MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > For white women only!

For white women only!

Why are you into black guys and do you think blacks guys will provide you with social mobility due to their “rank” in society?
Also, mixed children, with Black men, will escalate your social status or do you crave children based on just great sex? A carried away sort of thing ?


So far, has any white woman answered the question?


What the hell does this have to do with George Floyd?

This should be posted in general or maybe politics.

But if you really want an answer, there are youtube videos that dive into this topic.


No, George is the epiphany of black males! A true icon. Loved by Joe Biden and Jennifer A from Friends Fame.


As a woman, I don't have any preference for any race when dating someone, I go entirely by the person and whether we get on. Please refrain from making generalizations like this based solely on women not getting on well with you and opting for poc instead.


Didnt you make this same topic months ago? Why ask the same question again?


I have no personal experience with this.
But here is the "logic" of a white woman I knew who would not date white guys: "It's because when she was little her parents divorced, and she wanted the stability a black man could bring."
Never mind that the father of her child (a black man) never worked a day of his life (at 26) and was a criminal. And was sent to prison then deported.


This story is absolutely believable. 🤥​


Now she complains he never paid any support. I asked how she expected him to and she got pissed off.


i dont know in what fairy land you live in but white woman mostly attracted to white man. porn is just a fantasy. you can go on youtube and see how many times black guys gets rejected

the only black guys who get any are those are like 6 ft 6 and athlethic with model face. but the majority are not like that
