Old commie bozo

Bernie is a waste of space


He's a nice guy, but damn, his policies are so far out in la la land. He might be certifiably insane.

He and his minions of worshippers are frightening. This old socialist has a ton of support from college age hippies and millenials that have never had a job and want everything for free. It's scary.


Like building a war and expecting Mexico to pay for it, or funding a crime-fighting space force...

...oh, whoops. That's someone else...


the space force about to be dope dude. shiieeeet i might have to enlist. i always wanted to be a rocket pilot shootin bozos in lower earth orbit and whatnot


Didn't vote for Donald Trump. Nice generalization though. He's got a hell of a lot of problems, but he still doesn't scare me as much as someone who wants to completely gut the American Dream. That's old man Bernie.


Just goes to show how far down the hole our country has gone. CEO's were making about 50 to 1 compared to workers decades ago. Now they're making 300 to 1. Now anyone suggesting it goes back to 50 to 1 is "crazy" and wants to kill the American dream. Wall Street has too many voters like you brainwashed.


I guess you want an America more like Cuba or Venezuela, huh? (rolling my eyes). If America is as bad as you claim, why do millions from around the world keep pouring into our nation, illegally and legally? Why don't you move to one of these sh**hole countries that you think is so great, like Haiti?


The Venezuela boogieman doesn't work any more. It never worked to begin with except for donors to get republican voters to vote against their own interest. There's no argument you can make that public college and healthcare will turn our economy into Venezuela's. In fact I would even argue its un-American to suggest our economy is so fragile.


It's Un-American to have everyone else pay for shit that YOU want!

You just had 12 years of free school. As an adult, YOU make the choice to go to college, YOU make choice to choose a major that will reward you with good employment, and YOU accept the responsibility to pay back the loans that YOU agreed to take on.

It's called personal responsibility dickwad. You want everyone else to pay your bills because you took Liberal Arts as a major in college, then blame the evil corporations because you can't get a job. Our country is in deep shit with all of these young socialists out there. It is truly scary how little college age people value personal responsibility and hard work. Go out and earn it. Nah, we want people who earned success to pay for all of us. What a joke.


Public school isn't about you getting something for free. This is your problem. You don't understand the drain on society that would exist if public school did not exist. Millennials are struggling with student loans more than previous generations because the opportunities to pay them just aren't there. As usual the conservative argument is to just ignore it and offer no solutions other than to pull yourself up by the bootstraps as the pay ratio between CEOs to worker continues to skyrocket. Personal responsibility? Yeah go exercise that personal responsibility by creating a lobby for the working guy to counter Wall Street's lobby on the government to rig the rules in their favor. Good luck with that one.


You didn't read anything I wrote.

You're not worth talking to.

YES! PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! An important quality. If you can't pay back your loans, maybe you shouldn't have taken them out.

I'm happy to pay taxes for K-12. After that it's time to be a grown up. If you don't like it here, move somewhere where there isn't any responsibility and everything in life is split down the middle regardless of work ethic, smarts, or motivation.

Life isn't fair, it sucks, but that's the way it goes. Work hard, rise above it. Being mad at rich people for not paying your bills is pathetic.


Loans are going to be paid back less and less as opportunities become reduced. Its just basic math. You keep talking about personal responsibility as if everything has remained the same for the last three decades. Year after year a higher percentage of the work force is working for minimum wage than it was before. I agree public college is just a band-aid rather than a real fix but the real fix is to bring crony capitalism down to where it isn't rigging the rules as much against the working class.

The smart people of this country understand our economy is a hybrid mix of socialism and capitalism. But right now the crony capitalists are running the show by paying politicians to rig the rules for the already wealthy. Anyone attempting to peel that back is going to be labeled a socialist. Thats fine. Rally your base over a pretend boogieman. Fight to protect the crony capitalists. You do it as hard as you can. Enjoy it while it lasts because... $6 million in one day speaks for itself. While the other side is busy tripping over itself trying to build a stupid wall.


Rally my base? I don't have a base. I despise both political parties. I'm not a millionaire. I just have my principles.

If you love socialism so much, there are plenty of countries to move to.

I'm done arguing for people who want everyone else's paychecks to pay for their "free stuff."

You'll probably win, enough morons are lazy and naive to think old man Bernie and that dipshit AOC are any different than any other politicians. Hey, maybe Bernie will give you one of his three mansions the democrats bought him after last election. Spread the wealth Bernie.


I notice you never bring up Finland or Norway.


You never bring up Mexico or Guatemala, racist.


"That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin.

P.s. The American Dream has been dead for a long long time.


Like building a war and expecting Mexico to pay for it, or funding a crime-fighting space force...

Unlike the absurd anti-cow farting, anti-plane travel Green New Deal, the Space Force is doable and will be implemented.

As far as the wall goes, it's getting DONE as we speak, with or without Pelosi's blessing. That's because Trump's a DOER even if his original funding plan doesn't pan out. Besides, the idea of Mexico paying for it is still plausible in part, like taxing the money illegal aliens send South or scarfing up El Chapo's corrupt lucre.

Remember Malko: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" (rolling my eyes).


Well you gave me a laugh at least.


Yeah i love people who think walls are going people out. El Chapo has tons of Tunnels Criss Crossing the border. He also used boats and submarines to import drugs into the U.S.. You really think a fucking wall going stop that. As for immigration, have you ever heard of fucking airplanes, boat, ladder and rope. If the Great Wall of China couldn't keep the Mongolian out. Then a wall is sure as hell not going keep the Mexicans out.


its better than no wall. the tunnels are expensive and only used for drugs not mass immigration. the wall wont stop illegal immigration but it will slow down the numbers thats for sure


Shocking newsflash for you dummies that thought Mexico was going to write a check, our open border costs us billions of dollars a year. A secure wall prevents much of that. Hence, Mexico pays for the wall (and more).
