it, even as they claimed it was "racist" and was promoted by the right.

This is the kind of gaslighting the left does, and why Tucker was so good at exposing it. This is why they are so happy he's off Fox News; now, their corrupt activities can continue unchecked.

It is without a doubt that Tucker was doing much good for society through his show. If only you would have listened to what he was saying.


Fucker Carlson allegedly hates Trump. If he supports DeSantis, he's worse than I thought.

5 Times Tucker Carlson Privately Reviled Trump: ‘I Hate Him’

The Fox host’s private comments, revealed recently in court documents, contrast sharply with his support of conservatives on his show.


Jiggle83, the biggest hater on Moviechat chimes in again letting everyone know how miserable he is. Must suck.


Im not miserable being a Liberal has done wonder for my health it can for you, your the miserables ones instead flowing with the status quo
