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Could Fox News be sued over Tucker Carlson's anti-vaxx statements?

A hypothetical lawsuit could work, but there are several hurdles.


Once the Commies got rid of the Orange Man the next most popular conservative in the USA is Tucker Carlson. This is why they continually try to screw with him. It wouldn't shock me if he is dead or in jail or in hiding when the next election happens.

Think I'm nuts?

A former president of the USA has been banned from ALL MAJOR social networks on the internet.


Tucker is nothing compared to him.


Ironic, considering the Orange man told his followers to hang that other grey-haired conservative from a tree.




Liberal jerk-off fantasy.


No chance of success.


Actually, the opposite could be true.

Every single news media organization, tech oligarch, and health authority NOT INFORMING people about the harms, risks, dangers, and percentages of fatality associated with the vaccines are violating Informed Consent laws:

Everyone who suffered serious adverse effects or knew someone who died from the vaccines after their doctor told them it was safe, should sue their doctor for malpractice.

Using Tucker's clips in an Informed Consent case as evidence that Big Tech, media, and the health industries purposely withheld important health information related to the efficacy (or lack thereof) of the vaccines could help with some massive payouts in upcoming lawsuits.

The question is: will the people who took the vax that suffered SAEs still be alive or healthy enough to even sue?


Tucker Carlson is vaccinated! He’s cool with it, and still doing his “entertaining” thing! It just sells more to his audience to propose the idea that somehow a few thousand worldwide deaths are more prominent than the 5 million worldwide corona virus deaths (of which the US is almost 20% responsible for) 🤷🏻‍♂️


There haven't been 5 million coronavirus deaths, because those are people who died WITH COVID-19 not FROM COVID-19. The health authorities are even misconstruing death certificates to say people died FROM COVID when they died from completely unrelated things, like accidents, brain aneurysms and gunshot wounds:

a few thousand worldwide deaths

In Israel alone, there has been a 91.7% increase in heart related events affecting 12 - 23 year olds who have been vaccinated:

More info here:

That's not a few thousand, that's more than the amount of people who have died FROM COVID.

The vaccine is literally killing more people than every other vaccine combined over the last 15 years and it's killing more people every three months than the amount of people who die annually from the flu:


Do you have any peer-reviewed evidence that the MRNA vaccines are “killing more people than Covid-19”?



There were so many people dying from the Moderna one that it was banned in various northern European countries:


That’s…. Not what it says at all. It says a certain age group has a slightly higher chance of developing mild myocarditis. Which most people recover from anyway.


That’s…. Not what it says at all. It says a certain age group has a slightly higher chance of developing mild myocarditis.

That's why I linked this that shows the amount of people who died from SAEs related to thrombolytic events:

The study is simply highlighting HOW MANY people are being affected by one particular set of SAEs (myocarditis). The above piece explains how many people are dying from those SAEs. This study also highlights that the vaccines are killing more people than treating them:

Which most people recover from anyway.

Who told you this? You cannot recover from myocarditis. It causes permanent scarring to the heart. Since the heart is an organ that cannot regrow the damage cannot be undone.

Myocarditis permanently cripples cardiac function and eventually leads to early onset heart disease or heart failure. Certain treatments can raise survivability between 60 - 90% over a five year period depending on the patient, but there is no specific treatment for myocardial events. Whoever told you otherwise is blatantly lying or has no idea how cardiological epidemology works.

Please read this:


The first article you linked isn’t peer-reviewed.

The second one was retracted from
publication. You’re going to need better sources than that.

You cannot recover from myocarditis.

Mild myocarditis is entirely recoverable and rarely leaves any permanent damage.
You’re thinking of severe myocarditis.


Mild myocarditis is entirely recoverable and rarely leaves any permanent damage.

The vaccines are inducing scarring of the heart, which is not reparable:

"Following the success in visualizing myocardial scarring in coronary artery disease, LGE has been used to assess myocarditis. Presumably visualizing irreversible myocardial microinjury, the images show regions of increased signal, with a very good agreement between CMR findings and histopathology"

You cannot reverse the damage of myocardial effects once it scars the heart, even -- as pointed out in Friedrich's book -- for micro-injuries.

Heart tissue does not regrow. I'm not sure who told you otherwise.

Also, read the link I posted. There is no specific treatment for those injuries, just a reduction in further damage or procedures to treat the symptomatic disease. Please read page 22:


The first article you linked isn’t peer-reviewed.

Feel free to refute the data points.

The second one was retracted from


You’re going to need better sources than that.

Mainstream media have already curtailed their purporting the effectiveness of the vaccines, and are now saying they are only good for six months:

People who have already taken the vaccine are viable for replication and mutation of variants due to the vaccines compromising the immune system's antibodies:

Studies now show that people who are vaccinated are being infected at higher rates:

Intravenous injection also increases likelihood of messenger travel:

Messenger travel results in toxins spreading throughout your body:

This does result in thrombotic events:

This is why Moderna and other variants of the vaccine have been banned in various regions, and why there has been a 91.7% increase in heart-related SAEs in kids who have been vaccinated, especially males.

People who care about their health would question why studies are being retracted instead of investigated, and why suppression of data related to thrombosis is taking place instead of being investigated, and why there is such a heavy push for Federal approval of a drug for kids that increases thrombotic events in children by nearly 92%.

These are questions that will never receive answers for the people who actually care about their health or the health of others.


Yeah, I asked you to provide peer-reviewed evidence that the vaccine is killing more people than covid. You failed to do so and are now trying to backpedal by extrapolating random information from different sources you can misconstrue into your own warped narrative.

Does your back hurt from moving those goal posts?

I’m going to say again: provide *peer* *reviewed* evidence to support your original assertion. If you can’t, then that’s okay, just man up and say it. But don’t insult everyone’s intelligence by lying through your teeth to try to save face, it’s the sign of a weak and underdeveloped mind.

Because all you’ve shown so far is your own inability to fact check and corroborate what you’re saying matches the evidence you’re providing. I’ve read through multiple source links you’ve posted and they’ve all been faulty or don’t prove what you’re stating. What makes you think I’m going to waste my time reading the others you’ve posted that I didn’t ask for?

Seriously, grow up, and learn a little about the scientific method.


Yeah, I asked you to provide peer-reviewed evidence that the vaccine is killing more people than covid.

It was reviewed and rejected. You asked for a review, not for one that was accepted. That's your fault not mine. Be clearer next time.

Does your back hurt from moving those goal posts?

You don't really know what you're arguing if you read my post.

I’ve read through multiple source links you’ve posted and they’ve all been faulty or don’t prove what you’re stating.

How so?

What's faulty about this information here:

What makes you think I’m going to waste my time reading the others you’ve posted that I didn’t ask for?

Because intelligent people who want to be informed look at all sides, and examine all the data and the facts before arriving at a conclusion. That's fine if you don't consider yourself one.

Seriously, grow up, and learn a little about the scientific method.

Feel free to exercise said method on every fact exposited in every link I provided. I'll wait.


If it was retracted that means it wasn’t fit for publication and there was something wrong with the article. So the problem is really not mine. Like I said, provide peer-reviewed evidence that is reliable.


If it was retracted that means it wasn’t fit for publication and there was something wrong with the article.

Read it. There was nothing wrong.

So the problem is really not mine. Like I said, provide peer-reviewed evidence that is reliable.

The evidence is already in the links.

But then again, you're the type who started off your inquisition with a medical falsehood regarding myocarditis, so I wouldn't expect someone spreading lies to be interested in the facts.

Here's a little something extra so you can get an idea of what the medical costs are treating myocarditis (spoiler alert: it's a permanent state that requires incessant care):


I’m going to explain this for the last time. If an article is retracted from publication, then that means there was something wrong with it, and the publishers removed it for having faulty information. End of. As such, the rest of your sources are highly suspect. You cannot be trusted to be truthful now you’ve been fingered.


If an article is retracted from publication, then that means there was something wrong with it, and the publishers removed it for having faulty information

For the last time: Point out what the problem was. If there's a data error, point to it. If there's a methodology error, explain what it is. If there's a sample discrepancy, explain how. Otherwise I don't care about speculations. They're fruitless and unproductive.

As such, the rest of your sources are highly suspect.

If you aren't going to read them, then I don't care about your opinion regarding information for which you have chosen to purposely stay ignorant.


He has the legal right to say whatever he wants. If you don't like it, don't listen to him.


If he's a hazard to fellow citizens, his legal right is abused and could propose a real threat to society. That might be grounds for charges.
