MovieChat Forums > Alex Jones Discussion > Can People Stop Talking About Sandy Hook...

Can People Stop Talking About Sandy Hook...

Which he has backtracked on? And start talking about how this fucking knob is trying to convince everyone that the vaccines have killed 17 million people. That was an article on infowars today. And if you visit the site, his followers eat it right up as truth. What are peoples thoughts on this?


thoughts in no particular order are:
- millions of deluded republicans already think this , evidence on our politics page
- hopefully a vac supplier will sue him , this worry wont stop him given the last go around though.
- Its dangerous misinformation , although not so much now that the sane people are vaxxed giving a herd immunity effect

Given how long he got away with his unfathomably offensive and patently untrue sandy hook bullshit , I cant see anything stopping him in this line of total shitstainery.


The vaccines have killed people and why you're having such a hard time with this is questionable?? Is it because you were dumb enough to cave into this or what??


most likely yes


MAGAits are perpetually stuck in a 2020 doomloop. They Love and Hate that year because it was when they profited off PPP loan fraud and cheap gas thanks to the Pandemic that tRump failed to manage.


Um, gas was far cheaper under Trump and it's true and was on an average $2.25 a gallon and as low as $1.75 at one point


We all know Covid was not an accident and it was used to get Trump out of office knowing he wants to destroy the Deep State.


The so-called “vaccines” did not work.

Things the NIH, CDC, FDA, Fauci, and the Democrat media rectum have lied about regarding big pharma and Covid…

- Covid wasn’t man made
- Covid wasn’t from China
- mRNA isn’t dna modification
- safe
- and effective
- prevents the spread
- lowers symptoms
- Hunter Biden’s laptop was disinformation

Why would anyone with the ability to critically think, believe the groups above who lied about all of these major issues.

Big pharma has paid out 100s of billions in settlements over the years. No industry has paid out more in damages.

The world is full of so-called “conspiracy theorists”. Why is the government, Democrat rectum, and their lemmings, so afraid of Jones? As rectum member, and obvious imbecile, perhaps you could address some of the above points before you disappear forever.


Trump claimed that the covid vaccines worked.

Why are you calling Trump a liar?
