MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > he wants to invade canada

Fuck Tuck.


fuck off tuck


If he's at the tip of the spear, I'm all for it. :-)


You lot have zero sense of humor. He's not serious. He's making a point about how we're so quick to send troops to here or there to liberate people.
BTW, Canada has slipped out of the top ten free countries in the world, so apparently Tuck isn't the only one who sees the problem:


he did support the iraq war.


For how long? He now ridicules Bush for buying into the Weapons of Mass Destruction lie perpetrated by the people around him. He considers all of them -- including the Bushes -- as part of the Swamp.


“I’m completely in favor of a Bay of Pigs operation to liberate that country,” Carlson said. “Why should we stand back and let our biggest trading partner ... why should we let it become Cuba? Like, why don’t we liberate it? We’re spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians. Why are we not sending an armed force north to liberate Canada from Trudeau? And I mean it.”


The comparison to Ukraine should have been your first clue.

Why do people who don't watch Tucker on the regular think they're qualified to critique the man? I don't watch MSNBC, so I don't try to critique Joy Reid. I know I'm not qualified. Why do people who don't really know what Tucker believes IN CONTEXT decide they can comment on anything he says.

He meant he wanted an answer to that question. One of the things he really loved about Trump was the NO NEW FOREIGN WARS policy. So his question was why are we "liberating" (interesting word, that, and what does it really mean?) Ukraine and not liberating Canada? If we launched the Bay of Pigs to liberate Cuba, why not liberate the country run by a guy who idolizes Castro? Legitimate questions, as matters of policy.

But learn how he feels about new wars for our young men to die in and you'll realize the "And I mean it" had to mean he meant he wanted answers to those questions.

I do, too. And I don't want any new wars, either.


So people are writing articles about this because they haven't watched his show and are taking it out of context? This is the same man who called Canada the retarded cousins of Canada, so there's no reason for me to question how he feels about Canadians.


I’ll answer your initial question:

“Why do people who don't watch Tucker on the regular think they're qualified to critique the man?”

Because they’re Democrat lemmings. They regurgitate what they’re instructed to say. You will never, ever see an independent thought or analysis that doesn’t match hand in hand what their masters at ABCNNBCBS tell them. You get cut and paste, and word for word regurgitation. Hownos is a classic example with 100k posts of cut and paste.


Hownos and Xanthas -- you know what they're going to say before they say it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is exactly right. I see it all the time. When I ask a liberal what bothered them in a certain situation, they almost always link what someone else has commented on the situation. They never cite the source or form their own opinions.


That's just so that Putin can show clips of this on Russian state TV and claim that even Americans want their own government to invade neighboring, sovereign countries.

Tucker: always the useful idiot.



Imagine being so low IQ you actually believe he wants to invade Canada. And then reposting it.

Imagine having 101,000 posts.

I sincerely hope this is just another LemminGPT bot or this person could be the biggest loser in history.


He also tells his low-IQ viewers that the election was stolen and they believe it.


I guess whenever guys like him talk about 'America First', this is what he meant.


he has plenty of time on his hands to organize this invasion.


Tv Dinner Carlson would never lift a pinky to fight for anything. He, of course, would send his army of rubes to do it for him.


We are safe from invasion:

Documentary about Canadian 'tyranny' won't air after Tucker Carlson's exit at Fox
