MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > GOP regurgitating cow farts & bulls-hit....

GOP regurgitating cow farts & bulls-hit.


Cows belch, they don't fart. They're also retromingent, but that's too complicated a science term for most GOP science -deniers to understand. (Personal note, I volunteer at a pioneer farm in Florida once a month & I LOVE letting MAGA-hatted people walk behind cows to get their Trumpian showers!)

Ask any 5 Republicans who watch GOP-tv-Fox News about the Green New Deal & they'll all tell you that cow flatulence is a thing that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & the authors of GND seriously talked about curtailing.

What? They DIDN'T?

Then why are Sean & Laura & Tucker & Glenn & Brit all talking about cow farts?

Because fart jokes are high concept conversations in Fox News-viewing households?

Ha Ha! I dare say! Pip, pip & hear, hear!

The GOP talking hairdos on Fox misrepresent the Democrats outline on Climate because they know that the GOP has no real policies about real issues. There is no GOP health care plan. Tariffs aren't going to create jobs, Mexicans aren't invading & they're not paying for a wall across 3000 border miles.

What do Republicans do when they find out that the Green New Deal says NOTHING about cow farts or stopping all air travel? Do they say "Ooops! My bad! Sorry, made a mistake, won't happen again?"

Hell no.

They double down & have a prime time special - sponsored by the My Pillow guy - he'll send all GOPricks a scratch & sniff cow fart pillow FREE! You just pay shipping & handling.





Cow farts are funny because your queen AOC, thinks that because Americans are obsessed with eating meat there is a higher demand for cows, and their farting is destroying the environment. What an embarassment. I don't think the Democrats can survive this new wave of free loading, entitlement, loony toon liberals.


Clear case of AOC Derangement Syndrome.


I admit it, I'd take her to pound town. She's a cutie


Of course you would. You're probably so starved for female contact that you'd walk ten miles to sniff Sarah Huckabee Sanders' underarms if she let you.

The funny thing is AOC's politics are no different than FDR's. But in FDR's time republicans were a lot more sane and willing to listen to progressive ideas. Republicans and especially alt-righties have gone so far off the deep end that they now liken FDR to Karl Marx.

More proof that stupidity has taken over your party. And I say your party because you are the stupidity that has hijacked it.


Lol if AOC was around in FDR's time she would be thrown in jail for being a commie


Whereas if you were around during FDR's time you'd have left the U.S. to go join the Waffen SS.



No. Not even close. Not only was the McCarthy era after that but the witch hunt was against members of the communist party. The communist party still exists today. AOC is not a member.

But like I said your party has become the party of stupid. If you suggest a 70% tax on income made after $10 million annually they liken you to Karl Marx. Karl Marx wouldn't let you see anywhere near $1 million a year.


And the time of greatest economic growth in America was after WWII when income tax could get well over 70% for high incomes. It encouraged reinvestment in the company if someone wanted to avoid paying that high income tax.

Those Greatest Generation Commies!!!!



100% true. Nowadays they label you a commie just by talking about removing loopholes.


AOC wants to put people in camps and shake hands with dictators? Sounds more like Trump.


Funny way of saying detaining criminals and trying to make peace with foreign powers


How is Trump making peace with Putin?


Its funny in 2012 Romeny called Putin and Russia our biggest enemy, Obama and the left laughed at him. Now all of a sudden they have changed their tune and they hack elections etc. You people can never keep your bullshit beliefs straight.


Its funny how 13 minutes ago you said Trump was making peace. I asked you how. Now all of a sudden you're talking about Obama. Your bullshit just doesn't seem to be strong enough to stay on track.

I already know Trump isn't making peace with Putin. I already know Putin is not a problem. So why is Trump shaking his hands with him then?


Trump is making peace with North Korea dipshit. The left is obsessed with Russia, must be the commie connection, want the USA to turn into Soviet Russia


Trump isn't making peace with North Korea. He offered them the same deal as the Iran deal. But since he just broke the Iran deal NK wants nothing to do with this one. Was it Bolton's strategy all along? Is Trump that stupid?

Trump supported Bolton's ousting of Maduro. Then Trump had a phone call with Putin and that changed. Is Trump so stupid on foreign policy that he needs Putin to make decisions for him?

Seriously what the fuck is going on with this president? Why is he so stupid?


Seriously what the fuck is going on with this president? Why is he so stupid?

Trump is showing obvious signs of dementia. He's not going to last much longer. The pressure of running a reelection campaign will be to much for Trump to handle.


Let's take a look at T-rump's financials from the past decade, and then we can discuss why he's shaking hands with Russia and North Korea.


I kept hearing people like you regurgitating QAnon conspiracy BS that Trump is anti-war and anti-DERP state, but he's planning a war with Iran right now.

Also, right after getting into office, he increased drone strikes and removed protections for non-combat zones, but at the same time he was making a big public spectacle of himself in order to distract attention from his warmongering.

Then he did that nuclear button tete-a-tete with North Korea over Twitter, people thought he was heading straight into WWIII in his first year of office.

Trump doesn't know peace. The only pieces he knows are the ones he tries to grab in women's crotches.

You're a joke and you know absolutely nothing.


Ironic, Obama was president during two active full scale wars, but it wasn't a problem then. His drone strikes (most ever for a President) weren't a problem, the policy of separating kids from parents (which he started) wasn't an issue.

He gave Iran 300 billion dollars for no logical reason, its all good according to liberals. The left has been screaming since Trump got elected that he's gonna get us nuke, just more liberal hystericals and bull crap. Trump is working on making peace with North Korea, and he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for doing so


Obama didn't have Bolton in his administration. Trump and Bush did. Only the left complained about Obama's drone strikes. Fox News pretended like they weren't happening so they could call Obama weak on terror and possibly get boots on the ground. Then Trump runs and all of a sudden Obama is a warmonger. And now Bolton is running the show talking about military action in Venezuela and Iran. Fucking stupid.

Obama gave Iran billions of their own money back that we had no access to. And in exchange Iran was following the Iran deal. The same deal Trump begged Kim Jong Un to follow.

So I guess if we had Billions of frozen assets of NK's money and we unfroze it for them and they said yes to the deal... then it would be a bad deal?

You repubs will always be the party of stupid.


Your favorite President is the one who killed the most people.

Maybe if you didn't try to apologize for Obama's wars, especially not by comparing them favorably with "Trump talking about military action", then I wouldn't assume you're a brain-dead mouth piece for the corporate media, who cried when John McCain died and cried when Trump threatened to pull out of Syria. I know you want maximum war because of that. You can never take it back.


Bush killed more people than Obama. Trump's proxy war in Yemen is killing more people than Obama. Bolton frothing at the mouth to start wars in Venezuela and Iran is gearing up Trump to surpass Bush. Bolton also has his eyes on North Korea. Your favorite president is a warmongering puppet.


She wants to ban farting cows too.


Methane release - which is the talking point - comes from cow belches not cow flatulence.

I don't think that you understood the OP, BAElish.

The point is that you GOPricks, once again, are injecting a "loony toon liberal narrative" - which does not exist.

AOC never said any of what you say that she said. Cow FARTS weren't condemned in the Green New Deal. THEY WEREN'T EVEN MENTIONED!

I dare you. FIND the cow fart section in the plan.

But why should facts get in the way of you pushing your bullshit talking points.

Aren't you tired of shoveling all that bullshit?

Face yourself today, BAE. It's okay to admit that you have nothing to offer except a lie about your political opponents. It's an empty, bitter, FALSE life, but once you face it, you can change. What's YOUR plan for combatting superstorms, droughts, famine & the loss of land to rising waters? Nothing?

So you talk about cow farts & imagining fucking a woman WAY out of your league. SAD!


Mayor Bill de Blasio approved an ambitious $14 billion Green New Deal on Monday, April 22, to combat climate change. The plan will cut purchases of red meat by 50 percent in its city-controlled facilities such as hospitals, schools, and correctional facilities. The new commitment builds off of the Meatless Mondays campaign that was adopted by all NYC schools in 2017.

“It is a difficult plan. It is a necessary plan.... Estimates that tell us that we have only 12 years to get it right. Let’s be clear, we have until 2030 to change things fundamentally, or our lives won’t be the same,” de Blasio said at an Earth Day event yesterday.

By 2030, New York City's Green New Deal will reduce greenhouse emissions by 30% while also creating new jobs.


There are methane reducing cow feed products for a reason. Cows output too much methane because they are fed essentially trash on factory farms.

You literally talk out of your ass, thats why you just spew shit constantly.


That "trash" is whole grains, the same stuff they want you to eat.


All animals fart including humans!


GOP = Good Old Propaganda


Do you honestly think there isn't a plan to get rid of meat and make us eat garbage food?


Lol you confuse capitalism for conspiracy
