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While T-rump is trying to erase his racism, Clintons pay heartfelt tribute to Aretha Franklin

WOW - what a difference between two presidents....

Over the past 48 hours while Americans become nauseated over the racist behavior of T-rump as described by former staffer Omarosa in her new book, fans of Aretha Franklin - the Queen of Soul - are praying for her as she's lies 'gravely ill in hospice care', according to numerous news sources.

Former President Bill Clinton tweeted out what only could be described as a classy and heartfelt note about the 76 year old music icon:

"Like people all around the world, Hillary and I are thinking about Aretha Franklin tonight & listening to her music that has been such an important part of our lives the last 50 years. We hope you’ll lift her up by listening and sharing her songs that have meant the most to you."

What a difference between these two Presidents. What a difference.


Did T-rump make a racist comment about Aretha Franklin's passing yet? I'm betting he will...and then walk it back, saying the mainstream media is reporting fake news by quoting him verbatim.


A part of his tribute was that she worked for him. He's such a moron. He read that tribute like someone forced him to do it.


Making a mockery of it is actually even better than if he were to just have ignored this, because that's what it is.


Thrillhouse--the ultimate Tommy Boy movie quote poster!

House, did you live under power lines as a kid or something? Did you ever eat paint chips as a kid?


When Trump tweeted about Franklin's death he made all about him. He's disgusting.


That’s the only way he could refrain from saying something racist? What an idiot.


"She worked for me" Trump has no tact and embarrasses our country daily.


What a surprise that the Clintons cynically exploited a celebrity death better than anyone else, and that the left who pretends not to like or care about Hillary is actually in love with her because of it? You are a bunch of corporate clowns. Drink your Pepsi.


Thrillhouse, continuing to advertise his stupidity to MovieChat today.

Let's point and laugh, everyone!


Wow! Someone learned two new words today on 'FOX & FRIENDS' - 'cynically' and 'exploited'. Then he put them together to make some nonsense so we can all laugh at him.


It's fun watching Trump supporters attempt to sound intelligent. It always backfires because stupid can't be fixed.


The same could be said for when Barbara bush passed: Obama, Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton were as classy as could be and very respectful and heartfelt.

Meanwhile, Tronald Dump, the cheeseburger-eating oaf, wasn't invited because no one wants that disrespectful, narcissistic pigman at the funeral.

For all their faults, Bush, Clinton and Obama all deserve the title of "president". I have called all three of them "president". I have NEVER called Trump "president" and I never well.

He's a nasty, uncouth, egotistical, uncaring, unfeeling, immoral train wreck of a person who cares ONLY for himself and how to better his own ends. He could die tomorrow and I wouldn't feel even the slightest SHRED of sympathy for him. NOTHING.


I guess Trump doesn't have enough body count to join the old boys club. You would have called Stalin master.


It's speaking, everyone! I wonder what would happen if we tried poking it with a stick? :)


Franklin will lie in repose on August 28-29, from 9 am - 9 pm at the Charles H. Wright Museum for African American History.

The funeral for Franklin will be on August 31 at Greater Grace Temple, with just friends and family invited (no doubt, the Obamas and the Clintons).

A concert honoring Franklin, including some of the biggest names in music, is being planned for August 30 (temporary date).

Franklin will be be entombed at Woodlawn Cemetery in Detroit, with the rest of her family who has passed before her.

I wonder how many racist remarks T-rump and his supporters (as well as FOX anchors) can come up with for her funeral?


Isn't it odd how uncouth Trump is? I mean--the man as born with a silver spoon up his a$$ and yet he has a backwoods white trash mentality about everything, loves to eat the most bottom of the barrel food (McDonalds, KFC, etc) over gourmet White House food, has a complete ignorance toward the rest of the world despite having all the money he could ever need to fly around the world and culture himself, has no love for art, literature or travel, etc.

It's just...ODD. I guess his whole family was always like this. You can't buy class, dignity or intellect--you either have them or you don't. I'm a middle class nobody and yet I'm more cultured than this man. I guess it comes down to a DESIRE to culture yourself. Trump doesn't possess that desire.

It'a amazing--he has all the money in the world and acts like a resident of Jerkwater, Missouri Trailer Park.

PS: I'm not saying it's wrong to eat McDonalds or KFC if you're rich--it's just that I'm not even rich and, while I eat at those places on occasion, I much prefer to cook a gourmet style meal and I'm not even rich. He has access to some fo the greatest chefs in the world and he'd rather eat at McDonald's all the time. It's odd.


Your a fucking lair, I remember reading once that you've travelled to your wife's home country a couple of times which probably cost a hefty amount then you just got all that red tape to make her a legal citizen which cost you a few thousand that bitch of yours is really draining your pay check so you must make a decent amount of money to afford your little wifey's up keeping huh?


I'm a lair? That's a new one. How am I a lair? A lair of WHAT, exactly?

As for the rest of your post: yes, it did cost a lot of money. What of it? Oh, that's right-you live in your mother's basement and don't work. :) See, in the real world we adults have to work for money and, if money isn't enough, we either have to get a loan or take on a second job. It's called being an adult. You should seriously look into trying to be an adult sometime. You might gain something from it! :)

Judging by your post, I'm noticing anger, sadness, and envy. See, if you actually got a job and acted like a man you might find a lady of your own, Lady. ;)

PS: And I would spend all that money 100 times over if I was forced to do it again. I would sell all of my possessions if that's what it took, so what of it? Hm? Do you expect me to be ashamed of that?


Are you sure this is not some spurned Glenn Close fantasy obsessed ex of yours dteam? Sure has that feel. 😘




Yes he’s as trashy as they come as you can’t buy class. But his base certainly supports him because he’s like them. They can relate to him. He’s their savior.


That's entirely true. I've actually read Trumper posts in articles where they would say: "He's just like us! He eat McDonald's! I think that's awesome!" and other crap.


The Clintons stole billions of dollars from the people of Haiti.

The president is not a racist no matter how much you post it to the internet.


The Clintons did not steal billions from the people of Haiti no matter how much you post it to the internet.

T-rump is indeed a racist.




Richard Spencer, one of the alt-right's leaders, once claimed in an interview that he's not racist...and then went on to say in that SAME interview that he believes Asians, blacks, hispanic, etc "don't proper integrate into America" and that "they should go to their 'native countries' and live there". He wasn't even just saying this about immigrants--he was saying this about all none-white American citizens. A man claiming not to be racist was saying that anyone who wasn't white couldn't "integrate" into America and that they should "go home". That all non-white Americans should move away from their American home and to the country their ancestors came from. But not whites, of course, oh no--not them. Whites and their European heritage were, of course, exempt from his mass exodus fantasy.

Now, are you going to sit there and tell me that doesn't sound racist? My wife, who is Asian, sure thought it sounded racist as well as SICK.

This same man loves Donald Trump and thousands of Trumpers said in comments for the article about this man that he was "right" about what he said about non-whites in America. The KKK, alt-right, White Supremacists and Neo Nazis all love Trump and all of them have been quoted as saying: "He aligns with our views".

The man who called every non-white third world country a "$hithole" while saying we need more immigrants form countries that were all known to be predominantly white. That doesn't sound racist to you? People have been quoted for DECADES as saying they overhead Trump saying the N-word and other things about races and that doesn't strike you as racist?

And I know what you and/or other apologists would say: "Oh, but he gave pardons to black people!" and "Oh, he has some non-whites on his staff!" and "oh, the Jewish family!" and so forth. I say "So?". Unless you live in the backwoods, you can be a bigot and still hold the company of other races/religions in your presence. Plus, most of those pardons were celebrity-endorsed.


We're not talking about Richard Spencer. Why are you so afraid of that loser?

He didnt say that.

He didnt say the n word either.


*I* am talking about Richard Spencer and I did so with a purpose.

Uh...I'm not afraid of Richard Spencer. What the hell are you talking about?

Also, I'm not surprised in the least that my point flew straight over your head. Tsk tsk tsk.


The Clintons stole billions of dollars from the people of Haiti.

Uh, yeah--care to back that up?


I bet Jeanine Pirro said this so he believes it.


Jeanine Pirro? I don't even know who that is.


Fox News commentator who is batshit crazy.


As soon as I read "Fox News" that pretty much summed it up for me. That's pretty bold claim to make with zero fcking backup. And to think--the Rumpanzees call all news "fake" but INSTANTLY buy into whatever FOX News spews out even with zero sources cited.



Former Judge from NY who has a rather “ checkered past” who is never taken seriously. Pushes fascist propaganda.


I don't watch fox, try again sheep.


Doesn't surprise me that you're ashamed to admit to it - many FOX viewers are in denial.


I cut the cord in 2008. Only idiots watch TV.


If Omarosa had anything concrete, it would be broadcast all over the news and TV. We'd be hearing him say the "N" word over and over millions of times until we wanted to vomit.

All Omarosa has is a bad case of sour grapes and a vivid imagination. She is merely the flavor of the week for the anti-Trumpers. Soon she will join Stormy Daniels and the others on the trash-heap of obscure failed Liberal dreams.


"If Omarosa had anything concrete, it would be broadcast all over the news and TV. We'd be hearing him say the "N" word over and over millions of times until we wanted to vomit."

It IS being broadcast all over the news and TV - except on State TV (aka "FOX"). So pick up that remote and change the channel - and see what you've been missing (hint - 'reality').

"All Omarosa has is a bad case of sour grapes and a vivid imagination."

Whom T-rump hand-picked as 'one of his best people' to work in the Oval Office, and appoint to a high-level WH staff position which paid $180,000. He sure can pick'em, eh?

"She is merely the flavor of the week for the anti-Trumpers. Soon she will join Stormy Daniels and the others on the trash-heap of obscure failed Liberal dreams."

LOL! He then wanted her to join his 're-election campaign' (after Kelly fired her) for $15,000 a month. I guess these positions required 'sour grapes' and a 'vivid imagination'?

Try again Sweetie - your making Giuliani look brilliant.


Where's the link to the recording of Trump saying the word "N----r? It's all just hearsay.


Be patient sweetie - good things come to those who wait.

Remember when everyone was in denial abuot her claim that she was offered $15,000 a month by Lara T-rump to shut up and join his re-election campaign...including Lara T-rump?

Then Omarosa pressed "play" on her iPhone, and whoops! There's Lara offering her $15,000 a month to shut up and join the campaign....

And Lara T-rump got a little upset for being found out. Awwww.....
