MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What is it with racists and other zealot...

What is it with racists and other zealots in America?

Desperate and rabidly extreme? Yet black Americans always showcase your country at EVERY Olympics?

Amusing and hypocritical worldwide if not so sad. Far from Christianity (REAL, not fake)


Yeah, we got plenty. They're very clever about hiding their racism under "anti-racist" rhetoric. Kind of like the Democratic "Peoples" Republic of Korea. They're not Democratic, they're not a Republic, and it certainly is governed by the "people".

Hopefully, we can clear out the scum and flip the parties in 2024.


That’s what matters to you guys? Sportsball? A country is more than just its over payed athletes.

The people you call racist are the people that built this country. That’s what burns you the most.


This country was built by slaves and immigrants!


Most of those immigrants were from Europe. Slaves were largely concentrated in the Agrarian South and they never constituted more than 10% of the population.

No this country was largely built by English, Dutch, Swedish, Irish, German, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian and Greek immigrants.


oh god but them mexican and isisian immigrants tho??? send em back!!!


They’re a more recent addition. Until 1965 America was 90% white. I think it’s fair to say the nation was largely built by then...hell we had achieved super power status.


Stop believing what NBC and CNN tell you.


Don't feed it.


Yeah we’re so racist look at our Olympic teams. No other country in the world has as much racial diversity and opportunity as the United States. Great place.


Desperate and rabidly extreme? Yet black Americans always showcase your country at EVERY Olympics?

I see the idea that Trump's presidency was about "hating black people" wasn't ridiculous enough for you.

You also had to tack on the idea that people care about the Olympics...


OP is overtly racist and is projecting way to much racism.

I feel triggerrrredddddd


The fat orange neo-naz1 (and the USA) is a global laughing stock.


True, the world stares in horror at Biden's "success" ;)
