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What will he do when the Revolution comes?

When the Revolution comes and the British working class finally take matters in their own hands to depose the Windsor leeches, do you think Harry and his wife will escape with their heads intact since they've distanced themselves from the royal teat?


British Working Class?

Theyre all on Benefit.


If that revolution ever comes the people will go after the rich in general not just the Royals. He will be screwed.



We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.


Only revolution that's gonna happen to him is when wifey hands him the divorce papers out of the blue, and throws him out on his butt.


Taxpayers pay £1.24 per person per year in the United Kingdom to fund the royal family.

Considering you pay £2.69 for a Big Mac in the UK, I hardly think the public will see the financial burden as a reason for revolution.


Don’t know where you got that figure but I’m guessing it came from the MSM which has the backs of the royals. Given that the palace renovation was estimated at 350M and the UK population is around 66M, that figure for the renovation alone is around 5£ each, more when you subtract the children, etc.

Also, consider the vast amount of taxes they get out of paying. They aren’t required to pay any taxes at all but I believe the queen pays a small amount on her personal income voluntarily as a PR stunt. Collectively they are worth over £100 billion including their palaces, mansions, vast amounts of land that could be enjoyed by the public, the priceless jewels, artifacts, clothing, furs, priceless works of art, china, furniture, tapestries... the list goes on and on and on. That’s probably a vastly underestimated figure. Don’t bother to google it; they notoriously reduce the net worth searches of the rich and famous, aka, fellow club members of the .001%.

Plus, as far as I know, the only thing they “give” in the form of charity is to show up at functions with a huge price tag for the public just to get them from a to b, babysit them and cater to their every luxury whim. They never cough up money.

Even if the amount each taxpayer pays yearly is under £20, imagine the good £1.3B could do to serve people who actually need it for fundamentals like food, healthcare, housing, education, etc?

Their justification for their avarice is the claim that they bring in tourist money. But imagine how that revenue would skyrocket if they turned all the properties into museums filled with the chattel they’ve acquired over the past 1,000 years off the backs of the people. The vast land parcels could be parks. They could make themselves useful as tour guides, explaining how and when such wealth was acquired, and add interesting facts and anecdotes.

They’re bloodsuckers.


What is interesting is the exemption of the queen from inheritance tax, and how property is owned,might%20think%20is%20fair%20enough.,land%20owner%20in%20the%20World.&text=The%20Queen%20continues%20to%20legally,of%20the%20Commonwealth%2C%20and%20Antarctica.

At the same time, her accessible wealth is much less than that of some other royal families:

To me, QEII seems to handle her monarchy much more as a responsibility to her country than some other monarchs do.

Not that I am in favor of monarchies....


Considering that in theory the UK royals own 1/6 of the world's land - there's no doubt they are the richest fuckers in the world - in theory. As for funding - UK is just one country - the rest of the commonwealth have to chip in, too. Canadians, for example, pay more to UK royalty on yearly basis, per person, than the British.

It's not much money on the face of it, but then if everyone gave me just one dollar, I'd have 7 billion dollars in my pocket.


Great points!


Or not. My cursory research indicates that Commonwealth nations don't pay anything to the royal family on a regular basis. They only pay for state visits when the Queen or a representative of the crown comes to their country. Commonwealth subscription dues don't go to the crown, either.
