
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch confirm Palestinians are constantly persecuted / illegally occupied / inhumanly oppressed / subjugated under apartheid to systematic dispossession, physical separation and racist discrimination by the state of Israel. White phosphorus munitions used on civilians, Shoot to paralyse policy, murder, torture, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment. Forcible transfer and expropriation of property the Israeli state passed laws to formally confiscate the refugees' property in a mass land grab. Across the occupied West Bank, Israel has imposed a matrix of checkpoints, blockades, Israeli-only roads, and the apartheid wall, which prevent Palestinians from exercising their freedom of movement. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip - under land, air, and sea blockade. Israel holds thousands of Palestinians as political prisoners, hundreds of whom are held in administrative detention, a form of arbitrary detention by which they are held indefinitely without charge or trial. Palestinian detainees, including children, regularly face ill- treatment and torture. Palestinians outspoken against apartheid are systematically targeted by the Israeli government. Palestinian civil society organisations face disinformation campaigns, raids on their offices, arrest of key staff, and banning of human rights and civil associations. Human rights defenders are often subjected to surveillance, including the use of spyware on phones and computers, and coercive control through withholding of medical care or harassment of family members.


All of which has what the fuck to do with Sarah Silverman?


Sarah Silverman jokes about killing Jesus. She is from the synagogue of satan.


I think you were hanging out in the Mosque Of Satan wishing there were some cute Jewish girls there instead of the beaten up Islamic hags that you guys abuse, beat up and kill.


"Cute Jewish girls"


cannot say a girl "cute" when they want genocide


I hope Israel eradicates every single one of those hamas terrorist murdering rapist bastards, and fuck the palestinian people who voted the bastards into power. Fuck them all, and I hope that Israel razes gaza to the ground, and pounds the shithole into dust.




They already did that months ago.
