MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why don’t Liberals just ignore Trump?

Why don’t Liberals just ignore Trump?

They would live happier lives if they just stop watching the News and focus on enjoying life.

I didn’t care for Obama or his policies, but I didn’t freak out and let it dictate my every waking thought.

Long story short, politics don’t really matter and anyone who tells you otherwise is a con man.


Simple. They clearly possess a genetic inadacuacy that prevents them from conducting independent thought or action.

The core of every one of their beliefs/causes is victimization. Ie the inability to take action to make something or prevent something from happening. They must blame someone else for everything. They indignantly oppose individual responsibility and always have.

Could a liberal ignore Trump? Technically yes. But that’s not the liberal way. They must not ignore Trump and thus blame Trump for not being able to ignore him. The liberal demokkkrat media partakes in this inaction on a daily basis. And because Trump understands their complete inadacuacy, he owns them.

It’s like Kanye said, “400 years? That’s a choice”.


The core of every one of their beliefs/causes is victimization. Ie the inability to take action to make something or prevent something from happening.
Is that why you call black people incapable?


Your insane BS could be used to explain why conservatives couldn't ignore Obama and had to oppose him and complain about him constantly for 8 years but that would be inconvenient for your hateful rhetoric.

I like your tale of genetic predisposition, basically a nice subtle racist dog whistle... then you have a less subtle racist comment there at the end.

You're a disgrace, and you're a coward.


" inadacuacy"? Great start to a typical frothing-at-the-mouth indictment on others while exhibiting the behavior you seem to despise. Then repeating "inadacuacy." He owns inadacuacy? Yeah, I guess so.
And quoting Kanye? That's hitting a new low, even for you.


You're 100% correct. People overestimate the power of the presidency. The checks and balances on his power not only make it hard to do bad things but also good things. It's only ever incremental change in a 1-2 term presidency that his little to no effect on your actual daily life.


Why dont you just ignore liberals?
